Hi, I'm Sectus, as the title says.
I'm obviously a new member here at the time this message is posted. I joined this group mainly because of my recent discovery of HL2RP. I have been playing HL2RP on different servers for about a month, and after some looking around, I have determined that this is one of, if not the most populated host of an HL2RP server. Due to my playing on HL2RP servers, I am at least slightly seasoned in it.
I visit various websites on the internet, mainly newgrounds. Newgrounds is what I would consider my "home website" as it were, because that is really where I got my start. Something you should also know about me, I am a brony. I love the show, but not to a creepy extent. I can be reached on steam under the name "Sectus" or the username "Gius20". I never change my online name, so you will know it is me.
I hope I can reach a positive position with the community, and I look forward to sharing memorable experiences with everyone!