Author Topic: <::||C45.CCA.GRID-01.101's Private logs||::>  (Read 2552 times)

Offline ur mom bob

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<::||C45.CCA.GRID-01.101's Private logs||::>
« on: May 21, 2012, 03:53:39 AM »
UNIT: 101

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<::|| It has been a week and half since I joined the CCA. So far, everything has been going good. I spent a little over a week as a recruit and was promoted to an 05 a couple of days ago. I was happy I got promoted, I can now actual patrol by myself, and I have more responsibility. I was promoted the same day as one of my good friends in the CCA, 280. I met 280 when I first joined the CCA, and now we have become great friends. Anyway, I decided I would try and join a different division. It was my lucky day, the NOVA division began calling units down to the medbay and would decide if they were good enough to join. I rushed down to the medbay, told them why I wanted to join, and was accepted. The good thing is 280 was also accepted.

We both got trained in basic medical and joined the NOVA forensics team.  A few days later, everything was going good. I was patrolling and I heard this man screaming out curse words ever two minutes or so. I approached him and asked him what was wrong. He claimed he had tourettes, so I detained him and told him I was going to take care of him. I brought him to the treatment room and 713 and I performed electro shock therapy. It ended up failing and the man died, we tried our best. A few hours later, right before I was going to end my shift,  I heard over the radio a citizen was shot in the chest for resisting and attempting to run. 280 and I were called to the cells and we had to attempt to save this man's life. We failed, we didn't have the training to perform a surgery and no higher ranked NOVA units were 10-8.

A lot has been going on, and as long as I am a unit of the CCA, I will do my best everyday. ||::>

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« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 01:47:04 PM by Mooch »

Offline ur mom bob

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.NOVA-05.101's Private logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 01:04:03 AM »
UNIT: 101

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<::|| Well, I haven't made a log in a while. So lets begin, this week has been busy. It started off, by investigating a murder near the RDT, with 280 and 938. I am apart of the NOVA forensics team and this is what we do. We checked out the crime scene, cleaned most of it up and brought the body inside. I really shouldn't be talking about this. So, everyday seems to be repeating, I wake up, patrol, take a break, treat one or two citizens, then back to bed. Some days are different and something special happens, but most of the time it is like that.

*A sigh is heard * These citizens are getting worse and worse. Today I had to treat two citizens who were attacked. The weren't to hurt, but citizens are stooping so low just to earn a buck. These poor citizens can't even defend them self, and most of the time they are attacked in D6. I am getting used to the sight of death. Today I witnessed over three amputations, I got to say I was a little scared. But you have to do, what you got to do. Oh I forgot, I was promoted from an 05 to and 04! Another good thing is 280 was also promoted, the same day as me. Me and him are becoming good friends, we also work well together.

Well, it is getting late, bye.  ||::>

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.NOVA-04.101's Private logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2012, 09:05:34 PM »
UNIT: 101

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<::||Well, this week as been a very gruesome one. Well it started off during the morning, the power went off in the Nexus. So we ending up waiting till the units in GRID were able to fix it. While I was patrolling, fog seemed to take over the city. Citizens were falling all over, even a few Units fell. This one citizen fell down the stairs, I felt pretty bad for the old man. I walked over to him and examined him. Turned out he was okay, just some minor cuts. During the week, there was another murder. I just got on duty and was called by 377 to the plaza.

   There was a female body on the ground and a note. Anyway we brought in the body, did some tests and all that. It turned out the people who murdered this lady were caught. One was killed, the other mind wiped, so it was a pretty good day. Oh yea, the most horrible day of my life happened. There was an outbreak of rats coming from the sewers. I mean like millions entered the streets and so many citizens were killed. After we killed most of the rats, we got the citizens to clean up. It was a pretty scary sight, rat bodies everywhere, and even citizen bodies just lying around. That was a day I would never forget.

