Author Topic: The collapse of the United States of America 2012  (Read 3937 times)

The Mysterious Stranger

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The collapse of the United States of America 2012
« on: May 12, 2012, 04:14:25 PM »
 I have been viewing over the YouTube videos until a idea just popped up in my mind, what about 2012? I know that I am a canadian but I am also afraid of the collapse of the United States of America. Just imagine how much chaos it could cause all over the Northern hemisphere (USA and Canada). Anyways, back on subject. I became more and more obsessed with the collapse of the United States since I searched it up on YouTube and found many videos like Ron Paul and such. What do you think?

Re: The collapse of the United States of America 2012
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2012, 04:22:56 PM »
Even if the US fell apart its not like I would give a damn, Texas would become its own nation have an entire army guarding the border with mexico, and a fully unfucked economy(Texas is one of the least impacted states) and have the ablity to form a union with Florida and restart the space program.

Mean while the fly over states wouldn't be effected, California would fall apart with in a month, Newyork would all commit suicide, and last but not least I'll fly to D.C and tell everyone there I told you so.
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Offline Journeyman H. [UK]

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Re: The collapse of the United States of America 2012
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2012, 08:39:53 PM »
It's going to be a global collapse. All the countries around the world borrowed money from each other, their debt stays there, the United Kingdom is suffering double dip recessions, so rather than a balanced boom and bust cycle, you get a small boom and a massive bust cycle. Therefore reaching to inevitable debt rise.

Juggernaut, I do sincerely doubt Texas being least affected, because a lot of the taxes you pay for in the US is to repay the debt that the US government got themselves into, and even if the US collapsed, you'd still have to pay off the debt, is impossible from my point of view  regardless if Texas went "Independent", also I doubt Texas has much resources to back up their worth if they decided to form their own currency. So splitting away would just make you financially poorer than before.

The main reason is the constant borrowing of money from other countries and their own banks has made their debt become unpayable, note that ontop of that you have advanced technology that lays off people from working due to technology being far more superior than human workers.

But yeah, you guys might as well demand a new system. We're using this free market system. This philosophy that we use is over 200 years old now. Clearly unsustainable and filled with permanent debt that rises.
Just like Albert Einstein said; "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
Clearly racist.

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Re: The collapse of the United States of America 2012
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 07:14:42 PM »
The United States still has the largest economy(Size, not power) in the world.  If the United States collapsed the whole world would be affected.  Collapsing this year would put many nations into a depression.  Greece is currently fucked and doesn't need anything else to speed it's destruction up.  United Kingdom entered another recession.  Spain is in a double dip recession with 25% unemployment.  and since nations like Canada and the nations in the middle east export moist of their oil to large countries like the united states, those countries would be affected even more.

The United States being the worlds top exporter of food would cause an effect on countries that rely very heavily on importing food from the US. 

Offline Journeyman H. [UK]

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Re: The collapse of the United States of America 2012
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2012, 12:07:01 PM »
Johanan, I hope you're not using economy in "a lazy way".

I'll assume you're talking about America being the richest still?
Just an FYI, it's irrelevant how "Rich" a country is, if the people are in economic depression, then obviously that means they can't be able to look after their people, which ultimately means that they are too poor.

Don't forget that America has the most private companies, therefore it would obviously mean that there is a financial advantage by basing itself in America. But that's literally about it.

"If the United States collapsed the whole world would be affected.". No, it wouldn't. The result would literally be rich companies would base themselves in countries that are financially better off... and you'd still have to pay the debt.
Infact, any country collapsing won't countries with their own independent economy (United Kingdom, for one, seeing as they use the pound sterling, the EU don't control UK banks) would be aggravated but business will still carry on as usual.

In fact, the U.S. debt per person is nearly 38k (According to the economist. See link)

I could just literally say "The system we use is unsustainable, instead of the balance of boom and bust we used to have, we're eventually getting a 'boom, bust-bust, boom.', which can also mean a double dip recession"
Clearly racist.

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Re: The collapse of the United States of America 2012
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2012, 01:26:40 PM »
I don't think it will effect a lot of countries. US buys a lot but doesn't sell much at all, but the states might have some trouble.
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Re: The collapse of the United States of America 2012
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2012, 08:04:40 PM »
The U.S. has been through times worse than this, I think we can recover. (hopefully!)


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