1. the act or power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding.
2. the opposition offered by one thing, force, etc., to another
The citizens out there resisting have something in common... rebeling
reb·el? ?
noun, adjective, verb, re·belled, re·bel·ling.
1. a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country.
2. a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition.
This is what the "Resistance" does. They try to get away from the CP as much as they can, they want to hide as much as they can, and live like that as much as they can.
Think of WWII, in Germany. The Jewish either had to cooperate with the Nazi's and stay at those shitty disgusting camps they made... OR they can resist. It was hard life, and they lived that way for months. That's when the attack comes in.
Some of the resistance out there in HL2rp complain about being caught and pked. Think about WWII again, the Nazi's attacking. They stormed in the resistance's base and either captured them, or shot them point blank. They then burnt the towers down with molotovs and flamethrowers, killing children and parents. Now this is HL2rp, think of the building's being stormed with COTA, women and men died as they said their final words... "FAIL RP OMG THERE WAS NO RP IN DAT SHOOTING, YOU ALL FAIL, DON'T PK ME." It was a sad sad day.
Do you wanna do some SRS rp in resistance, or do you wanna have a gun and think your the dominant citizen? I myself am not a resistance, but i have no problem being PKed, all i gotta do it make a new citizen, ask for PET and 50000 tokens, and thats it! I love to RP the right way, be happy and stay confident when giving up something you really like, you'll be glad you did in the end.
Rebeling is a different story, meaning you want to get a gigantic fucking army and shoot the army you hate. So in HL2RP, rebeling will get your ass killed, and banned. It's like in Egypt, they "Rebeled" against the government to stop being a cunt and give them the freedom they want. The government told them to stop or they will use deadly force, they eventually did. The act of rebeling will get you in big trouble, and will give trouble to everyone else, to result in hate against you. Don't be a rebel, unless you want what your asking for, trouble.