Author Topic: Faith Ann's Authorization Application  (Read 2210 times)


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Faith Ann's Authorization Application
« on: March 29, 2012, 06:41:46 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Luna™
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About five years.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: About three years.

Character Section

Crudely made bow/arrow.

Name: Faith Ann
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
**Faith Ann walks away from the bright burning flame, putting her idea into place.
**Faith Ann walks to the trees, looking over the live ones for the 'perfect' branch.
**Faith Ann finds one, at a medium height.
**Faith Ann begins her ascent, using (strong) branches as footholds and grips.
**Once in place, Faith takes out her old, dull pocketknife, and begins sawing at the branch.
**Over thirty minutes pass of constant sawing, until the branch finally comes loose, and falls to the ground.
**Faith Ann climbs halfway down, and drops the rest, the fall not being at all fatal, only slightly painful.
**Faith Ann grabs the branch, and walks back to the flame.
**Faith Ann sits on the log, and unzips her backpack. She takes out duct tape, a bungee cord, and some thin rope..
**Faith Ann begins by using her knife to, over the course of about ten minutes, make a hole in both ends of the branch.
**Faith Ann puts both ends of the bungee cord through the holes, securing it (temporarily) with duct tape.
**Faith Ann uses three layers of tape on both ends of the branch, making sure the cord will stay.
**Faith Ann uses the rope to tie to make two Bowline knots on both ends of the branch.
**Faith Ann, finished with the bow, moves onto three reasonably straight, strong sticks.
**Faith Ann uses the knife to make a 'bite' in one end of all the sticks.
**Faith Ann uses the knife to sharpen the sticks, making sure it could at LEAST puncture smooth wood.
**Faith Ann, finished, picks up the bow. She pulls back the bungee cord a few times, making sure it will stay.
**The cord stays in place very well, even when pulled back to the maximum.
**Faith Ann loads an arrow, using the technique she learned from her now deceased father.
**Faith Ann pulls back the string, and takes aim at a dead tree, which most of the bark has peeled from.
**Faith Ann releases, letting the arrow fly...
**The arrow flies, not straight, and collides with the tree.
**The arrow breaks upon impact.
**Faith Ann sighs, and reaches for another good stick from the pile of firewood. Selecting one, she gets to work...
**Faith Ann cuts inside the back of the stick, three times.
**Faith Ann looks around for a while, finding exactly what she needs; feathers.
**Faith Ann slides the feathers in all three ends of the arrow, making another Bowline knot to secure them.
**Faith Ann sharpens the arrow, which takes quite a while due to the knife's condition.
**Faith Ann tests this arrow, pulling back the string, and shooting.
**The arrow flies straight forward, and buries itself in the tree. Deep, too.
**Faith Ann smiles, happy with her creation. She makes the three cuts on all the other arrows, and inserts feathers.
**Faith Ann puts the bow on her back, the bungee cord pressing against her front, securing the actual bow to her back.
**Faith Ann sits, happily, and gets back to work tending her fire...

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Hunting in-character animals such as squirrels and birds, and, on rare occasions, deer. Antlions and other Xen wildlife could be killed, too.

Self-defense, if necessary.


Re-useable and easily re-makeable ammunition.

The bow will fall apart after about two, maybe three weeks of useage.

The arrows may fail mid-flight in a life-threatening situation, resulting, possibly, in my character's death.

As with any other weapon, there is the strong possibility of missing...

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Hunting small game, defending myself, and intimidations lesser-armed hostiles.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
No, they will not.

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):

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Re: Faith Ann's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 08:35:11 PM »
I like this. Survival techniques. Playing to survive rather then 'fight combine' is an excellent form of rp i wish i saw more often. Just dont start whipping arrows at people for fun.

I support this auth. Wait can I do that?

Offline Nicknero

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Re: Faith Ann's Authorization Application
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 10:48:51 AM »
The idea is good, but rather then using RP as backstory. (writing /mes etc.), write a proper backstory explaining OOCly why your character is going to make these items, how he/she will do it and where he/she will use it for etc.

Pending on the improvement of the backstory.
Check out my Youtube channel with all kinds of cool videos including LP's which I'm currently working at. Don't forget to give feedback as well. ;)


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Re: Faith Ann's Authorization Application
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 06:54:38 PM »
Alright. Assuming I don't have to re-make the whole app, I'll just post a redone backstory here.


