Author Topic: Are you truly safe and free from fear?  (Read 13165 times)

Offline Journeyman H. [UK]

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2012, 09:05:37 AM »
This video is simply excellent, this does describe how our world runs.
The thing is though the thread is asking if people are living in fear, asking yourself and the people around you.
However psychopaths (aiming mainly towards people who use manipulation) exists simply because of how the system is made, the system that is running right now allows psychopaths to exist and find ways to confuse, scare, or justify their actions using lies and manipulation and so forth, I should use the term what's said in the video "Cerebral Psychopaths". I can't go far too much into detail though.

People in fear, I mean people who speak out against the way the system works.

So, people who supports their country and/or the system won't need to fear much, apart from the fear they implement to them, for instance, when the media speaks of a "terrorist bombing", they would normally assume it's an "Islamic terrorist" or someone from Al-Qaeda,
Or if people think of countries like China, they'll go "It's a communist country, they don't get any freedom or democracy, our system promotes freedom of speech and allows us to vote", so if anyone mentions that communism could be a way to improve society, it would be shot down, because people would fear any potential tyranny, such as Stalin or Mao.

But people who do speak out, would be in fear of social rejection, and could face abuse or unfair labelling. For instance, the media and well known members of the public label the occupy protesters "Teenage college drop out students", "Hippies", "Communists", or whatever powerful words they can do to unfairly label the individuals.
Normally when the label is made on the protesters, the people who support their country would blindly support the government and would say that it is justifiable to get armed police to fire upon the people who are protesting (Or an unlucky bystander).

I avoid comparing one country, to the other just to say that our system is good, because I do feel that there are far, far better ways of improving it, but the system that is used allows tyrants to use lies and manipulation to control people and make them fear each other.

I hate typing out such a long message to pinpoint exactly what I am trying to say, but yeah, takes a while to condense it down into a readable size.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 09:13:59 AM by Journeyman H. [UK] »
Clearly racist.

Offline Pielolz

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2012, 04:38:13 PM »
Are we safe from fear? It is impossible to be safe from fear. However, I do not fear law enforcement, I respect them. I fear an ICMB falling from the sky, however. And I fear a mass conflict in the Middle East.

Those are sound fears, but fearing the police, based on some faulty sources which are most likely edited to support the creator's opinion. (Yes, Anonymous is not a valid source, neither is Russia Today.) We did not know what happened prior to the roughness in the video.

'If I was a cop, and some punk punched me, I'd beat the shit out of him. They protect those shit stains, then they resist and break the laws? I'd be pissed too.

Offline Journeyman H. [UK]

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2012, 06:12:06 PM »
Do you ever wonder why the conflict happens in the middle east? People from the middle east don't just decide to be terrorists. No. Terrorism was at it's height because our government decided to be imperialistic decided to tell them what to do and how to live. Whilst we know that isn't the case, it's all about the oil. If we really went after dictators and evil people, then I wonder how people like Mugabe is still allowed to run the country.

Can you prove to me how the sources I prevent are 'faulty'? I'd want you to give me the real reason why they are not valid as well. Don't go "Because I don't see it on television". I find that independent media sources are far more reliable than mainstream, however I never say that the mainstream media is not valid, but we both definitely know that the mainstream media filters out information that we should know.

Your last sentence just made me go "Lol what are you on about?"
The police are just as liable of causing violence, it's already proven since they show an aggressive posture (Holding weapons, holding shields and batons), that shows signs of aggression.
Not once have I heard in both mainstream media or independent media say that protesters used weapons. Not once did I hear.
SURE, I heard protesters becoming violent, but it obviously proves that the protesters did not cause violence from the start, as they have no weapons therefore they shown no tendency to be violent in the first place.

Also, no media is false. There is always the truth. Especially when there's pictures and videos involved.
Clearly racist.

Offline Mr Jive

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2012, 06:24:07 PM »
Well then Journeyman it’s a good thing you don't live in North Korea :l

You are free and you are probably quite happy. Also your talks of clouded judgement and what not our silly in its self when you obviously have a clouded judgement. The videos you have shown us our not good sources of information, they should not be used as way to change your views on humanity and all that bull shit.

