Player Section
Steam Name: Abbott
Age: 18
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): Five years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Nearly three months
Character Section
OTA SYNTH Hunter for Recon use in Outlands and in extreme rare cases if ever, the City.
Name: OTA.SYNTH.48672
Age: 6 months
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Combine
Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
SYNTH.48672 was not one of the SYNTHs to be manufactured from an unknown species from Xen and during the Seven Hour War, but was manufactured within the SYNTH Manufacturing Factory in the Citadel of City 17. This SYNTH however, was not manufactured for the purpose of assault, but for recon work to gather information on any anti-citizen settlements in open areas outside of City limits. This SYNTH has also completed an escort mission to move high priority targets.
The first recon mission SYNTH.48672 was assigned to was to roam and scout a grassy hillside far south of City 17, as there were reports of various anti-civil movements occuring in the area. The SYNTH deployed a high ground tactic to scout the area, while moving it's three legs slowly to attempt to not be heard, or heard much by any anti-citizens within the area. Surely enough, the SYNTH spotted seven anti-citizens emerging from a half-reconstructed shed which looked to have been destroyed during the Seven Hour War. Two of the anti-citizens were seen by the SYNTH to be holding two AR2s, and were trying to fire them at a couple of sticks but unsuccessful as they lacked the biosignal to operate them. The SYNTH still considered this a threat, but it was ordered not to attack unless it is provoked, which in that case it may in self-defence. One of the anti-citizens then looked around the area, and spotted the SYNTH lurking on top of the hillside, which he then screamed "COMBINE!" and rushed into the shed, coming back out with a 9mm pistol and firing upon the SYNTH with a degree of inaccuracy. As the SYNTH was provoked, it launched a number of flechettes from the pair of flechette launchers installed onto the front, which impaled the provoking anti-citizen and another one who was in the line of fire as the first fell. The SYNTH charged towards the shed, which it killed three more of them with it' flechette launchers, then turned to the last one hiding in the half-reconstructed shed. Instead of using more flechettes to kill this one, as he was trapped in the corner, it rushed towards him, and impaled the anti-citizen using the metal blade limps on the front, under the main body of the SYNTH. Afterwards, the SYNTH continued the rest of it's recon mission which it found nothing else, apart from a few collapsed wooden buildings.
The SYNTH reported back to the citadel, completed a few more recon missions and the escort mission of a high priority target, and then was put into stasis and transported to City 45 and held in stasis there until it was needed.
What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
Agility and speed is in the favor of the SYNTH due to having less armor and firepower than larger SYNTHs.
Ability to cause FearRP amongst citizens and anti-citizens, in both City (if ever) and Outlands.
The intelligence of the SYNTH means it can quickly deploy tactics to increase the chances of hitting targets if provoked or assaulting.
The design and the look of the SYNTH means it is a big target to people and clearly an enemy to them.
The fact it has less armor means it is more vulerable to firearms and bullets.
Flechettes fired from the SYNTH are slower than normal bullets, which means long distance firing is an issue for the SYNTH.
What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
Since the SYNTH is mainly for recon use, not assault use, I plan on using it to, if authorised to, patrol and provide recon for the OTA units in Outlands and, if ever, escort OTA units within the City or Outlands. This doesn't mean I am going to go around S2King/S2Hing people because that is a big no-no.
Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))
Nobody else.
Extra Notes (optional):
As this is something new to apply for it would certainly be nice to be one of the people to be able to roleplay something new to improve on my own roleplay skills and experience. If it is denied however, I would certainly like some feedback on what I did wrong to improve this for next time.