Author Topic: Roleplay Guide (Basics)  (Read 3851 times)

Offline FPSRussia

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Roleplay Guide (Basics)
« on: January 01, 2012, 03:16:25 PM »
Half-Life:Two Roleplay Terminology

This is a small and short guide on how stuff is done on Hl2RP, I will go over the commands and such of the server and when it is appropriate to use them.


First thing I am going to get into is the most important part of the server and by far the most needed to know, it is called /me.

"/me" is used to perform a designated action within the specific area with or without another person with you. You can simply be by yourself and use it for some passive roleplay which would be you saying for example (/me picks up the broom and moves it back and forward on the still surface) that is another good example of /me and how it is used.

Now, this however can also be used when Roleplaying with other citizens. I.E: /me lifts out a hand and attempts to shake the other citizens hand with respect. They would then reply with something of the essence of /me does not return the shake, or they would be nice and return it.

"/me" is basically an action command and is used for action of what you character does.

* Purple Looks at the citizens as they enter the Nexus with ties put to their wrists.

Fear RP & Pain RP

Okay this is another very important aspect of the server, It puts a sort of realism that the server needs to be great.

Fear RP

FearRP is for example is the fact that you are scared of stuff IC. You can be scared of anything you see fit of your character; a good one would be the CCA especially the SeC. This FearRP works as if you see him you would be stuttering and using /me's that represent your scared.


*The SeC leaves the Nexus to enter general plaza.(This would probably not happen but it is for the example)
* Purple Walks up to the SeC and asks him a question.
Citizen: S-S-Sir, I-I am Lo-Looking to have a Mee-Meeting with you and I-I require your Per-Per-Mission.
CCA.C18.SeC.34242: Citizen, You are not worth my time... NOW LEAVE!
* Purple Jumps back in a jolt of horror and urinates in his paints a little from the scare, not noticeable of course.
Citizen: Ye-YES Sir. I-I-I will not bother you-you again.
* The SeC continues on with his duties to the CWU building.

FearRP is basically you being scared of stuff IC. This could also mean someone putting a gun to your face, you would most likely not run if it was real life so don't run on the server, if you do choose to run I would make some good RP out of it.


This is another thing that explains itself, if you are shot or punched RP it with some sort of pain. Obviously you would not run away after being shot in the leg without Kevlar on.

Example of PainRP:

*A rebel faction approaches me as I am walking around in the S6 Sector.
*They get closer and are appearing to have blunt objects in their hands and have angry faces.
Citizen: Uhmm, what are you guys doing.
Rebel: I am going to get you for what you did to my friend!
Citizen: Your friend deserved it!
Rebel: We will see about that!
*The rebel attempts to hit the citizen in the head with his crowbar.
* Purple gets hit in the head pretty hard falling into the wall and hitting the trashcans to the ground.
Citizen: Oh gosh! Oh my god! I am bleeding
Citizen Help me!
* The citizen lies there in dire pain as his head is half cut open and he is all alone
Rebel: Seeya punk!
* The rebels retreat into the dark area of S6 and are not seen.

This is RP generated around your character being hurt in any way or form.


Okay, so /y's are used for yelling actions IC. Yelling IC can get you an audio violation if you’re a citizen but on CCA, OTA, & CA It will come in handy. /y's are mostly used by CCA to tell you to move or if they are mad and in some cases the CA will use it for speeches publicly.

CCA.C45.GRID-01.934: /y Citizen! MOVE NOW!
City Administrator: /y Citizens! We are catered for this meeting regarding recent activity in UCH that disturbs me.

Of course in server the distance is pretty far distance your yelling and it shows a bit of an echo if you listen closely. This is good if you are trying to send a message to others:)


Okay what is next is /it's, these are used when a whole action around your general area is made. This could be an action of another item or background reference.

However this is not used that often as it should be, I myself have created some well off roleplay with /it's.

Examples could be /it A vase falls off the yellow shelf and shatters all over the tile floor.
This is a good way to promote RP to everyone in the area
Basically /it’s are used for actions around you, this is more the less stuff like tables and shelf and non-human items although you can do human actions with these.

