City 45, you don't like it because it is NOT depressing. No other Nexus can compare to C45's, C45 has the most utility out of every nexus. ALSO, S6 has only 1 entrance, not 5. The apartments are all custom made, and the CWU HQ is uber boss.
The fact you skiddies want a map change on a daily basis pisses me off. The Dev's worked their fucking asses off for this map, and this is how you reward their kind service? bitching about it and saying Shittiest 8 is better? City 8 was a minge fest. Want to change C45's minge problems? More admins. Hell, even a turbo derp such as myself can make a night version. If you want to be sad all the time, Download Source SDK, open up Hammer, and get cracking. C8 is tinny as fuck, I've played there before, the Nexus has 1 CA office, 10 un used rooms, 1 medbay (which is 1/2 the size of ours) And detainment, with doors that are Admin Locked, so no one can open them!!! Let me look up how many servers use C18, 567. Lemme look up how many use C8, 230. WOW, How many use C45_Catalyst_Stable_v1? 2. Us and some other community. We have a premium cut playerbase and little competition.