Author Topic: [ACCEPTED] Josef Sjodin's Civil Authority Application  (Read 1785 times)

Offline Rudolph the Master Blaster

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[ACCEPTED] Josef Sjodin's Civil Authority Application
« on: July 14, 2012, 10:40:08 PM »
Josef Sjodin's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: Rudolph

IC Character Name: Josef Sjodin

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.

Josef Sjodin was a man who did not pair well with the rest of society. At first he thought the Combine were demon spawn, they simply could not be trusted. They had wiped out most of the population, and now they restricted virtually everything they could do. Arriving in C45 and finding local work, He had found a small general goods store where he was hired at a greeter. He had earned a humble salary, but it was well enough. However, one day a male became angered at the Shop's owner for not selling a specific item, and began to trash the shop. Josef had attempted to stop the rampant man. The man had bashed his head against the glass of the store's window, shattering it to many fragments, which eventually found its way against his head. Never a dull moment, a CCA unit walked in and smashed the rampant male's head with a stun stick, rendering him utterly useless for many hours.
He was treated at a Clinic and sat there thinking about the Combine as he was treated. As he walked the streets of C45, he noticed many citizens trying to reach out for the Rebels, Resisting towards then and placing propaganda posters all over the district. It was pathetic he thought, useless attempts. He sided with the combine's reason. The only way to enforce a city without danger was to use lethal force. Although he did not speak against the resisters. He knew that in the end they would perish in this world without their help, as he almost did without the unit's help in the General store.

He began doing petty work for the CCA, Washing Barricades, cleaning up the garbage left in front of the many buildings in C45. etc., etc. Racking up Loyalist points along the way. He met James Jackson during his time in C45. A well natured man who had shared the same aspects in life as he. The combine were doing the world a favor. They had cleared most of the problems of the world, Poverty, War, Politics. They became friends almost immediately. They both eventually racked up enough Loyalist points, and set to work on their applications. Josef sends his application to a CCA unit, in high hopes of a position in the Combine civil Authority.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)

Josef Sjodin is a Lawful character; He will go to the ends of the earth to accomplish a task given to him.

Despite his misty history, He is kind towards people that he respects or seem worthy to him.

He is also clever in developing situation awareness, Where he is able to make out situations that might seem blank to another person's mind.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.

I am expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be an extension of my RP capabilities, as well as improving it and exploring the vast opportunities inside of it. I would like a more in depth perspective of the CCA, Experience how the CCA operates, Rise through the ranks and develop my character into something unique.

For my character it is a new stepping stone in life. He as discovered something that he simply desires to be, a CCA officer. Not only that but because of his friendship between James Jackson, which also added onto his promise to join the CCA. He himself wants to help the CCA in their quest to make civilization proper and "Civil."

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.