   I don't want to forget this, the CmD radioed in that a citizen got a hold of a MP7 and a 9mm. I was shocked and me and some other units rushed to the plaza. We managed to get his weapons thanks to the CmD. We detained them and I never saw them after that. I don't even know how they got a hold of the weapons and I will probably never find out. Well, that is what my week was like, it was a busy one and I hope I never have to deal with rats again. I am going to go now, bye. ||::>

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« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 03:27:34 AM by Mooch »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.GRID-03.101's Private logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 11:31:08 PM »
UNIT: 101

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<::|| Well, a lot has been going on the past couple of days. I decided to transfer from NOVA to GRID. I made this descision because I wanted to branch out and learn different things. I spent a lot of time in NOVA and learned a lot, but I want to learn more. Another reason is I want to make or invent something that could help the CCA in any way. Anyway, I was promoted while in NOVA to 03, and now I am a 03 in GRID. I was pretty happy when I got promoted and I fell kinda bad for leaving NOVA, but things will move on. Oh yes, today we found a Vortigaunt in the plaza, it turned out the Vortigaunt was turning in itself. Well, that's mostly it, bye.||::>

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.GRID-02.101's Private logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2012, 01:37:05 PM »
UNIT: 101

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<::|| Well, these past couple days have been busy, but entertaining. I built my first scanner along with 286, and with 270's help. I got to say it is an amazing machine. Took me two days to finish it but it was worth it. It is working fine and I even added my digits and a purple lenses on it. Oh yea another thing is I was promoted to 02, I am getting higher in the chain and it feels good. I also like it how other units call me sir, I don't know why, but it feels good. Also I woke up from a stab wound that 938 treated, I don't even remember getting stabbed, it is weird. I also started on a new project, going to be similar to a scanner but for the ground. I don't want to spoil anything, so yeah. Anyway GRID has been going and I am going to sign off now.   ||::>

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.GRID-01.101's Private logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2012, 01:52:11 PM »
UNIT: 101

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<::|| Well I was promoted to 01 by 701 today. There is a lot of responsibility that goes with 01 and I will not fail my superiors. I feel I am ready for this and will do my best. Another thing happened today, I was interviewed to join ZEALOT, I told them I didn't want to join, but they did it anyway. At the end of the interview 717 told me he was glade he did it and that he wasn't losing anything if I wasn't taken out of my current division. To be honest, I was happy, I didn't want to be forced out of GRID just to join ZEALOT. I feel like GRID is my home and I am going to stay here forever. ||::>

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.GRID-01.101's Private logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2012, 01:55:05 AM »
UNIT: 101

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<::|| Well it has been a couple days since I did this, so I am going to do one now. Lets begin, so it was a normal day and we were expecting a delivery of nerve gas from one of our airships. Everything was going great until something hit the airship and the nerve gas was dropped on the city. We immediately brought every citizen in the sewers and sealed off the entrances. A little while after it got through and we had to move the citizens through the tunnels. Then that is when it happened, the citizens got through and me and 936 the NOVA DvL were stuck at the end. Breathing it the gas, nearly dying. Then out of no where 245 was there, dragging 938 along. I grabbed onto 938's leg and was dragged along with them. The gas didn't kill us, but I was off duty for a day or two from it. I thought that was bad, until what happened to me today.

286 radioed in about two Vortigaunts at the P3 HAP, me and 495 immediately rushed over to provide back up. We got there and we were attacked by them, they were using some kind of lighting from their hands. I got hit in the chest and thigh and was out cold, 495 was just hit in the upper torso, he was also out cold. 286 called for backup and once they arrived we were brought to the med bay, that is what I was told. I don't remember anything else, all I remember after was waking up and seeing 495 fine and 280 in front of me. He just told me to walk to him and walk back and not to look down. I really had no idea what happened, after a few minutes he told me to look down. I did and I saw that my right leg was replaced with a prosthetic one. I was nearly in shock, I didn't think those Vortigaunts could do that much damage. Anyway, now I am stuck with a fake leg, but at least I am alive, I have 280 and 605 to thank for that. Oh yea and one last thing that happened to me, I got my testicles removed. All 01s need to get them removed, so I thought I would get it over and done with. Bye. ||::>

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