Author Topic: The computer keeps turning on, then off, then on, then off, then on, ect....  (Read 7404 times)

Offline putin

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If he's asking people how to fix a minor problem, doubt he can i'm an idiot for assuming things. My dad is a FAMOUSE hacker sense he was 14 years old(He's 45 now) and he can't i'm an idiot for assuming things... I think. He knows what it means. I dunno, I'll ask him. His name is Friggenbozo as far as the internet knows. Don't even think i'm an idiot for assuming things existed back then. He mostly only hacked trolls on Outlook Express in his day.

One, this is not on topic.  Two, who cares.  Three, why the fuck do I doubt you so much?

On TOPIC.  Did the new motherboard help? And did you bother dusting the WHOLE rig?
I accually used a vaccum to extract dust. I finally figured out it is my motherboard or CPU. I ordered both from Newegg so I will first replace my motherboard. If that ain't work then I will open my CPU box and use the CPU. If you don't open a shipped box you don't have to pay for return shipping and you get a full refund with no restocking fees.

 Also, if this doesn't work i'm going to get my famous hacker daddy to i'm an idiot for assuming things everyone with Outlook Express.

Wow. You got that from me. I said that. My dad IS a famous hacker. But I never said he can i'm an idiot for assuming things. Stop mocking me like hes not.
noz i accualyl haz famus haker dad for ddosin n stuff

Offline JoshB

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Recently my PC has been doing this too, my screen will go into power saving mode even when my PC is still running and playing gmod.
This happens to me too.
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follow in order, if does not work
check mobo BIOS (or uefi if you have a new mobo...)
check heatsinks and fan
check power
check newegg

thoguh i assume its working now, since you were rdming as cop half the day in ocrp
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\\r\\nWe live in the explosion of a bomb that has not yet finished exploding. You and everything you love are debris. Have a good day ^_^\\\'\\\'\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: Who is talking?\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: They sound hot\\r\\nJiggerFrizz: The background\\r\\nDegtyarev: They are 11 :l


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