The first video is an anonymous video. To start it is already bias seeing as how the creator is probably a "Freedom fighter" who thinks the American government is trying to take all teh freedom and make us all slaves to the man. Secondly the source its self it not useful for information. There are many omissions in the video such as all the clips are taken out of context, you don't know what is going on in the situation, for these reasons the source is flawed and bias.

The 2nd and 3rd videos are taken from Russian Television news team. A team that, odds are, are not too pro USA, I can only Imagine why. For that reason the writers are again going to be bias and leave out omissions of information. In one of the videos it is cut off and doesn’t show the situation fully. In the other they only do interviews with the protestors, they didn't do one with bystanders, police on scene or Government officials; not to mention there is no background on the events.

The 4th video may have just been a police mistake, as the ending of the video is cut off for all we know the police officer apologised and went on with the traffic stop, at the same time perhaps in certain states it is a felony to record the police while they talk to you for confidentiality reasons.

The 5th video shows how hypocritical you are. See now that is a society that lives in fear and under tyranny. Instead of complaining about how if you scream at police in a mob you might get hurt (well duh) why don't you complain about how innocent people in the Middle East our getting bombed? Some people are just selfish ey?

The 6th video shares the same points at the other ones, lots of omissions, no talking to the police, spun off in a negative light of the police.

To sum up, these videos are not reliable sources, and also you are directly attacking the goverment. "Share your thoughts, but more importantly, question the authority" - you ask us to question the authority that in its self is bias, before you even give us a chance to share our thoughts you are already telling us what to think.

If you stand for happiness and freedom then go do something about it. Instead of having a hissy fit about your almost perfect life (trust me it is) go out there to foreign countries and help people with your bare hands, go make a difference. Don't want to? If not then stop complaining about the "broken system" and keep quiet, because you aren't doing anything to help. I’m sure I have left some things but I will say them later.

Pretty much already said why those videos were not good sources :P

Moving on I have decided to finnaly respond to your point earlier. The thing is when you said do we live in fear I stopped and thought to my self: Do I live in fear? No. Do my friends live in fear? No. Do my parents live in fear? No. Do people around me in my life generally live in fear? No.

I mean what you are saying is that the people who protest live in fear, fear of what? Of being given a minor injury for mob protest and mob violence? Well thats a given surely that there is going to be some police retaliation! That dosen't mean we all live in fear because they do, which is not what you said. Specifilcy you said "Are you truly sae and free from fear?" My answer and a lot of peoples answers will be yes, we are.

Fair enough about not comparing to countries but still, none the less we do not live in fear as a whole community. What we should be more worried about is how our countries are treating other people and other worldly issues etc etc. And to get change you don't have to use mob protest, you can protest as a single person in very clever and subtle ways.
OCRP IC name: Rudy Smith

Offline Yimmy The Cat

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #34 on: April 06, 2012, 09:31:34 AM »
         Ok, number one, The Anonymous is a bunch of really stupid people that claim police brutality on the spot. If a police officer tells you to move, you better move because its for a reason. This police brutality bullshit that the media has driven into your minds is completely idiotic and just proves yet again how little respect we give  to those who protect our city streets.

It matter what happened. In the first one in the first video, that was self defense. In the second one, he shot that guy for no reason. When they say poliece brutality, they mean when a cop runs over to you and punches you before trying to make an arrest when you haven't done a thing. Hell, my dads a cop and just say that video, and he agrees that those people are doing police brutality.

Example of self defense:
Officer goes to arrest a man.
Man punches officer
Officer tackles him and punches him, and handcuffs him.


Example of Brutality:
Man is walking down the street. (Lets say he is black, because I see cops that do this)
Officer asks the man where he is going.
Man says "to the bus" and keeps walking
Officer yells "I want to talk to you"
Man keeps walking (You don't have to keep talking)
Officer runs over and tackles him and punches him, and arrests him

BAD!  >:(
What starts off as a joke soon becomes a gamemode.

