Hello, I'm Aneeso. Yes Aneeso from PE and OC...
I'm 17 years old and have been playing Garry Mod, Team Fortress 2, C:SS, All of Half Life 2 for a couple of years now... Still suck at C:SS which is a bum. I'm in many community's but mainly Orange Cosmos which I administrate but lets not get into that... I'm now learning how to lua and I'm doing some graphical designs for community's if I have time...
About Me:
I love to play football, cricket, baseball, cross country and some other shits. Yes, IRL not in-game /derp.
And that's my shitty introduction, hope you enjoyed if you read it but I doubt that a lot.
G'night bitches and bastards, maybe cunts. (No offence lol)
~ Aneeso AKA Aneeso