Author Topic: Jason Michales's Authorization Application  (Read 3342 times)

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Jason Michales's Authorization Application
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:58:28 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Tapir
Age: Seventeen
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 6
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 4

Character Section

Advanced Knowledge of CCA
Understanding of CCA Technology
Hand to Hand Combat Skills

Name: Jason Michales
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Jason Michales was awoken by a loud beep. He opened his eyes slowly, thinking to himself, "Agh crap, another day at work. Fuck this alarm clock." As the beeping grew more rapid, he began to snap to reality, and realize what was going on. "Shit!" He curses out loud, sweeping his hand along the nightstand next to his desk, looking for the plastic firearm he must keep on his person at all times. As the beeping grew more rapid, he could not find it, he frantically swept the drawers, and turned over the stand, pouring its contents onto the ground. It's too late. *BOOM* He ducks, and the door to his bedroom flies open, smashing into the wall inches above his head. Four CCA Officers walk in, wielding MP7s, and a fifth steps through the doors threshold, wielding a shotgun, and wearing a trench coat. "<:: How do you expect to survive for one moment on the street, if you cant keep your firearm with you, at all times, RAT?" The man in the bed is unphased, clearly this has happened to him before. He stares at the 01 and says, "How can I keep my firearm, if you keep stealing it right from my room." A blunt reply is heard. "<:: Don't Like it? Quit." Before the four CCA Officers, Varying in rank, Unload the MP7s on the man, The 01 tosses the plastic USP Match onto Jasons bedspread. He is hit with a flurry of Class 2 Paint Free Si-munition, or Rubber Bullets. The man is wearing no protection, and he is heavily bruised. His screams of pain still cannot be heard over the sound of Four MP7s firing at once. As soon as the officers stop shooting, the man curls up on the bed in pain, and the radio on his nightstand clicks and transmits "<::Confirm 34S?" Moments later, the 01 from earlier is heard saying "<::Just training the RCAOTC 'croot."

**RCAOTC, or Reserve Civil Authority Officers Training Course was an exclusive citizens program, handpicked by the SeC, Recruit applicants in this program are enlisted as the rank of 03 upon completion of the program.**

After the flurry of bullets, the Officers left the man to his buisness. After they left, he spent 5 minutes, no more, on the bed, tending to his wounds. Once completed, he spent the next 10 minutes donning his Medium grade kevlar, with the RCAOTC armband, he however, does not wear a helmet. If a recruit is treated like a Citizen in a uniform, than an RCAOTC recruit is treated like walking dirt. Not only are they a recruit, but they're recruits under the left wing of the SeC. They are often hated, untill they don the 03 badge and melt themselves into the ranks of their division. He sighs, and lifts the metal door off the wall, sliding the hinges back in place, the door designed to be breached and easily replaced. "Another day, another death march" He sighs, as he walks across the catwalk from R-CAO Housing to the Nexus. His day began, as it usually does, with a training session with the first available UNIFORM TrO. After his lesson was complete, He'd attach to his usual day-to-day officer, C25.CCA.GRID-02.556, and observe all tactics first hand, excluding outdoor patrol. He would assist as he could in detention and construction, and he would watch him go about his daily buisness. His day would end in a short Training session with UU.SeC.14028, Learning more hands-on skills specific to RCAOTC, basically, their excuse for the out-of-the-box promotion to 03. He would spend his nights studying the Recruits Manifest, and the 05s 04s and 03s Manifest, making sure he understood everything on the manifests, fully.  His sleep time was only about 2-3 hours per day.

Soon though, this would all draw to an end for him. An Exogen breach, and being trapped in a Train Station would force him away, into City 45, and where he is today.

His day was ending, as all others, with a training session with the SeC. Today, he was supposed to be learning advanced hand to hand, and being introduced to GRID High Command. Instead, they ended up conversing in the Garage, while 556 repaired a Scanner, Grumbling at their Conversation. "<::Are you saying that we should add more patrols to the city streets, Recruit?" "No, No, sir.  What I'm saying is we need to overhaul the process, something should be done to change the /way/ patrols are done."  556 Grumbled at the idle conversation this man was making with the SeC. It showed that RCAOTC was really just the SeCs friends club, and nothing more. "<:: I can see why you'd make a comment but-" The SeC (At this point, he's clearly no good at his job) was cut off by a Loud explosion, and all kinds of shouts coming over the radio, all along the lines of "Exogen Breach." "<:: All Units, Report Status. Dispatch, Transmit Containment Protocol. Initiate Judgment Waiver, Get the citizens to a safe location." The SeC radioed, than ordered the R-CAO, "<::Take off your Training Uniform, Get in Citizen Fatigues, and get to UCH. You'll only hinder at this point." The Recruit obeyed with velocity, making his way to the Nexus Airlock and outside in seconds.

He had no idea what he was running into though, and ended up Face to Face with an Antlion. His life was saved by an OTA Transhuman unit, before it tossed him into the Train Station, the nearest safe area, located next to the Nexus. After that, his life changed forever when a Unit in the train station Mistook a Code red for an Evacuation order, and shoved him onto a RAZOR, headed for City 45. And so, his story in C45 begins.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
An Edge in the CCA [If he joins the CCA]
Foreknowledge, Therefore Power over the CCA [If he fights for the weebuls]
Advanced Fighting Skills
Self Defence in P3

A target, if discovered.
UED May or May Not approve.
Anything else Unpredictable.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Use as an Edge as a Recruit [An excuse to not CrootRP if he joins CCA, more or less. CrootRP's gotten me amped twice. Sick o it.]
Could be Used for Rebels
Definatley could cause Interesting roleplay with UED and other UU units.
Who knows, Whatever happens.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

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Re: Jason Michales's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 10:03:57 PM »
The backstory is no where near long enough at all for these sort of auths.

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.

It doesn't even mention anything about the auths, unless he just woke up and then gained "advanced knowledge" about the CCA and it's technology.
This app needs a lot of work before it would be accepted.

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Re: Jason Michales's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2012, 10:07:05 PM »
Not to mention you've had two recruits both killed. I'm not sure your rp would be good enough. I'm going to have to not support this.

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Re: Jason Michales's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 08:45:28 AM »
Sorry, know I am not meant to post here, but the rules also clearly state that you are not allowed to post for any knowledge on Union technology...Just saying.
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Offline Tapir!

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Re: Jason Michales\'s Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 10:53:42 AM »
I'm hurt that you think i couldn't RP it properly.
The story explains fully, he was in an exclusive training program in the CCA in City28. To describe his entire experience in the training program would take thousands upon thousands of words, to the point that you'd not be willing to read it, and i'm certanly not willing to type it.

And no, there is no rule against knowledge of union technology. there is a rule against knowledge of black mesa, but not of union technology.

And RTLK, I do NOT see what dead recruits has to do with good or bad RP. Of the 5 collective BMs i recieved, ONE of them could be considired ooc. ONE. Because I was TIRED. So seriously, theres no correlation.

Post Auto-Merged: August 20, 2012, 09:55:05 PM
Delete/lock/move/whatever the fuck this topic.

Character had his heart carved out by reaver for tripping and knocking a Vortigaunt off a cliff. ROFL
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 09:55:05 PM by Tapir? »


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