-Child hood-

Stockholm ,Sweden, Born and raised. Josef Sjodin was the eldest son of the three children,
Laura Sjodin and Teresia Sjodin. His father Arnold Sjodin was a vice CEO of a Private Military Corporation. Josef's mother had died giving birth to their last child, Teresia Sjodin. His father was a stern man in the first place, but after his mother’s death. Arnold became deeply depressed, be started drinking and gambling all of his money away. At work he would yell at his employee for doing the slightest error. Eventually he developed an infamous name at the Corporation. He was righteous in every way. All employees had to be up to standards or even more to even think about working there. There would be employee's fired every week, every day.  Inevitably, His father was fired for Insubordination for yelling at Senior CEO to “Fix his schedule and stop being an lazy arse.” The family had to move in a small cottage in the outskirts of Sweden when he was 15, where Snow-capped mountains and lush following streams littered the landscape.  Josef went a humble public middle school in the mountain side.  He felt very unwelcomed there. He used to go to a private school where everyone had prestigious parents,  jobs, and money.  In this school everyone was “Ghetto”, dirty and unkept. He never once fit into the community. Perhaps when he first had the motive to be Civil and Just was when a pair of hoodlums came up to him and began to tease him about his parents, and how he was a spoiled rich brat. They began to beat him up to the extent where he began losing consciousness. Their Arithmetic teacher came out with a poker and began to beat the hoodlums like they were insects on his shoe. The trio had ran away in fear, the Arithmetic teacher began to help Josef stand up, and quickly ushered him to the school’s nurse. While he was being treated, Josef saw a stable future, where no one would be in danger of loss and violence. A civil one.
-University years.-
Josef Sjodin was 19 and took his path to become a lawyer, and took Law, Ergonomics and Buisness. Because of his prestigious past he was allowed into Lund University, most likely because his father forced him to study for very long hours, which caused him to have strong grades and high potential. Josef himself also pushed himself to become a lawyer, as he dreamed of the day where he could also be a beckoner of law. The two other siblings had already found their future husbands, and strayed to the path of an ordinary house wife. Josef was much more ambitious however. He pushed himself through ever course. Stressing him to the extent where he almost crashed his car on the highway driving towards his classes, due to his anxiety and fatigue. His hard work paid off however as was given degrees which had allowed him to become a Lawyer.
-7 Hour war-
Josef Sjodin was sitting inside his office in a high-rise building in Stockholm; He had made quite a name for being very aggressive during his work and direct. Always finding loopholes. The office was almost about to end its hours, he stayed in a bit late to finish some paper work he had left the other day. In the other end of the room, a wall mounted Plasma television was displaying the news. Josef took a second to stretch his muscles, having been sitting there for quite a while, and took a glance towards the Screen, listening to the anchor-man’s talk. All of the sudden, the Anchorman began to spit out words like crazy, something like an invasion from extra-terrestrial beings.  They had suggested that they stay inside, and barricade themselves and to remain calm. The Anchor man in the screen looked to his left, as the camera also followed. Josef could see the outline of a dark figure, adorned with unique body plates and weapons. The screen suddenly went black, and utterly silent. In that same moment, he heard explosion outside, and quickly rushed to the window of his office. He could see a strange ship, that looked like a flying cockroach, spraying citizens of Stock holm with blue orbs of light, and as it hit each citizen, they disintegrated.  The same dark figures he had seen on his TV were also swarming the Streets of Stockholm, shooting at every Civilian in sight. Josef quickly took action, and ran down the stairs of the High-rise; luckily he was on the 7’Th floor. He went down to the storage room in the underground lobby and barricaded himself.  He could hear the building falling apart as several bits of building fell to the earth. Several minutes passed, there was nothing but silence. Josef took a brave step towards the door, deciding to open it. The door burst open. Josef was suddenly pushed back away from the door way with enormous power. He was sent flying to the wall of the storage room, where he lost consciousness on impact.
Josef is now inside the combine controlled city, City forty five, where he starts a new life. All his achievements were lost. He had wondered where his two sisters were. If they survived or died. He silently grieved inside his mind, but he knew if they were alive, they would have told him to keep on living his life. Instead of a black suit, he now wore a blue bland jumpsuit, alike everybody else. Instead of that First class meal, he now ate Rations. It wasn’t too hard for Josef to get used to though. He was given a number, 98226 and a few tokens. Despite this large change of lifestyle, he continued to make a living for himself, and lived a humble life. He began to get used to the CCA’s rules and conduct, and realised the potential in this new sort of world. And sent in his application for the CCA.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.
I have never had a CCA character at Catalyst Gaming.

OOC Details

1.   How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?

2 Years or less.

2.How long have you played on serious servers?

1 year or more.

How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?

Since July 2011.

3.What Time zone are you in?


4.In what country do you live?

Canada’ Eh?

5.How old are you?


6.What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?

At Tnb’s Terminator Roleplay. I was a T-800, The roleplay I must admit was fantastic. Roleplaying the drone was also unique as well. There was an event once, where there was a Convoy of Refugees trying to make it into the Tech-Com base. Sky net had intercepted their radio signals and signaled a Ambush.
They battled furiously and eventually they had made it to the Tech-Com base of command, where they had to issue a huge Escape plan.

7.Do you consider yourself a good listener?


IC Section

Full Name: Josef Alexander Sjodin
CID: 98226
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6’2
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Weight: 150 lb
Mental Distinctions: Creative mind.
Mental Defects: Stubborn
Mental Advantages: Able to precept a deeper meaning in situations.
Notable Qualities: Common sense is possibly above average human.

1.Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?

I have never been detained or apprehended.

2.Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?


3.Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?


4.Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?


5.Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

I will remain loyal and faithful to the UU as long as I live.

6.Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I would like to join the ranks of the Combine Civil Authority to enforce the laws of city, and keep Civil, in everyone’s mindset. Through this, a better world can be achieved, one without violence or criminals. I will serve forever.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Josef Alexander Sjodin hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 04:26:51 PM by Mooch »

Offline ur mom bob

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Re: Josef Sjodin's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2012, 01:13:23 AM »
UNIT: 101
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: Josef Alexander Sjodin
Citizen Identification Number: 98226

Acceptance status:

Civil Authority Status:

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC.101
Console Shut Down.

Offline Mr. Pettit

Re: [PENDING] Josef Sjodin's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 03:30:45 PM »
UNIT: 495
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: <Josef Sjodin>
Citizen Identification Number: 98226

Acceptance status:
<::|| ACCEPTED ||::>

Civil Authority Status:
<::|| Recruit 706 ||::>

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting <C45.CCA.GRID-OfC.495>
Console Shut Down.


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