Full Name: Howard Biggs
Citizen identification(CID): 10358
Last Assigned Apartment Number: Apartment A2
Total Loyalist Points: 1
Sex: Male
Age: 42
How long have you been in City45:
4 Months
Why do you want to join the CWU?:
I want to help the Combine in small tasks,And also i would like to take my loyalties to a greater level.
Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
I have never been arrested.
Past experience with work/labor:
Well i have never worked as a CWU,But i have once started a window washing career.
Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
The things that the CWU can posses:
Number one: It can help me use my medical experience to help people.
Number two: It can help me start helping the Combine with small tasks.
Number three: It can help me become a better loyalist.
Number four: It can allow me to use my skills legally.
The thing the CWU can not posses:
Number one:It can not help me posses the advance experience in medical surgery.
Number two: It can not help me with major loyalist tasks.
Number three: The CWU can not help me with task if i am alone.
Number four: I can not let people help me with my surgery's.
Tell us about what you can do.:
I have studied Medicine and Science.So i would like a job in medicine.
If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
I would give him a tour of the City such as show him the Civil housing,And the area.
~OOC Section~
Name: Jonathan Daleo
Timezone: Greenwich Mean Time
SteamID: Dublinjd
Roleplay Experience: 3 Quarters of a year.
Serious Roleplay Experience: 7 months
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
The CWU worker starts doing his job by: Helping the Citizens and Combine anyway he can,The worker is walking around town,Waiting for someone to ask him something,Such as: Option 1: If he is a medic:Then a Citizen can ask him if he could get healed,If injured.
If he is a store owner then: The Citizen can ask if the Worker if he can sell the Citizen a item such as:Flashlight or food.
The CWU worker takes his break,After this the CWU Worker can either: Go back to his job or do another task such as help a Citizen in other ways such as:Showing them were the Civil housing is or Tell them were they can get something to eat.
The CWU Workers day is nearly over so he can either: Go back to the CWU HQ and take a break or Continue his job then go back to the CWU HQ.
Character Backstory:
Howard was born in Russia,His father was a Wall Street banker,His mother was a doctor,Howard was a bright young boy,He never got in trouble with his teacher,One day his friend fell on the ground,Howard's Mother would explain about First Aid,Howard got some of his art glue and a piece of paper and glued it to his friends head so that he would have a Makeshift band-aid. Howard was in his teen years,He was smart and starting to expand his knowledge of medicine,As he went to: Henry Oswald's School For Special Kids,As of this he was starting to get older and more experienced with medicine,When he was 21 he went to Oxford,Where he studied medicine,He had a masters degree,Howard was very good when it came to biology,He started to end his school days,He became a biologist. After the Seven Hour War,He started preserving knowledge,He bought a permit and was interviewed,When he was transported to C45,He became a loyalist,He started liking the Combine,And he tried to do what ever he could to help them,He was never arrested,Or ever convicted of anything illegal.