So my computer gets bluescreen when I play games and when I start it again I get a message and the BCCode is different every time. I only get bluescreen when playing games, but I got bluescreen when I was on YouTube. And I tried some parts in my computer and got to that I think my graphics card who bustin' my nerves, so I ran 3D Mark and it ran just fine. I also changed graphics card and that work so I know it's the graphics card. But do any one know how I can fix my graphics card or do I have to turn it in? I almost forgot that know it also freezes some times! Help?!
Edit: When I ran 3D mark I got this error message: "Workload Single init returned error message: Full-screen mode is unavalible. Close all the background programs." But it doesn't seem to have any thing to do with the bluescreen/freeze problem.