Author Topic: <::||02.399 Private Logs||::>  (Read 3177 times)

Offline Statua

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<::||02.399 Private Logs||::>
« on: May 17, 2011, 02:51:04 AM »
                                                     Unit: 399
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
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New Log Started: 001

    Logs. Nobody ever told me about these logs. Quite frankly, I don't even know how to write one, or where to start for that fact. Maybe someone did tell me of the logs. I hope I wrote this one properly. I'll start doing more of these as time goes on. A log would help me sleep at night. I can look back on my days, see what I did, remember moments which I would rather not forget. Let's get this thing going.

    Where to start. Let's start off from the beginning. That's probably the best place. I'm not entirely sure how much I will be able to cover but it should be alright. What I do rember is being in the room. It was a total guy fest there. I was the only girl among the four other units. I cannot for the life of me rember their names, I do remember one of the guys was nice. I remember standing in the room with my clean, new uniform. I remember it smelt like fresh rubber, or plastic. The guys were being guys saying how I was never going to even scratch an anti-citizen. The one other unit had faith in me. He told me to ignore the rest and follow my own beliefs. I kept that close and remembered it every time someone made fun of my gender.

    I don't remember much after the recruitment room. Some training, a couple patrols, more guys being guys. There was however, this one moment. It was a judgement waiver. Being a recruit, all I could do was watch for citizens trying to escape. (note: this was all in City Eighteen where I started) There was this one male citizen who wouldn't stop talking and fidgeting. The unit in charge who I also don't remember, told me to issue a level three to the citizen. At that moment, he tried to escape. The other guys didn't do anything to stop him so I was left alone to deal with him. I either pinned him to a wall or tackled him to the groud. I'm not sure what I did but I remember him surrendering to me. The guys stopped bugging me after that incident and I felt more in power. I felt that "I could do this."

    More training and boring patrols came after that day. There was this one day however that helped me make up my mind. I rember it like it was yestarday. It's strange because it's really the only thing I remember from City Eighteen. It was an average day, patrolling with another recruit. We were over by the terminal when a figure emerged from a dark ally. The figure was a citizen, but he was holding somehing. Something long and cylindrical. It wasn't until we saw him charging at us in a mad rush that we figured out what he was holding. It was a painted pipe, about two feet long and at least 20 pounds. Before I knew it, the citizen was on top of my fellow recruit, smashing the pipe into him. In a split second, without thinking, I uncliped my baton, turned the setting on max, and jabbed it into the neerest part of he citizens body. I held it there for a good five seconds untill the smell of burning flesh seeped through my mask. I then began beating the citizen until he no longer moved. The recruit I was with had been hit badly. I could see blood staining his sleeves. I immediately called in a request for a nova unit and a helix to deal with the aggressive male. I watched as two nova units stabilized the recruit. They had saved him from his wounds. The citizen was later found overdosed on unauthorozed medication. The citizen was amputated but I wasn't there to watch. I figured out where I wanted my life to go. Nova was my ultimate decision.

I completed all my training and after two weeks, talked with the Nova DvL 602. He said he would gladly accept me and directed me to the Uniform DvL 240. The paperwork was complete and I was on my way to joining the ranks of Nova. There was one final moment in City 18 that I remember. I had just received my medical field guide and was ordered to read it to receive my rank as an 04. It was after my shift and I was sitting in my office, reading the manual. I had my radio close by just to listen for any important calls. I was hearing things such as "High exogen activity" and "Perimeter breached". It got me a little worried but nevertheless, I kept on reading. As I lread pver the pages and topics, I couldn't help but think that I have already gone over this. That was entirely not true as I was reading this thing for the first time. I came across the term ABCs. Before even reading the topic, I knew that it meant Airway, Breathing, and circulation. I knew that this was the first three steps you take when assessing a patient. The same goes for CPR. Cardio Pulmonary Recessitation. Why did I know what these meant before reading them? Was there somethig I did or learnt a long time ago? I don't remember anything relating to the medical field. Anyways, it didn't bother me. Well, not as much as the radio. I heard a call in saying "Exogens inbound. Estimated one hour before reaching the city. Prepare evac." It was. 069. The Sectoral Commander. My throat went dry and I could feel my stomache lurch. Was this the end? Was this the final day of City eighteen and everyone on it?

