Author Topic: HRP - More Admins - Idea for finding admins.  (Read 11998 times)

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Re: HRP - More Admins - Idea for finding admins.
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2013, 03:16:59 PM »
Problem with applications is only like 1 in 50 of them would even be worth the time of reading. So many people join each day and the first thing most of these people will do is post a horribly written application and then cry when it gets denied.
Please don't PM me regarding bans or anything having to do with in-game situations. Only PM me if you've been told I am the only one who can solve your issue.

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Re: HRP - More Admins - Idea for finding admins.
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2013, 09:26:44 PM »
If more HRP admins are needed that badly why not just switch everyone back to global so at least all of us have the ability to administrate HRP when needed? Personally, I used to get on often enough to purely administrate when HL2RP was down, until half of the team was filtered down into the servers we play on most, preventing mine, and many other's abilities to do so. I'm sure I'm not the only admin that doesn't/didn't mind administrating more than one server.

maybe because some admins have no idea
a.) what the rules of the specific server are
b.) how to play the game

how is somebody with no experience of the game going to be able to administrate
but global admins would be nice if they all had actual experience with the said gamemode

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Re: HRP - More Admins - Idea for finding admins.
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2013, 09:39:22 PM »
If more HRP admins are needed that badly why not just switch everyone back to global so at least all of us have the ability to administrate HRP when needed? Personally, I used to get on often enough to purely administrate when HL2RP was down, until half of the team was filtered down into the servers we play on most, preventing mine, and many other's abilities to do so. I'm sure I'm not the only admin that doesn't/didn't mind administrating more than one server.

maybe because some admins have no idea
a.) what the rules of the specific server are
b.) how to play the game

how is somebody with no experience of the game going to be able to administrate
but global admins would be nice if they all had actual experience with the said gamemode
you gain experience by actually doing the job. when i became admin here again i had forgotten a lot of shit relating to rules in hrp, i just had to re-educate myself and now its easy again.

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Re: HRP - More Admins - Idea for finding admins.
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2013, 03:08:08 AM »
If more HRP admins are needed that badly why not just switch everyone back to global so at least all of us have the ability to administrate HRP when needed? Personally, I used to get on often enough to purely administrate when HL2RP was down, until half of the team was filtered down into the servers we play on most, preventing mine, and many other's abilities to do so. I'm sure I'm not the only admin that doesn't/didn't mind administrating more than one server.

I suggested this to Kronic and Rofl in the server today, and I was told that it would not work.  I cannot perfectly remember the reasons, so instead of recalling to the best of my memory and embarrassing myself, I'll let them explain.

Offline Nicknero

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Re: HRP - More Admins - Idea for finding admins.
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2013, 01:59:36 PM »
If more HRP admins are needed that badly why not just switch everyone back to global so at least all of us have the ability to administrate HRP when needed? Personally, I used to get on often enough to purely administrate when HL2RP was down, until half of the team was filtered down into the servers we play on most, preventing mine, and many other's abilities to do so. I'm sure I'm not the only admin that doesn't/didn't mind administrating more than one server.

maybe because some admins have no idea
a.) what the rules of the specific server are
b.) how to play the game

how is somebody with no experience of the game going to be able to administrate
but global admins would be nice if they all had actual experience with the said gamemode
you gain experience by actually doing the job. when i became admin here again i had forgotten a lot of shit relating to rules in hrp, i just had to re-educate myself and now its easy again.
Basically this. I can't speak for anyone else, but I used to play HRP, OCRP and HL2RP regularly and have experience in administrating all three servers and I know I'm not the only one. I haven't played HRP since just before the latest major update with the fruit trees, but the rules are essentially the same. It doesn't matter much though, because I currently can't administrate HRP or OCRP being a HL2RP administrator. But the point is, its not that difficult, especially if you have previous experience and a few of us do but can't because we're restricted to only administrating certain servers. That's certainly not a problem and its a lot less stress and work off of most of us, but as I said, if HRP admins are needed that badly this could be an option.
I don't want to ruin your dream here or something, but just look at the current 'global' admins who are admin on both OCRP/HRP and on HL2RP. It doesn't work out as greatly as you hope for. You can't force activity on BOTH servers along with your whole entire life outside of this community. Just look at the recent activity threads in our mysteriously hidden treasure admin boards. ;) Those who have admin on both servers say they either can't get active on HRP because they are ooooh so busy on HL2RP, or they say they get active but they never will anyways.
I am one of those people: I have admin on all servers, yet my bigger activity is at HRP. Because HL2RP is 1: Inactive as shit. (Because I don't play OL), and 2: I'm to busy with HRP.

Anyways, jumping to the main subject of this thread:
Do you want to know the reason why we lack admins on HRP? It's actually quite simple: It lacks responsible players.
A derpy written application doesn't prove much of how someone acts on a server, and I've already said this before in the other 10 threads that were exactly like this one.
The problem isn't within our system, but within the players. Our system works perfectly fine. Admins look after players. -> Admins see a responsible AND HELPFUL player. -> Admin suggests player to have a chance.
So where do you think the problem is at? Exactly: That there are 0.000% responsible AND HELPFUL players.

So why did you think I used caps there at "and helpful" twice? Well that's just the whole point. Players think they can have a chance at admin just because they play on the server and know the rules. But what they miss is this tiny detail: THEY ARE NOT HELPFUL. I never see anyone helping each other out if they are in trouble. It's always: "Pffff who the fuck cares about that guy? Let the admin deal with him! ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN ADMIN TO ME NOW OMG ADMIN ROOOLLLBREAAKKZZZ OMG ADMIN ADMIN"
Seriously, I can't even remember the last time where I saw a regular player trying to solve a problem between other two players. That's how long ago it was.

So guess what? Do you want admin? Yes?
WWRROOONNGGG. You don't want admin. You want to HELP PLAYERS. Start working for it. Only then I might just consider to suggest you as a new admin.
Check out my Youtube channel with all kinds of cool videos including LP's which I'm currently working at. Don't forget to give feedback as well. ;)

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Re: HRP - More Admins - Idea for finding admins.
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2013, 03:52:00 PM »
I kinda agree with the statements given in this thread but I think that we gotta remember that with less administration more community breakers see their chance of ruining it for others who try to be responsible, and therefore the community itself very easily tends to turn into this "I don't care about others, because I will probably get killed anyways" type of reaction when people ask for help. Its like building a triangle of cards but then after you made half of the triangle somebody comes and blow them all off, leaving you with this annoying feeling, and it will also in this case most likely leave you with the expression of "I don't care..." next time somebody asks for help. What I do agree on is that the community itself is also required to take action when they see somebody ruining the game, take ur time to fraps it and actually do these ban requests, to outsend the image to these immature kids, that if they do something stupid, well they will know. Not only this but we will also have to respect the administrators, as Nicknero stated above people for some reason has to act very rude against admins if they don't reply within a very short amount of time on a report, and its just like starting a key reaction to something bad and most of the time discussions actually start in the OOC chat, wheter or not the responsible admin is worth his rank or not. All in all I think the community should keep hiring admins the way they do, by picking out people. Its way more stable and the outcome will always be better.

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Re: HRP - More Admins - Idea for finding admins.
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2013, 04:58:43 PM »
Yeah, so applications won't be happening anytime soon at the least. We'll try to be faster with finding admins, but we're going to keep doing it the way we have in the past.


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