     OOCly I got the idea after having to many guns pointed at me. The IC reason is similiar, however the main intended IC purpose would be hunting. The idea was formed a long OOC time ago, when a man aimed a shotgun at her for coming to close to his camp. The idea stayed at the back of her head for a long time, but it quickly grew. She began to realize that she had what she needed, and that it wouldn't take long. At first, she was reminded only in a life-threatening combat situation. Soon she was reminded every time she was fishing, or waiting for a squirrel to take bait, only to fail at catching it.

     At long last, while sitting around a campfire on a cold night, she decided to put the idea into place. That's where the /me's begin.

                                                                             RE-WRITTEN STORY BEGINS HERE

     Faith Ann, at long last, succeeded at lighting the nest. The flame spread to the teepee in the amount of time it took for her to pocket the old lighter. She sat on the log, letting the flame's warmth hit her. As she does every night, Faith thought about many things; Her family, friends, and, of course, how she was going to survive the next day. Soon, an old thought popped into her mind; a weapon. A bow and arrows, to be precise. After a while of contemplating the idea, she finally stood.

      Faith was always an excellent climber. She practiced almost every day on cliffs, trees, and buildings. It was time to put her skills to use.  She walked to the small wooded area to the east side of her camp. Jumping up, she grabbed onto a branch, and pulled herself up. She switched grips to footholds as she ascended, avoiding weak branches. At long last, she spotted the perfect branch. It was strong and curved.

       Faith sat on a branch across from the soon-to-be bow, and took out her old pocketknife. (OOC note, the knife would be IMPOSSIBLE to use as a weapon, thus I didn't bother posting an application so many months ago when I found it.) She unfolded it, and brought it to the branch. For almost a half hour, she sawed at the wood. After a while, it finally came loose, and she snapped it off the tree's trunk.

       The branch fell to the ground, as did Faith. The fall wasn't lethal, it was only a few feet from the ground. She hit, grabbed the branch, and walked to the campfire. Once she got there, she unzipped her backpack, taking out the necessary items; duct tape and a bungee cord, both of which she obtained from an abandoned camp.

       Faith began by making a whole in each end of the branch. She fed the bungee cord about two inches through each whole, and tied it. She used a few layers of duct tape to secure it. She moved on to the arrows. She selected some strong sticks from the pile of firewood near the actual fire, and got to work.

       She began by sharpening the sticks. She then made a 'bite' in the unsharpened end of all three sticks. Finally, she made three small cuts in the end of the arrow. Faith stood up, and walked around the camp. Selecting nine feathers, she sat back on the log. She inserted the feathers to the bow, and reached back into her backpack.

       To finish, Faith took out some thin rope. Using the skills her father taught her, she made a Bowline knot on the ends of all three arrows. Making sure it was tight, she picked up the bow, loaded an arrow, and pulled back the bungee cord. Taking aim at a nearby tree, she released the bungee cord, letting an arrow fly at the tree at a very high speed.

        The arrow traveled, and hit the tree in less than a second. The arrow stuck in the tree, burying itself almost six inches into the trunk. Faith smiled, and pulled the arrow from the tree. The bow finished, she secured it to her back using the bungee cord to press against her front, in turn securing the actual bow to her back. She got back to the fire, adding on some wood from the pile...

     Looking at this in preview, it looks rushed and shitty. Paragraphs seem a LOT longer in this little window for text. Anyway, here ya go.

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Re: Faith Ann's Authorization Application
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2012, 07:53:08 PM »
Thanks for providing the OOC backstory, I'll +support this now.

Offline wag1

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Re: Faith Ann's Authorization Application
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2012, 10:15:44 AM »
I have been watching this for quite awhile, and I'll it due to having evaluated your RP earlier.

But, this does not mean you have an unlimited source of arrows to shoot. I want you to RP building new ones every once in a while. Not ONLY that but I want to see your bow breaking sometimes, and it's either you repairing it or making a completely new one. I'm on Outlands a lot, so I'll be making sure this happens. Anyways, good app, good RP, and you know what you're doing. Accepted.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 01:39:35 AM by Kom??Як »


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