I had just finished the field guide and received the promotion to 04 right before the call came in. I immediately packed all of my stuff and moved with the rest of the CCA members who were off duty to the train. As I walked to the train, I couldn't help but notice a sound in the distance. It sounded like a helicopter. But not just one. Hundreds. Higher ptched too. It was so far off though that I didn't worry much. Our train left before the other so we were sure to be safe. The city administrator wasn't on the train however. I took it that he stayed in his office to let the citizens know what was going on. As we departed, there were exogens, flying everywhere. T sounded like a freight train roaring on all sides. They never touched our train. After five minutes, we pushed through the swarm. It was so thick. I couldn't beleive it. I was sure that we would never ge City Eighteen back. I also wondered about the rest who were left behind. The Union members. The loyalists. The city administrator. They were all still in the city. It was a long ride from City Eighteen to City Fourty-Five. That whole ride, I worried about my colleagues who were on duty at the time. I don't remember any of the train rode. Just the fear and worroesome going through my mind.

    We arrived early the next morning. The city was quiet. Very low population at the time. I actually don't recall seeing one citizen when I arrived. We moved in to the nexus. I liked it better then Coty Eighteen. It was cleaner and more modern then the concrete bunker we used to work in. About two hours later, everyone else arrived. There were lots of injuries coming off the trains. I wasn't trained to assist those injured at the time. To my suprise, the city administrator, surrounded by COTA units, made it safetly, unharmed. Over the next few days, I noticed some units I used to patrol with were no longer here. I later learnt there were many casualties in City Eighteen. The lives lost were countless (if you include citizens) but the fact that anyone made it out alive is a blessing.

   I spent the next week learning things about our new city. I was relieved to find thumpers at the ready scattered about the city. The CCH was a little run down and cramped but I didn't care. At least they have a place to stay. The central district which is the only non-restricted area of the city is much larger then that of City Eighteen. That's a good thing as it makes patrols less boring, however, it's bad because we are more spread out which means more anti-civil activity. I heard rumors about increased anti-citizen activity and rumors of a secret passage. I am unauthorozed to know of this passage so I'll leave it at that.

Last week, there was this moment that really bothered me. I'm not sure why. There was this one citizen who was acting up. He was getting a little aggressive. He ended up striking two units twice before getting beaten unconcious. I was in detainment at the time, writing a report for a non-compliant citizen. They dragged his unconcious body in and dropped it inside what looked like a giant Kilm. I have never actually seen this thing in use up till then. I didn't even know what it was. The man woke up and started begging to be let pit. The two units shook their head and pushed a button. The floor erupted with flames and the man, still alive, began to burn. His body, burning with each lick of flame. His blues , melting to his skin and vaporizing moments later. The mans screems were horrifying. His skin began peeling away. His eyes, burned from their sockets, his hair, now long existant. He was still alive, kneeling on the grate at the bottom. The flames so intense, you could feel them outside. His screams slowly dosapated, either his body shutting down or his lungs burning up to a crisp, unable to make a sound. He finally dropped, nothing left except charred skin and bone. This moment still bothers me to date but every time it does, I just remember what happened back in City Eighteen with the recruit and the pipe.

    Recently, I went through field medic training. This was a very long lesson, however full of information. Once again, I couldn't help but think I had done this before. I still can't figure out why. It bothers me daily. I passed the training and was promoted to 03. I went out on patrol afterwards and the only thing I had to deal with medically was a dehydrated citizen passing in and out of conciousness.

    Today was my day off. I found this log thing in the console after doing a medical report. I plan to do more of these in the future. It's nice to let out your thoughts into a wall of text.


