Author Topic: Henry 'Father' Richardson's Authorization Application  (Read 2635 times)

Offline Lone Wanderer <??"?

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Henry 'Father' Richardson's Authorization Application
« on: August 31, 2012, 12:52:21 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Lone Wanderer.
Age: 16.
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): ~Five years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: ~Two and a half years.

Character Section

*Worn copy of New American Revised bible.
*Degree in Catholic philosophy and theology/biblical research.
*Former member of the Roman Catholic Church (Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon).

Name: Henry 'Father' Richardson
Age: Fourty-nine.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
     The world around him was filled with sin and the horror of war. Suffering followed in the wake of every remaining soul that lived upon the Earth, sorrow and anger boiling inside each and everyone of them. How did a race of such division, a group of begins who spread war, peace, hate, love, come to this? How was it they all shared the same suffering, the same strike mark of a familiar baton? Was this some message from God? Was this some kind of punishment, or just a sick game?

     Henry Richardson was born just outside Portland, Oregon of the United States on September 24th, 1968. His parents, Alexander and Emily Richardson, were devout Catholics just like everyone else throughout the Richardson clan. All their family friends were Catholic, all their neighbors were Catholic. It was really, truly, the center of his soon to be life. This 'God' was soon to be a major aspect of his life. Baptised and only two weeks old, Henry was already beginning his life as a dedicated member of the Church.

     Henry grew up, like every other child does at some point in their life. He attended mass on Sunday with his family, went to Sunday schooling, and got dragged along to Confession every single Saturday with the rest of his family to confess the new sins he'd decided to commit that week. It was all so boring to him, all so generic. "It's just a stupid, boring and bland religion" he'd say to himself. Nothing he needed to get all worked up and involved with. Why spend time developing something he clearly wasn't entertained with?  He almost died twice a week from boredom because of it!

     Middle school passed. High school passed. Still, he wondered why would he ever consider getting involved in something like that. He could do cool things with his life, such as join the military, or become a buisnessman and make tons of money to spend on some hot white wife. The thought of becoming a priest was never a logical thought in his mind, and it was only some joke he'd come across every now and then. His friends and peers agreed with him. Why waste life being a boring old fart who plants his face in the Bible everyday on end? Seemed stupid. Then it hit him, literally. Henry was seventeen. It was September 23rd, the day before his birthday. He was so exicted, and was walking home from school one day. He was walking along the normal route to school, and for some strange reason, the thought of being a priest decided to show up in his head once again. Why couldn't it just leave him alone! It continued to creep it's way in, pushing harder and harder until he finally decided to simply stop and think. Unfortunately, he picked the worst possible place to do so. Smack on the corner of a sharp turn, barely into the crosswalk. As he was 'deep in thought', a car sped around the corner, striking him dead on. Blackness...

     Henry awoke in the local hospital, heavily bruised and banged up. He had a few broken bones, some major bruising and had suffered from a minor concussion. "You're lucky to be alive, son" the doctor claimed. "That hit should have killed you". Then, it hit him. Something had saved him. Something allowed him to live that day. It wasn't just luck, he felt, that allowed him to survive. It was that God figure he'd always learned about. He recalled his thoughts before the indicent, and decided firmly what he was to do with his life right then and there. He would become a priest for the Catholic Church. He studied the Scripture hardcore, attended every religious event he possibly could. Come graduation of highschool, he immediately went to the bishop and spoke his vocations and beliefs.

     He quickly went along the process of becoming a full member of the priesthood, being sent off to achieve degrees in Catholic philosophy and theology. Over the time period of attending these classes, retreats, and decernment periods, he was exposed to more and more of an understanding of what he was to do with his life. He grew in his faith, and grew in his ability to love others with compassion for this God he chose to follow. He carefully reviewed and reflected on the passages of biblical writers such as Isaiah and Saint Paul. He read over the old hebrew texts, and compared them to the newer texts of the Gospels and epistles of Paul. All throughout this period, he worked and worked, growing and growing. After around eight long years of intense studying and learning, he finally was ordained a priest in Saint Mary's Cathedral of Portland in 1994.

     For around twenty-one years, the new Father Richardson began preaching at a small parish in a town outside Portland. He grew in his ability to express his faith along the way, becoming and experienced public speaker. He began to remember biblical passages from the pure fact that he'd read over them and analyzed them so many times before. He began to sing the hymms of the ceremonies from the rememberance of his heart, and nothing more. The members of Parish supported him in his love for their Lord they chose to all follow and accept. He continued to preach the word of God until that one fateful day. The day the Union came banging on the doorstep of Earth in a rain of fire and death.

