Author Topic: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information  (Read 55163 times)

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Re: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information
« Reply #135 on: November 14, 2012, 11:52:04 AM »
He meant the CWU and Paradine Industries would be competing against each other, not against the CCA.

If you're trying to imply the CWU take orders from Paradine Industries or vice versa, then you're probably wrong.

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information
« Reply #136 on: November 14, 2012, 12:05:28 PM »
To the people running the CWU/CWU clone, you're competing directly with the CCA for 90% of the good roleplayers so remember that

I meant this in an OOC sense. Where do the vast majority of new roleplayers go after they've been a citizen for a week?

The CWU clones have to compete with the CCA for the quality roleplayers. They have to be just as appealing or more appealing than the sprawling paramilitarywank CCA, and I doubt the leaders of said CWU clones are going to have any idea how to do that on paper, let alone on the server.

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information
« Reply #137 on: November 14, 2012, 03:44:59 PM »
To address the lack of options and content for citizens, I would rather give them one populated faction with depth instead of two shallow factions with half the manpower each. I'm not saying that the new CWU/clone are going to be shallow necessarily, but that's the way things have been in the past.

As for this:
One issue that no one can fix though, is the quality of citizen RP. You can't fix something that revolves around the players themselves. What I'm saying is, if citizens don't want to RP a certain way, they won't do it.

The problem is, right now the citizen faction is essentially the holding tank for roleplayers who are A) about to join a different faction or B) too shitty to join anything at all. No wonder the citizens don't seem to respond to any of their options - the entire faction consists of either short-term citizens who don't want to be citizens, or players who won't care either way.

The solution is to make the citizen faction into something worthwhile for good roleplayers. You can't fix something that revolves around the players themselves, but you can alter who the players are. You can't make bad players roleplay well, but you can make it so that good roleplayers constitute the majority of the faction rather than the minority. If that can be achieved, I feel like a lot of problems with citizenRP would go away.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 04:24:53 PM by YankeeSamurai »

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Re: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information
« Reply #138 on: November 14, 2012, 07:06:16 PM »
To the people running the CWU/CWU clone, you're competing directly with the CCA for 90% of the good roleplayers so remember that

I have a problem with what you're saying here. Not in the sense that I don't agree that have a CWU clone won't fix anything because that's not what I mean at all. I mean that how you say 90% (roughtly speaking) are claimed by the CCA. The CCA isn't exactly a super secret gang that you pledge your life to and cannot leave. If you look on the roster, while some weren't exactly active, CCA members did make up a sizable chunk of CWU. So saying that CWU 'competes' with CCA isn't very accurate because I can (and do) have both. So they aren't exactly competing for anything, applying for an alt isn't that hard.

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Re: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information
« Reply #139 on: November 14, 2012, 07:34:54 PM »
I'm also just going to throw this out there, but not everyone in the CCA is an excellent roleplayer. Some best roleplayers I've seen are members of the plain old citizen faction, and members of the CWU. I think that you need to actually let the factions be tried out and see what happens before saying that there's going to be a major problem. Will there probably be problems that happen? Yeah, it happens with the major factions to, all the time might I add.

Regarding Yankee's statement about the Citizen faction. I know plenty of roleplayers within the Citizen faction that aren't waiting to join a faction, and aren't 'shitty' roleplayers. The citizens are what make up the majority of the Half-Life 2 Universe, and as such, it should be the major faction, with the CCA and Resistance tailing together as a close second. I've had many plain, simple citizens throughout my time here. I have two right now, who currently aren't affiliated with anyone, really. I feel they're well developed, interesting, and fun characters to play. Could there be stuff done to make my experiences with them better? Yes. But saying that it's currently more of a holding tank is way off from what it really is.

I also don't agree with the statement about how to make the factin better. New players automatically fall into the Citizen faction, minges automatically fall into that faction, and so do generally inexperienced roleplayers who haven't been educated properly. When I came to CG, I was pretty bad at roleplay, to put it mildly. I developed my skills in that faction, not through the CCA, not through the CWU. My first unit died in about two weeks, nothing that really impacted my development at all. Guidance from admins and roleplayers helped me to become better, and seeing as there's one less person jumping around and doing things like "/me runs up to catwalk, shouts to CP's, then get's shot" (Yes, I did that......)

Current Characters:
Abdul Sadek - Unregistered citizen, currently near City 18.
Monica Halleway - A seemingly crazy woman roaming the plaza.