I envy you :'(  Did you furiously pull your cock off until your penis shot pure childrens tears?

Offline Journeyman H. [UK]

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #35 on: April 06, 2012, 02:24:26 PM »
The problem is that people too obsessed that because it's either RT or from collective conciousness groups (i.e. Anonymous), too interested in it looking like an "anti-" group, I am far more interested in the content than who made it.

Also, what you need to also understand, is that there are a lot groups who claim to be anonymous.
Currently the hot topic that a lot of the anon groups are interested in is the current system and how it's failing, and they're wanting people to rethink how the system goes and understand it's failures, I doubt they became anti-capitalist about it because they felt like it, because what we're talking about is a group of thousands of people from each part of the world, contributing their point of view and they all have 1 thing in common and that's the understanding of the system and how it's failing.

Now I could say the mainstream media is false, because it simply distracts people, exaggerates their story and filters out vital information that we need to know, this leaves people being dumbfounded and would ignore about it.
A lot of the news I see is always about celebrities, sports, and our constant "We have an economic growth/fall!" bullshit.

Rarely do I see news relating to things such as protests, and if they are, all it results in, is people making poor, uneducated opinions and resort to mislabelling the people involved.

Once again, I view both mainstream and independent media, and I find that the mainstream media pours out a lot of filtered garbage, rarely do I find any good ones (Russia Today is alright, not that good, but still much better than the ones I watch on TV or see in the news papers.)

But then again, I don't call any media false. Seeing as I would rather look at things at both angles and the content inside it, I am not interested, in the slightest on who made it. If it gives valued information, then they get my interest. I always make sure I look at the content and not the brand.
Clearly racist.

Offline Mr Jive

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2012, 07:06:42 PM »
Hmm I think also our source of media is very different as well. In the UK we still have some very false news sources that I wouldn't bother listening too. For example we have the Sun and more importantly the Daily Mail, newspapers which are quite frankly racist, bias against anything that isn't "a white Englishman" etc etc.

We also have sky news which is ruled over by Rupert Murdoch and generally supports anything that supports him, is fairly bias and again not that great. But we do have quite a few news sources that are very fair towards different opinions. BBC news being one of them, they don't have any political sidings and they often play devil’s advocate to get as many sides to the stories as they can and in recent times when there has been protest they have gone over to the protest groups and talked to them in a peaceful way and tried to understand what they are protesting about, giving you clear information and not slandering them in anyway.

There are newspapers as well, like the Guardian which too doesn't stick to one side and does the same sort of things as BBC news. Obviously there are still lots of bias news sources but as long as you are not too dim-witted it is easy to spot a non-biased source. From the sounds of it in America you make it sound like you only have bias sources, unfortunately I wouldn't know. The only news sources I know of from the states is fox and the local news. Is every source in your country so bias that you have to rely on the anonymous etc?
OCRP IC name: Rudy Smith

Offline Journeyman H. [UK]

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2012, 09:25:59 AM »

You legitimately believe that I rely on 1 source of media, or media that is somehow "Anti-american" or "Anti-western" media. I am pretty sure that I mentioned (Constantly now) that I look at all forms of media, and I am far more interested in the contents of the video and not who made it.

Also, name dropping or labelling individuals / groups by someone who is considered a "Politician" or "Expert" of related fields that are discussing issues within the media does not make me believe that they are very honest or dealing with the problems, but like to name drop just so they get public support. That is not credible news or information.
Clearly racist.

Offline Mr Jive

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Re: Are you truly safe and free from fear?
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2012, 09:43:07 AM »
No I don't? I was simply saying that by the way you were speaking you seemed to portray that all major news teams were bias and pro-American all the way and so you don't "listen" to them as much so to say. But you still have too look at the bad sources sometimes and from the sounds of it you do that too.

Anyway, I think we are starting to just go in circles with an endless argument, I have put forward my opinion on the matter of fear within our society and you have put forward yours. We obvioulsy have some views on the matter that are clash with eachother but we have found some common ground as well; still the point stands that we are going in circles.
OCRP IC name: Rudy Smith


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