Author Topic: Madison Smith's Diary  (Read 1695 times)

Offline IRazion

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Madison Smith's Diary
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:47:24 PM »

*As a Civil Protection unit does a search on Madison's stuff on her and Jay's apartment, He/She might notice a black diary.*

Hello. I am Madison Smith. I am... Actually i was reporter. I am now in a train heading to City 18 from City 56 (Or what we know as New York, Brooklyn). I never write anything actually. Some Civil Protection unit gave me this diary so i can kill time. I accepted since i will be here few days. I am right now writing this while i am on the train. I have black suitcase here with me. The suitcase contains a copy of my "citizen uniform" (or what ever they call it). It also has some water given by the Civil Protection. There is a man sleeping next to me... I really don't know what to write. I'm sure that they will check what i have written on this book. Well, looks like i have to start sleeping. There is three or four Civil Protection units patrolling. They are asking us to go sleep now. Good night!

Hello, diary. I slept well. Civil Protection units gave us some food. Breen's water and dry bread. I don't usually drink Breen's water but now i drunk some and i actually forgot why i "hated" them. I only remember that i hated them. Strange...  Well the dry bread was awful. I'm glad that i managed to eat it. We were just told that we are half way there and that they are doing a search soon.  Okay... They just did the search. One man was only arrested, he had a "homemade knife" with him. I saw the units take the man out and one of them shouted "amputate". I assume they arrested him or something. We are stopping in 15 minutes.
Okay we just stopped and now we are moving again. I have a new citizen next to me. He doesn't speak English so diary is onlyone i can "talk" to. a lot of new citizens are inside train. I need to stop writing now. One unit keeps eyeing me.

Hello, diary. I was just told that we are in few minutes in City 18. It's quite boring here.  Some citizens are already saying that they can see the city. Okay we just stopped in the station. I need to stop writing now... Again. Hmm. I am back. I'm now writing at the station. They searched me again but this time with my diary. I nearly got in trouble because i wrote "rubbish" about their food. I only got a verbal warning about it. I'm very thirsty and tired. I need to go get some water..

I am now sitting on a bench while i am drinking my water and writing this. I bought a lot of water. One crazy man told me to not drink it. There is brainwash chemical in it or something like that. I see that "CPs" are making citizen clean some places. I feel kinda hom *The sentence was not finished.*

Sorry some units came to me and brought me to Nexus. They placed me to some room and made me write my Name and CID on a paper. I think i looked too "suspicious" with my water and diary. i was sure that they would have hurt me. When they brought me to nexus one of them pulled out a shotgun. I don't want to talk about it... I started to look for a place to stay. I met some loyalist named Jay ( or something like that) and a citizen named Zak (or something like that). Well we talked about our jobs before The war. Me and Zak decided to go walk outside. We got out of the place and Zak started to run. One unit saw it and made him face the wall. Zak decided to run away. He managed to run away. I walked back to our apartment and noticed some stuff on my bed with a note from Zak. Zak left a beutiful note. He also left me a flashlight, 40 tokens and a backpack. Soon after it i decided to go out and met a loyalist named Dan. Dan showed me his "home" the place was a complete.. I'm afraid that CPs will take my diary.. Well i will go sleep now. Good night! - Madison Smith
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 12:16:28 AM by IRazion »

Offline IRazion

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Re: Madison Smith's Diary
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 03:19:21 PM »
26th of 2016, City 18. Hello, diary. It's my second day here. I had weird day to day. Like i remember that i bought a can of water and then i just woke up at CCH lobby.  No idea about what happend there.. I got in trouble with a rebel named Cody who is now dead and with an officer. I shouted for help when Cody started to talk about strange stuff about UU. i will not write what he said because CPs might take this diary from me... Well the CP hit me with his stunstick. I had no idea why he swinged me instead of the rebel.. Well the rebel was taken to nexus and probably shot.. Well i found out what amputate means.. Good night...


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