Full Name: Jeanette Swift
Citizen identification(CID): 99679
Last Assigned Apartment Number: A1
Total Loyalist Points: 5
Sex: Female
Age: 27
How long have you been in City45:
I have been living in City 45 for about a month now.
Why do you want to join the CWU?:
Why do I want to join the CWU? Well lets begin, ever since I came to City 45, I have been reporting criminals, cleaning the streets, and helping new comers. Other citizens will say this is a waste of time, but without these people, there will be no city. I want to join the CWU for another reason, I wish to start up a small shop or stand where I will be supplying the citizens with what they need. Such as, food, drinks, and general goods. Aside from that I will still be cleaning and showing new citizens around.
Have you ever been detained before?(If so why):
No, I have never been detained.
Past experience with work/labor:
As a child I worked at my father's general store. I also have been helping the other citizens in City 45 for the past 3 or 4 weeks I have been here.
Name 4 things the CWU Can possess, and 4 things we cant. Also state why.:
Can have:
Radios to communicate with other members.
Medical supplies to treat injured citizens.
UU branded foods to sell to citizens and for themselves.
UU branded supplies such as flashlights so they could be sold to citizens.
Can't have:
Weapons such as firearms and knives.
Non- UU branded items.
Tell us about what you can do.:
I can do a lot, I will be making a stand or shop to provide the citizens with the materials they need. I will be showing new citizens around when I get the chance and will try to organize some cleaning of the city with a few citizens. I will try to get a restaurant set up and hire some citizens so they can earn a good pay. I will be doing more, and I will try to help the best I can.
If a citizen asks for help and is new to the city, what would you do?:
If a citizen asks me for help, I would do the nice thing. I would show them around the districts. I would tell them where rations are giving out, tell him about the Nexus, inform them about the laws, and bring them to District 2, to show them the hospital and all that. I would warn them about District 6 and how criminals usually thrive there. Then lastly show them the UCH and give them a drink and some food. If they needed any more help, I would tell them my name and to find me around the city if they need me.
~OOC Section~
Name: Mooch
Timezone: EST or GMT-5
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43264583
Roleplay Experience: Almost a year now.
Serious Roleplay Experience: Around 3 months.
Detail a regular day as a worker of the CWU?:
Well, CWU workers have very busy days. The daily workers day would probably start by waking up, cleaning up, and getting ready for the day. Then they would check the stock in the CWU and make sure everything is there. Then it depends, if they want to open a shop, clean, or just help out citizens. Either way they will end up helping, I myself would open a shop and get ready to sell some goods to the citizens.
During the day, they could take a break and just relax for a while. After the long day of work they would close down the shop for the night and head over to the CWU HQ. They would clean up and get ready for bed. Once they go to bed, they would repeat the same day, or mix it up a little.
Character Backstory:
Jeanette Swift was born on 1989, in Texas, USA. As a young girl she spent most of the time working at her father's general store. She would usually work the cash register while her father helped her. As she grew up she wanted to do more than just work at this store. She decided she was going to find a better paying, and more fun job. She asked all over her town and finally got a job at the local farm. There she spent most of her day, working the fields and bringing in the cattle. When Jeanette turned 26 on June 1st 2015, she was becoming more of an adult. A few months passed and her life was going good.
Until that day, November 16, 2015. It was a horrible day, she woke up and she heard bombs going off, gun shots, and people screaming. She immediately ran to her parent's rooms and found nothing. She rushed over to the farm and found her boss and the owners of the farm dead. She didn't know what was going on, so she just tried to hide. She we eventually caught by these soldiers of some sort and was brought to a destroyed messed up city.
She didn't know what was going on, but she heard rumors of a war. A couple hours passed and the gunshots seemed to stop. People were screaming the war is over and Earth was taken over. She knew she had no choice to listen or she would be killed, so she gave in and become one of them. She now lives out her days in City 45, helping others, cleaning, and even reporting criminals.