Okay, just wanted to make sure about it Karma, it's funny though, ever since my "admin shadowing" (If I have to tell another person what it means to admin shadow I swear I'm going to hit my head) began, people have actually been RPing well on OCRP (shocking to me) and I've only been to 2 situations where I got to be the admin, the second time however was a failure since Jiggerfrizz disconnected due to (No Steam Logon. So I've really only been the admin in one issue, I find it to be a great experience being the admin on Gmod, not at all like it is in ZPS (Zombie Panic! Source) which I was essentially the co-owner of the server (even though i never payed a cent on it, but I was very good buddies with the owner which usually abused his power and I would never abuse) (This is a true post and if LoNeDeStRoYeR was ever on the server he could tell you, but I think he only played once and that was a LONG time ago, about 3 years or so if I ever played with him and his old steam name being Pvt. Ryan or something like that) (This is not to purposely forward my admin experience or to say that I'd be a perfect choice for admin, it's just to give my background of admining and that I've never admined on a Gmod server).
EDIT: locking this as to how it might just spam up the post amount anyone has.