Author Topic: Ask Nikolai Anything  (Read 13910 times)

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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2012, 08:13:34 PM »
Hello Nikolai

Do you hate dumb questions? Ye? Good:

What do you think of me?

What do you think of CG in general?

What do you think of CG's adminge team?

Whos yer favorite adminge?

Are you looking forwards for OCRP2?

How's life?

Ask me shit as well k?

Hurr bye durrp.
You're a cool guy, an experienced administrator, and I love your sexy accent.

I think we've got a hiccup but we're getting there.

The administration team seems to have sifted out the rotten lemons, so to speak.


That depends entirely on the end product. I won't be counting my chickens before they hatch.

Life's good, as the cliche goes.

We'll see.

Are you a flamer or one of those cool gay guys who isn't like 'Oh god I hear them loud and proud here they come screaming like intoxicated banshee' gay guys?
Do I have gay pride and like rainbows and shit? Fuck yea. Am I loud, annoying, and unbearably flamboyant? No.
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Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2012, 12:28:36 PM »
What do you think of politics?

When did you come out to being homosexual?(if it's too personal, don't answer mane)

Why are you an administrator?

Do you know the philosphy for human life?

What is your opinion of government in general?

What is your opinion of me?

Do you know Frolie in real life?

How many memebers in CG are homosexual that you know? (so far I counted three)

Why are you such a good admin?

Add me on steam? I need to talk to you about HL2RP :D

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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2012, 06:41:08 PM »
What do you think of politics?

When did you come out to being homosexual?(if it's too personal, don't answer mane)

Why are you an administrator?

Do you know the philosphy for human life?

What is your opinion of government in general?

What is your opinion of me?

Do you know Frolie in real life?

How many memebers in CG are homosexual that you know? (so far I counted three)

Why are you such a good admin?

Add me on steam? I need to talk to you about HL2RP :D

Mark Twain once said, "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself." I am not entirely sure what you mean by your question, but if you're asking how I feel about this game we play as humans, and the ideological grouping we let boldly define us, I think it's stupid.

If you're asking when I figured out, well...hmm..let's see. I went through a bicurious stage when I was 11/12, a little after I had hit puberty, but things went back to "normal" or into denial, rather. Back in February of this year (or last year, depending on where you are right now) I started figuring stuff out, and came out to my friend Michael. I was 13 then. Gradually, I started coming out to more and more friends, and eventually I just decided to come out on Facebook. By the start of this school year, I was pretty much out to everyone in my grade, and anyone I knew in grades above. It was, interestingly enough, Election Day (Nov. 6th) that I came out to my mom; was 14 then. I'm not sure who my dad found out from, but my mom swears she didn't tell him, and considering they're not even on speaking terms, I'm inclined to believe her.

I am an administrator because I have a voice. I can't remember why I became an administrator here, originally, nearly a year and three quarters ago. I remain an administrator now because too often if you have an opinion here, it is only heard if you are an administrator. Thus, I stay.

Different people will always have different philosophies for life, but, despite my aggressive Hitchesque antitheism, I'm quite fond of Matthew 7:1, which in the King James Version is "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

I believe government is a necessary evil, and sometimes proves to be a rewarding asset. However, people's ignorance about government is astounding. As Winston Churchill once said, though I'm paraphrasing, "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." Not to mention that, here in America, we have 535 people in Washington, D.C., ruling over 315,000,000, which to me isn't quite different than a king, some several hundred in the House of Lords, and 660 in the House of Commons ruling over 2,400,000, as it was in 1775.

Though you have your sometimes funny, often not, trolling moments, you appear to be rather intelligent, and it's great to have you here.

I don't know him in real life, and that's why we're pretty casual.

Five, myself included.

I'm going to arrogantly ascend to the nature of this question, and answer simply: Experience.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 06:45:34 PM by Ricky »
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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2012, 10:46:51 PM »
Do you believe emotional and physical trauma can irreversibly alter the personality of some one?

^,,^ <-- do you like my bat

Ever done drugs/gotten drunk?

Ever arrested / chased by police?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 04:09:08 AM by [38e]Renegade Awesome »

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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2012, 10:56:02 PM »
Do you believe emotional and physical trauma can irreversibly alter the personality of some one?

^,,^ <-- do you like my bat

Can you decipher the code?

