Author Topic: <::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-EU.350's Video Log ||::>  (Read 2072 times)

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<::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-EU.350's Video Log ||::>
« on: September 03, 2012, 03:14:28 AM »
UNIT: 350

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New Log Opened: 350Log1

As the log flickers to life, you see a unit before you.  His facemask is somewhere off-screen.  He has pale skin with green eyes.  All hair appears to be absent from his head.  As he begins to speak, one would notice a subtle French-Swiss accent.

"I still do not understand why I decided to make a video log.  This is something expected of a sentimental recruit."  350 waves his right hand dismissal.  "Whatever, I needed to get some things off of my mind.  Augmented as I am, my mental health is a fickle bitch that I must unfortunately appease from time to time."  He takes a deep breath, letting out a slow sigh.  "Let us get this over with."

350 leans forward, leaning on the table in front of him and clasping his hands together.  "First off, I wish to talk about these new batches of recruits that have been flooding in of late.  One has to wonder what goes through their minds as they put on their facemask for the first time.  Do they truly understand what they signed up for?  I know I did.  I joined for the science, to aid the Union towards their ultimate goal of enlightening the human race.  These new recruits, however, probably joined just to get a full meal."  The right end of 350's lips smirks upwards, a grunt escaping his mouth.  "How pathetic, be that true.  While there have been some exceptions, I feel little respect for any recruit.  After all, idiot recruits come from idiot citizens."

"Ah yes, the citizens.  Most of them were always idiots, but it seems that more and more pop up every day.  Malcompliant is too strong a word for these citizens.  I prefer..."350 begins waves his right hand in circles in the air, attempting to think of the correct word"...moronic.  I have found that there are three types of citizens.  The Alpha type are the "mature" citizens of the group.  They intrigue me.  In fact, I am rather curious as to how their minds work.  I engaged in conversation with an Alpha at one point, and was immediately engaged in a battle of wits that I can only describe as pleasurable.  Unfortunately, not everyone is an Alpha.  The Betas are the first type of moron.  I do not know the quantities of mind altering chemicals that the Union is flooding their water supply with, but the Betas have drunk enough.  Every time I walk outside, I am accosted by Betas begging for loyalist points.  It makes me want to reach out and snap each and every one of their dystrophied necks, but that would be counter productive.  The Union needs new recruits, and the Betas are our largest pool."  350 sighs again. "Unfortunately."

"The Gammas are the worst of the lot.  Instead of extreme loyalty, these citizens are borderline 10-103M.  You tell them to get on the wall and they instinctively run away.  The good news is I no longer have to do paperwork.  The bad news is, we have another DB to clean up and our Civil Administration whines about how we are making their job harder."  350 raises his voice, becoming enraged.  I do not give a fuck about a citizen in a shitty suit!  Just because they wear a suit, they think they are entitled to a better meal!?"  He lowers his voice, conscious of possible units in ear-shot.  "They do not deserve my respect.  Let the recruits gawk at their feet, I bow to no citizen."

"Higher units, however, are a different matter.  There are no High Command units I disrespect, but I have the most respect for units 03109 and 270.  I have seen them work, and they take my breath away when ever they enter the room.  Upon sight, recruits and lower units cower, whimper, and take alternate routes to their destinations.  Those who do not, receive cruel and unusual punishments that I would never think of.  One recruit I treated had his testicles smashed by a groin kick from the Commander, and another was shot point blank with a 357 round to the knee for incompetence.  We need more units like that in the CCA, and I look up to them as my role models, the same way a recruit should look up to me as a role model."

"I remember the other day, 03109 approached me, and I suggested ripping this malcompliant's brains out through his remaining eye socket, as he was a cyclops.  The Commander denied my suggestion, claiming it was too messy, and suggested a cleaner one:  Using one citizen as a bat and the other as the ball."  Again with the smirk.  "I consider that a complement."

The euphoric smirk eventually fades from 350's face as he reaches off screen and reapplies his facemask.  His unaltered voice is replaced by the mask's vocoder. " There.  My conscience is sated.  Now, if you do not mind, I will patrolling.  Who knows, I might meet an Alpha this shift."

The screen flickers off, ending the recording.

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Offline Hazard Time

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-EU.350's Video Log ||::>
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 01:57:51 AM »
UNIT: 350

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New Log Opened: 350Log2

<::|| As the audio log begins, we once again see 350 without his facemask on.  This time, he has a jar of supplements to his left, next to his hand.