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« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 08:58:40 PM by Statua »

Offline Statua

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Re: <::||03.399 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 01:25:57 AM »
                                                     Unit: 399
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
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New Log Started: 002

    Today was quiet. I don't have much to write about though I wish I did. I love being able to express my thoughts and feeling about things in the form of a log. I don't know who can read these or if I can read other logs. I'm still getting used to these console things. Their interface is complex. Filled with many different things to do and stuff to see.

    There was a few moments today which I am going to highlight. They stick out and some, kinda bother me. First thing I noticed today was the mass number of recruits. They are recruits I take it but almost every one of them couldn't figure a thing out about their job. Example. A recruit salutes me. I have to reteach him etiquette which is the first thing they learn. Next, a recruit ties up a man and wishes to issue a level two verdict for nothing more then climbing over abandoned tables. (Apparently, they were in the way.) Well I told this recruit to leave the situation to me and to patrol. I apologized to the citizen for the mishap and told him to go home (after untying him of course).

    I went over to the plaza centre and noticed a mob of citizens with three recruits standing around it. Did they not know how to break apart groups? I moved in and as I was going to break up the group, I noticed a citizen lying on the ground. I thought he was unconscious until he stood up out of nowhere. I tried talking with him but he kept moving away. I ended up hitting him with my stun baton on low twice for not listening. That got his attention. He began saying things like "Oh I got you mixed up with the other units" and "Oh well I thought you were talking to someone else." I got fed up with his nonsense and told him to return to his room. He said he didnt have one. All I did was push him to the side and finished off my patrol.

    I finished off the day wit a headache, probably caused by high stress levels resulting in high blood pressure. I took a light painkiller medication and went for dinner. All I could think about while eating is "Will the CCA fall apart because of these new units full of disappointment?"


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Re: <::||03.399 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2011, 01:18:29 AM »

                                                     Unit: 399
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
                                             Clearance: 03
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New Log Started: 004

    I didn't do any patrollig today. I had no time. I did however get to stretch my new field medic skills. I enjoy working in NOVA for this reason. I still can't figure out why but every time I look at the NOVA patch on my uniform, I feel like I've been doing this for years. I only started last week. I wonder if... No I doubt it. Maybe it's just the perfect job for me. Maybe I was born to practice medicine.

    Anyways, on to what happened today. I put on my gear and went to the detainment room to see if any recruits forgot a citizen in there. I noticed one citizen had a bleeding eye. But the eye was different. It was blue. His other eye was brown. My first thought was "this guy is albino." but it turns out, it was a prostetic eye. I called over the radio about the situation and how I was not impressed nobody told me when I got on duty. Not to my suprise, a recruit replied to me with "Oh. Sorry. I forgot." These recruits are KILLING me... However, I kept my cool and carried on with the situation.

    I noticed another citizen in the detainment acting up and he needed to be delt with. I called in for a unit to come to detainment and escort the injured citizen to the temporary med bay which happened to be the torture room too. 192 came to escort him while I calmed down the other citizen. I noticed a blackmark stitched into his patch. I was wondering if I could trust him. Whatever though. I guess it's better then no help at all. The other citizen was really acting up now, bashing his head on the window. Last thing I want is another injury. Once he was calm, I went to the "med bay" to find 192 nowhere in sight. Turns out he was watching from the one way observation room. Whatever I guess. Maybe he didn't like the blood. I'm not sure. I heard the citizen acting up again and filled a small syringe with a tranquilizer. I told 192 to hold on for a moment while I deal with the citizen. I managed to stick the crazed citizen with a tranquilizer without sticking myself so that's a good step I guess. I returned to the med bay and 192 was staring at the wall. I called his ne a couple times but no response. Whatever I thought. I don't need him right this instance anyways. I prepped myself to examine the patient at my makeshift medical station. I turned to talk to 192 and he was gone. "Recruits" I thought. Can never be trusted to do anything. Especially those with blackmarks.