537 bought 4.20 pounds of nutmeg at the market.

if so, you are incredibly smart, if not, then your lvl of smarts is judged by below

(no google)

What was the battle of Atium, whom were the belligerents, and who won?

if you do not know, it doesn't matter.
As this is my thread, I kindly request that you ask no further questions in here, and I refuse to answer any of your questions because, as you know, I refuse to talk to you, and I refuse to talk or acknowledge anyone who willingly and knowingly attempts to smear my name and status here.
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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2012, 11:07:10 PM »
Don't usually reply to any of these threads but after getting to know you a bit more,

what's your opinion marijuana?

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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2013, 12:03:41 AM »
Don't usually reply to any of these threads but after getting to know you a bit more,

what's your opinion marijuana?
Living in a state, that is Connecticut, with legalized same-sex marriage, strict gun laws, and legalized medical marijuana, as it were, has made me into a liberal, a socialist, and in many respects a Marxist. Thus, my opinion is rather simple, open-minded, and clear. Personally, I do not have any intent of using marijuana for recreation, but if you want to, more power to you.
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Offline [LP]GMK-MRL

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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2013, 12:29:40 PM »
As a drug dealer/heavy arms dealer, am I automatically a bad person? (Taking a tally, please answer with all of your thought)

Do you know the definition of insanity?

If you'll look in Table Talk you'll notice that I put a code up there in Frolie's post that I follow. Do you believe in it?

Are you saying the only way anyone's ideas can be incorperated is by being an admin? (If so, that's knowingly reasonable, but ethically unfair.)

Do you believe if I were to put out any ideas, it would get noticed?

Are you a philosphical thinker, or a logical thinker?

Do you think i'm a bad person in general? (I don't know if i'm being trolled, but ppl have been steam messaging me about how Drug Dealing is legal terms I agree, but in moral standards, I slightly disagree.)

Are you an anarchist when it comes to oppresive government?

You still haven't added me on steam sir, you're destroying my feels. Please add me soon?

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Re: Ask Nikolai Anything
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2013, 01:12:45 PM »
As a drug dealer/heavy arms dealer, am I automatically a bad person? (Taking a tally, please answer with all of your thought)

Do you know the definition of insanity?

If you'll look in Table Talk you'll notice that I put a code up there in Frolie's post that I follow. Do you believe in it?

Are you saying the only way anyone's ideas can be incorperated is by being an admin? (If so, that's knowingly reasonable, but ethically unfair.)

Do you believe if I were to put out any ideas, it would get noticed?

Are you a philosphical thinker, or a logical thinker?

Do you think i'm a bad person in general? (I don't know if i'm being trolled, but ppl have been steam messaging me about how Drug Dealing is legal terms I agree, but in moral standards, I slightly disagree.)

Are you an anarchist when it comes to oppresive government?

You still haven't added me on steam sir, you're destroying my feels. Please add me soon?

No. One's occupation doesn't define them; their ideas do.

As I recall, the definition of insanity is the repetition of something, expecting different results.

I would be inclined to believe in the ideas behind it, but I kind of laugh at the fact that it's actually the Sith code from Star Wars.

Of course it's ethically unfair, but it is true that unless you are an administrator, an experienced CG member, or both, you have no say, usually.

I think you've built yourself quite the reputation, and could very well be influential.

I would probably say some of both, but I am definitely more of a logical thinker than a philosophical thinker.

In general? No. And I would say that from a moral standpoint, that would depend on the drugs. If you're selling marijuana to people who can benefit from it (ie. the whole of society) then that is morally acceptable and commendable.

I am probably too ignorant of political ideologies, and too ignorant of adult society from youth to really have a firm political standing. However, I agree far more with anarchist proposals than their polar opposites. I actually, quite ironically, discovered this while watching Glenn Beck. He essentially says that the concept of Left and Right is garbage, and that your political ideology really, or at least ought to, depends on how much freedom you want over how much security you want. With that, I simply quote Thomas Jefferson: "He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both." But, Jefferson was being broad. There has to be somewhere where you draw the line. With that quote, one could argue that heavy machine guns should be legal. Imagine the kind of massacres that would happen if that were true, in a country where 35 people are killed every single day by guns. I might be an anarcho-syndicalist, but I'm not really mature enough to, you know, make up my mind.

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