  Work was starting to get slow, so I thought I would make another one of these.  There is also a thought that has been bugging me that I need to get out of my mind.  He reaches over to his left, grabbing the jar and twisting off the top.  The other day, I was with a group of NOVA units lead by the division leader when Commander 152 called me to the Civil Administration office.  At first I thought it was a loyalty test, seeing as UED had been done away with.  But then, 938 stopped, and turned to me.  He leaned in close and told me that this was not a standard loyalty check, as I had thought, but was in fact an investigation into the donation clinic 938 ran.

  Reaches up to his chest, opening up a pouch in the center of his sternum.  As it opens, you see what looks like the covered opening to a tube.  I remember that clinic.  We invited a group of citizens into the nexus to donate blood and organs for loyalist points.  One female, Emma Gills, I believe her name was, was one of the participants.  Pauses to take the cover off the tube.  As he does so, a barely audible pumping sound can be heard.  350 reaches into the jar and pulls out a handfull of supplements, stuffing them into the hole.  A low drone becomes audible as 350 covers the tube up, resealing the pouch.  Yes, Emma Gills...938 took a real interest in her.  She told him she was willing to donate a kidney and some blood, but 938 wanted more.  So, when her turn came, I aided 938 in drawing blood and removing her kidney.  938 kept to his word, though, and on his way out, he took her gallbladder and reproductive system. 

  350 smirks a little at the memory.  Even as I think about it, it is funny to me how someone would mourn the loss of those organs.  The bodily tissue would serve our research and development division very well.  I do not remember this, but 938 told me not to give her points for those extra "donations", and I did not.  However, I did make a note in her datafile about it.  350 shudders, and he looks at the table for a few seconds, as if to clear his head.  I remember making terrible mistakes before.  This one was near the top.

  Anyways, back to the present.  938 then instructed me to tell the Commander I knew nothing.  350 shrugs.  I understood the danger, lying to the face of a Commander?  In hindsight, my fellow units told me that 938 may have felt what can only be described as guilt as I walked off to meet the Commander.  I will admit, I had half a mind to betray his direct orders and tell the Commander, a superior unit, everything.  I kept my word.

  When I entered the Civil Administration office, the Commander was waiting for me.  The mere sight of him sent me into a mild terror.  I was able to keep it underneath my mask, at least.  He asked me if I knew a female named Emma Gills.  Of course I did, but I instead told him I do not recognize her name.  I then watched as he took out his datapad and showed me her datapage.  Including the mark I had made.  As much as I hate exaggerated thought, I must say that my heart seemed to stop beating, and my blood turned to ice.  My fear seeped, no, flooded out my mask, and I began to stammer, a weakness that thankfully has only been witnessed by few.  Remembering my contract with 938, I knew what I had to do.  Elite Units were easily replaceable.  Good Division Leaders were not.  I immediately took the blame for it.  As soon as I spoke that lie, I felt a sharp pain through my skull.  It was like a knife had been stabbed though it, and the more I tried to lie for 938, the more pain it caused.  I knew then that my loyalty killswitch had been tripped, and I could not continue to lie to the Commander, who knew what was happening.  I told him everything.  I told him about how 938 had ordered me to carry out the operation, and how he had removed her organs without her consent.  The Commander then called 938 to the office, as I lay gasping on the floor like a beat recruit.  When 938 finally arrived, he did what I could not, and stood up to the Commander.  He told him everything, and the commander let him and I go.  As the elevator came down, I expected a demotion, or a bullet to the brain for my incompetence.  Instead, 938 seemed more obsessed with his success than with my failure.  As I walked back to the stasis room, a new thought occurred to me, one that I should have thought of long ago:  Why did 152 care so much about this citizen?  Since when did citizens count in his eyes?  Why would he even care that a citizen had been mistreated?  Frankly, I cannot begin to fathom 152's reasoning.  All I can say is that I wish never to see him again. 

350 reaches off screen and grabs his facemask, hooking it in place as he tosses the empty jar in a trash receptacle.  Wordlessly, he shuts off the video feed, obviously shaken.    ||::>

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-EU.350's Video Log ||::>
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 03:16:20 AM »
Really enjoying these, not as generic as a lot of the other ones. Keep it up.

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Re: <::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-EU.350's Video Log ||::>
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 04:57:53 AM »
Very interesting, especially the recent one. I like your style, very good at putting across 350's emotion despite him being EU, you still manage to show us a char we as readers can get behind; a difficult task considering most HC units are devoid of any emotion unfortunately.

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