    I called in for help again and was greeted by another recruit. This time, female. "Great", I thought. A female recruit. Probably squeemish as she hasn't had much field experience. 155 were her digits. She actually wasn't too bad for a recruit althogh she had a hard time bringing up medical history on her datapad. I found out that this patient indeed have an eye transplant a few days earlier. I suspected the bleeding was caused by friction from the prostetic eye damaging blood vessels. I sanitized the area and injected the patient with a morphene shot. I asked 155 to restrain his head and to my suprise, she listened without hesitation. I let her know this was going to be a bit messy but she didn't seem to mind. I'm wondering if she already did something gruesome with anti-citizens. If she did, I think it might have been a bit too early. Recruits shouldn't have to go through that kind of thing right off the bat. Higher ranks need to understand that all recruits are really just loyalitst ready to serve their life for the union. I would bring a citizen to a torture session and force him to watch to punish him. Back on topic. I used a pair of medical pliers to carefully move the eye to the side. I assumed the burst vessel was on the right as that's where most of the hemmorhaging was. I dabbed up most of the blood and sure enough, a small vessel had ruptured and was leaking badly. I carefully replaced the eye and grabbed a pair of cauterizing tweezers. I turned them on and while waiting for them to heat up, I moved the eye tothe side again. I cleaned up the hemmorhaging once again. I picked up the cauterizing tweezers and cauterized the blood vessel to close it shut.

    I forgot to mention. 707, the APEX OfC was watching the whole time. He kept laughing at god knows what. After cleaning the patient up, I prepped a gauze eye patch for the patient. He said something in andofferent language. This is where all hell breaks loose. 707 was not amused by this foreign language. He was threatning to have the citizen amputated. I forgot that right where I was standing was a 30,000 watt laser beam designed burn through an anti-citizens head in seconds. 707 told us to move away unless we wanted to be amputated. I quickly moved aside. 707 was throwing more threats. I couldn't beleive what was happening. I was just helping this citizen with a bleeding problem not five minutes ago and now, he will be amputated. I quickly told 155 to pull up the detainment and points for the patient. I think his name was Jordan Rodriguez. We found out he had seven points. Four points were for level two contraband. That's outrageous. You don't issue 4 points for that. Two at the most. We tried to discuss this with 707 but he seemed to be too bent on amputating Rodriguez. Before we knew it, 707 enabled the beam, instantly amputating the citizen. I was stunned by what just happened. A citizen, my patient, was amputated after spending an hour trying to fix him up. The worst part was 707 was actually enjoyig this. He walked in the room and even though the body had a steaming hole straight through the cranium, he decided to fire a few shots into the body "for good measure". More like "for good pleasure".

    707 notoced my sadness from this and asked what was wrong. He asked if I was "questioning his ways of punishment." I told him no and he replied with "Good." I think there is something mentally wrong with him. I fear he may go on mass genocide. I'll talk with 602 about this. 707 needs help for sure. His form of entertainment is amputating citizens. Maybe he has post traumatic stress disorder. I heard he was once a RAZOR unit. I'll definately be talking with 602 about it.

    After that incident, nothing notible really happned. Deatinment here, beating there, searches here, the usual stuff. It was a long day and I think I deserve a good nights sleep.


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Offline lemonshit

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Re: <::||03.399 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2011, 06:54:46 AM »
// That's what I love about being APEX. Especially with OfC+, emotionless. We enjoy torture.

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Re: <::||03.399 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2011, 08:02:33 AM »
//The civil protection to torture, up to a point. They don't cause mass genocide or just kill someone for the smallest reasons. If they do that, they can find them selves relocated in no time.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 09:40:55 AM by Statua »

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Re: <::||03.399 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2011, 10:07:02 PM »
                                                     Unit: 399
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
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New Log Started: 005

Another day of no patrolling. Lots of injuries are coming through which is good in some cases but bad for obvious ones. It keeps me busy and adds to my experience. There were actually two injuries today, both of them being recruits. I have a feeling I'll be doing most of my work on recruits.

The first call comes in. A recruit is hit by buckshot. Three pellets are embedded into his arm. I wasn't authorized to take them out so I readied myself to stabilize him. I see him standing to the side, his arm soaked in blood. I quickly removed his sleeve and got a better look at the wound. There were no exit wounds luckily so I prepped a pad with anti-septic. I cleaned the blood around the wound and sterilized it. I couldn't tell how deep it was so I didn't try anything else. I put a gauze pad over to prevent any more hemorrhaging. I slung the arm in a sling and transported him to the med bay. 602 finished off the treatment by removing the buckshot.