     Father Richardson experienced a similar scenario to every other citizen of Earth. He witnessed the death, the suffering. he witnessed the peoples' failure to resist the Union and the occupation that followed suit. Father Richardson was taken from his small town and placed halfway across the world in the old city of London. He quickly renounced his devotion to the Lord when the Combine army came marching along the streets, and followed them like a bland, weak citizen. He moped about, waiting his days in solitude and starvation. Soon enough, he asked for a transfer from the God forsaken landscape of London, moving to City 45.

    As he was about to board the train to the City, the one friend he had waited at the gate nearby. A young, cheery man by the name of Micheal. He never quite understood why the young adult held so much happiness in these dark times. He approached Micheal to say his goodbyes, and indeed they did. Then, he had to pop the question, "How do you manage to stay so happy, child?" Micheal smiled, flipping the top of his bag. "It's simple, I read." he quickly responded, extending a familiar book to Father. He grew a weak smile, accepting the worn book from the man's hand. A copy of the New American bible. Father looked up to him, smiling widely, "You've saved my soul." The two embraced, hugging regardless of the Union's oppresive rules. They departed with a final nod of acknowledgement. Father Richardson knew what he needed to accomplish in City 45. And it would be done. The citizens would be left in the dark no longer...

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
These authorizations will give me a truly unique character to roleplay with in the context of City 45. In all my times at Catalyst, I have not seen or do not recall a religious figure to this extent. If this is excepted, I would gain the ability to have the character of this kind, and then be able to use the knowledge that comes with it to create a ReligionRP. More in depth description comes in the "What do I plan to do" section.

The whole aspect of being a priest attracts very unwanted attention and interaction. I'm frankly not quite sure if religious figures were killed like military and law enforcement agents were. This would bring danger from not only the Union and it's forces, but those who are strongly against the Catholic faith. I mean, crazy murderers kill random people. Why wouldn't they kill someone they don't like in general?

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
This is where it gets interesting. What exactly is a crazy idiot like me planning on doing with a priest? I want to say before I go on that I am, indeed, a member of the Catholic church and attend a Catholic high school. I know what I'm talking about when I go through these actions and the like, so I'm not asspulling this stuff. Am I trained priest? No. But I doubt anyone here is a trained police official that kills citizens who have sex when not authorized. I would also like to say I'm not on some stupid preaching mission either. Lol, that's dumb. Now to what this adds to the roleplay enviornment....

ReligionRP. It's a real thing, and it's a real issue that would occur during something like the Union's occupation. People would be questioning whether religion is right or not, and whether they should follow it. I plan on really introducing this issue into roleplay as it is currently. I rarely see people include religion into roleplay. I mean, I can see why people don't do so and I respect people's choices in regards to the topic of religion. But I highly doubt only Atheists and Agnostics survived the Seven Hour War. Anywho, I hope to expand this vacant area of roleplay. I'd honestly and some pretty cool scenarios for people of all factions and types.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No one else will need these auths.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

Offline Khub

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Re: Henry 'Father' Richardson's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 10:08:13 AM »
I don't see anything wrong in your authorization application. As I've witnessed your roleplaying skills multiple times, I can safely say that you'll be capable of roleplaying mentioned character. It's something that should promote CitizenRP, that's what we need. You've got my support, good luck.

Offline Tyrone McNigga

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Re: Henry 'Father' Richardson's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2012, 11:14:58 AM »
Holy shit this is a good idea. Where's your church going to be?

Offline Zail

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Re: Henry 'Father' Richardson's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2012, 09:37:42 PM »
A really impressive, interesting and a new way of rp, created on the city server.
I myself, have only seen a single "priest" sort of group, in City 11.

I would gladly support this kind of roleplay, seeing you've already have one admin's support.

Your background is detailed and it gives me an interested way, to look at this roleplay.
Your defects is fairly good, considered to your perks and I bet you know, what's going to happen if you are taken by the CCA.

For now, my opinion is +support.

Offline garry :D

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Re: Henry 'Father' Richardson's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2012, 07:15:23 PM »
Following on from what Khubajsn and Challenge said, I can't find anything wrong or overpowered with this.

Consider this accepted.


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