Roleplay General

I understand when people come to the server for their first time and have absolutely not a clue what to do, I was the same way some years ago and so was everyone else. This is going to show you some of the basics of the server and what’s on it.


Okay, Catalyst-Gaming has many factions for their Outlands and City servers, many of them being hard to get and very frustrating when attempting to apply for them. I am going to give a basic overview of them and what they are.

Citizens: This is the MOST basic faction on the server, this is what you are or would be upon firstly coming to our servers. This is a great stage to develop your RP skills and have some really good fun.

Combine Civil Authority (CCA): The CCA are as I would say the Law enforcers of the server. These guys patrol the streets, they detain others for wrongful acts and have a chain command that they all have to follow. They are mean and grumpy and do not like citizens what so ever, when you come in contact do not start a conversation with them about random crap like there weekend. There ranks are RCT>04>03>02>01>OfC>EpU/AmU>DvL>CmD>SeC. When you see them you better show some fear. They are usually armed with a stunstick and a variety of weapons depending on their level. You will not see these units in Outlands.
Overwatch Transhuman Arm (OTA): The OTA are what I like to call the super humans, they are smart and brainwashed to the fullest of extent. The only time you will see the OTA is if you see terror arising or the CA is making a public speech. They are armed with Ar2 Pulse Rifles and are not afraid to use them. If you happen to see the OTA I would not screw with them.

City Administrator (CA):
The CA is like a mayor of a town. The CA is a person who handles the citizen population and encourages them with his/her speeches and gives them motivation with seeing him/her. The CA is always guarded by OTA troops and rarely makes appearances publicly. The CA is a high priority and if messed with you will most likely be killed by his/her OTA.

Vortiguants: Vortiguants are a zen life form that appeared during the portal storms, most of them where captured and some escaped from captivity or just escaped in the beginning. There are Vortiguants on Outlands and on City servers. There are two types of vorts, there are CONSCRIPTS and escaped vorts. Conscripts are the one that have been detained while the other odd bunches are not slaved.

Note: The factions listed above are the basic factions of the server and some of the widely known.

Video on how to RP:

Note: These videos where sent to me and I take no credit for the criteria in them. Many players can watch these and get a basic visual idea of how to do the RP.

How to RP for dummy's:

Shooting to miss:

Please note this is a guide that can be edited anytime and also repays with more stuff to add would be nice. I am human and cannot think of everything.
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Roleplay Guide (Basics)
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 07:15:36 AM »
 Nice work mate!

Offline Jeff2307

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Re: Roleplay Guide (Basics)
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2012, 08:13:07 AM »
Great work!

This will help new players to break the rules less. (Hopefully)

Offline FPSRussia

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Re: Roleplay Guide (Basics)
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2012, 02:42:14 PM »
Great work!

This will help new players to break the rules less. (Hopefully)

These days players don't read rules.. It is pretty ridiculous how you could come on a server and act like a total idiot and without doing harm to us you get banned..
hello my name is Ryan Fournier. I am known on the internet as autism, and I like to pretend I am a little boy named Jamie Laou, a Justin Bieber look alike. I am not 18, so don't listen to me when I say I am. I'm roughly 13 years old.

Offline [CLG] Rob

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Re: Roleplay Guide (Basics)
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2012, 11:00:12 AM »
Nice guide, i wish more people would read it before playing on the server.

Offline wag1

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Re: Roleplay Guide (Basics)
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2012, 12:02:28 AM »
City Administrator (CA): The CA is like a mayor of a town. The CA is a person who handles the citizen population and encourages them with his/her speeches and gives them motivation with seeing him/her. The CA is always guarded by OTA troops and rarely makes appearances publicly. The CA is a high priority and if messed with you will most likely be killed by his/her OTA.

Well, the CA is really just a figure head to aid in keeping a good sociability level by offering the citizens a human to look up to. The only thing that he'd have an effect on is - nothing, lol. I can change that for you if you want, or you can lol.


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