    A second call come through right away, this time it wasn't an emergency. A unit was having breathing issues. I met her in the lobby, 155 that is. I took her to the med wing. She said it started after being hit by a bullet in breach training. The bullet didn't pierce the kevlar. My first thought was fracture. I put her in the x-ray and sure enough, a hairline fracture on the R4 rib bone was noticeable. I issued a prescription for painkillers and taught her heavy breathing exercises. I issued one day bed rest which she wasn't fond of.

    Again, when I responded the the gunshot wounds, I had a de ja vu moment. It bothered me really. I cant figure out why this is happening. I never worked for the CWU in my life. I wonder if i-


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Re: <::||02.399 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2011, 09:36:17 PM »
                                                     Unit: 399
                                                  SQUAD: NOVA
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New Log Started: 006

    I was over worked the past few days. I haven't been able to update my log merely because of this reason. There is no time left in my day. I haven't even been out on the street aside from responding to medical related calls. I've been so busy in the med bay, helping patients, working on the console, anything that needed to be done. On the bright side, all this work has earned me a promotion. I am now an elite field medic and am eligible for surgeon training. I really want to get this training started.

    A few cases that I remember, I'll run over. First, we had a male citizen who had a caffeine addiction. It was so bad, he was violent. I decided that brainwashing him to believe coffee was an evil entity would be the best option. I called for an apex officer to help me with brainwashing. 707 came. He decided not to stop at brainwashing, but to completely wipe the citizens memory. NOVA had a syrum known as whitewash. The chemical formula was CoOH. I was instructed to inject this syrum. The citizen seemed afraid to loose his memory. The people he knew, the experiences he's had, the information he knew. Information. This was the key word. What if he knew something about the union that could bring it down? Maybe whitewash could be utilized more. Anyways, I injected the male. It took about thirty seconds for it to fully affect his brain. 707 began brainwashing the new mind into the perfect loyalist. He changed his name even.

    This didn't work for long. A few days later, the male was back in the detainment, this time, 707 called me. I went down to see what it was about. The whitewash had side effects. Citizens who interacted with the new loyalist began reminding him of his past. This caused the loyalist to form Post Dramatic Stress Disorder. There were two things we could do. Amputation or rehab. Rehabilitation would take months and lots of time which the CCA doesn't have. 707 actually insisted the rehab. After a long discussion, he decided to amputate. Without warning, he started up the HPLB and burned the citizens skull clean. 707 left the room without a word, as if something bothered him deep inside.

    A small case here. A citizen is detained for having an illness. They were about to amputate him when I walked in. The DvL stopped the amputation and noticing me, told me to examine the citizen. I took him to the group detainment and ran a couple tests. It turns out, he only had influenza. I injected him with an anti-contaigen shot. The anti-contaigen shot is only active immunity so it was perfect for this case. I rehydrated the citizen and released him, still with a high fever and nausea. The anti-contaigen made the influenza virus unable to pass to another host so he could roam as he wished without infecting others.

    A case involving a CCA officer came in. It was another rib injury. It was much worse the 155's injury. A complex fracture of the L3 and hairline fracture of the L4. I instructed him to get two days bed rest and to not move about if unneeded. I prescribed 800mg Codeine to be taken once every four hours after eating something. I stayed in the room, caring for the unit till he finally fell asleep. I was working on the console when he woke up, explaining he had to make a bowel movement. This point, I realized we didn't have a bathroom in the Nexus. I sent him to detainment to make the movement in one of the cells. A new form of torture I guess. Put a citizen in a cell with a lump of faeces and make them clean it up. I helped him back to the med bay where he once again, fell asleep. This is where the second situation with the whitewashed citizen came up.

    I love this job and don't want to replace it for anything. I hope to get surgeon training soon. The more I know, the better.


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