Player Section
Steam Name: _yo_zaP
Age: 13
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 3 years, 5 if you count MMORPG's
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 3 years
Character Section
For my character to have an advanced knowledge of anything that has to be medical. And too have the somewhat advanced tools, not including CCA medical tools.
Name: Katie Christensen
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Affiliation: None
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
Katie Christensen grew up before the war just like anyone else would. Although her parents were sometimes crude, she thought it was for a purpose. One day, her parents told her she would become a doctor and go to the appropriate college.As she was sent off into the college, she spent years without much time with her parents. She grew friends at the college, they all helped each other study on those long nights in the dorm. One day, the school noticed a giant black cloud looming over, and then lightning striking all around. Amongst all the chaos, Katie looked out the window, seeing the giant beam of color from the sky. As she saw the scholars from the school running around, she also saw the Civil Authority marching down the street. As she watched people grab there guns and fire, people were rushed into the school. She was sent with her dorm into the surgical bay, and she had to help with the wounded. As she had the help of professional doctors, they told her everything. She carefully did what they said, listening and absorbing every word. As the days passed, they received the causalities in and out of the hospital. She listened to the doctors, and listening, she learned all she could about medical knowledge. As the CP entered the school one day, she and the others ran out the back room, the few left behind were taken prisoner. They walked for days, and she finally came to the Outlands of City 45.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
-Able to treat nearly anything.
-Have the tools for such treatments.
-Katie would have to resupply on things like plasma, and medications.
-Would run out of supplies, taking a long trip to get more.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I expect to expand on my basic MedicalRP right now into one as which I can help anyone I need too. My character has always been the one to help others, and she has forever been a medic.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Which server does this apply for?
Extra Notes (optional):