Former HL2RP-Characters:
Jennifer Hanson - Former trader now involved with the Lambda Movement in City 17.
'091' - A former rogue medical unit now on the Combine Homeworld. Or is she?
Michael 'Y' Eloriga - A wanted criminal located in City 17, frequently spotted on rooftops.

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Re: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information
« Reply #140 on: November 14, 2012, 07:55:59 PM »
To the people running the CWU/CWU clone, you're competing directly with the CCA for 90% of the good roleplayers so remember that

I'm pretty skeptical that it'll work. I want it to work, it will be great for the server if it works, but I don't think it will.

Can't compete with someone you take orders from.
Lol what are you even talking about

Oh shit, lol I only saw compete...didn't read the rest, my apologies.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 07:57:54 PM by Charles Manson »

Offline Lemmingmaster

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Re: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information
« Reply #141 on: November 14, 2012, 08:44:28 PM »
Why do we need all of this stuff to play Half Life 2 roleplay i understand the metro police and combine admin packs and also the maps but why have all that other stuff  >:(

Offline YankeeSamurai

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Re: Half Life 2 Roleplay - PreRelease Information
« Reply #142 on: November 14, 2012, 09:40:06 PM »
To the people running the CWU/CWU clone, you're competing directly with the CCA for 90% of the good roleplayers so remember that

I have a problem with what you're saying here. Not in the sense that I don't agree that have a CWU clone won't fix anything because that's not what I mean at all. I mean that how you say 90% (roughtly speaking) are claimed by the CCA. The CCA isn't exactly a super secret gang that you pledge your life to and cannot leave. If you look on the roster, while some weren't exactly active, CCA members did make up a sizable chunk of CWU. So saying that CWU 'competes' with CCA isn't very accurate because I can (and do) have both. So they aren't exactly competing for anything, applying for an alt isn't that hard.

The amount of players who have both a CCA character and a CWU alt that they're active on is pretty marginal, I think...

When you measure the size of a faction and how much it can impact the server, you would probably count how many characters from it are on the server on average. I never saw more than 3-ish CWU characters online at once (somebody say something if they've seen differently), compared to the CCA which would generally be fielding a lot more.

The point is, the CCA seems to dominate the CWU in terms of manpower, and in my opinion the reason for that is because the CWU is generally seen as relatively dull and dead-end compared to what I've already described as the sprawling paramilitary-wank of the CCA. Arguably, this is detrimental to roleplay on the server, so I think we should change it.

I think that you need to actually let the factions be tried out and see what happens before saying that there's going to be a major problem.

If anybody thinks there's going to be issues with anything, I'm pretty sure it's okay to talk about it instead of not telling anybody. Thankfully, there haven't been any personal attacks or flaming or any of that shit, so what's the problem?

Regarding Yankee's statement about the Citizen faction. I know plenty of roleplayers within the Citizen faction that aren't waiting to join a faction, and aren't 'shitty' roleplayers. I have two right now, who currently aren't affiliated with anyone, really. I feel they're well developed, interesting, and fun characters to play. Could there be stuff done to make my experiences with them better? Yes. But saying that it's currently more of a holding tank is way off from what it really is.

I really hope this is actually the case, but still - factions are shaped by the dominant types of players. While you may know several good roleplayers who don't fall under the new, newb, or troll categories, I think they're a definite minority compared to the rest. Now I'm starting to doubt this, though, and if anybody has anything else to say about good roleplayers staying dedicated to the civvie faction, I'm all ears.

The citizens are what make up the majority of the Half-Life 2 Universe, and as such, it should be the major faction, with the CCA and Resistance tailing together as a close second. I've had many plain, simple citizens throughout my time here.

I don't understand how this is relevant.

I also don't agree with the statement about how to make the faction better. New players automatically fall into the Citizen faction, minges automatically fall into that faction, and so do generally inexperienced roleplayers who haven't been educated properly. When I came to CG, I was pretty bad at roleplay, to put it mildly. I developed my skills in that faction, not through the CCA, not through the CWU. My first unit died in about two weeks, nothing that really impacted my development at all. Guidance from admins and roleplayers helped me to become better, and seeing as there's one less person jumping around and doing things like "/me runs up to catwalk, shouts to CP's, then get's shot" (Yes, I did that......)

To reiterate, my generalized solution to improve the citizen faction is to increase its appeal to talented, long-term roleplayers and transform it into a "main faction" with depth, rewards, and potential for advancement so more good roleplayers wish to stay in it. What I don't understand is how you disagree... I'm reading and re-reading the above section of your post, and I don't see any statements that clash with that suggestion.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 09:45:36 PM by YankeeSamurai »


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