Author Topic: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-TrO(A).155 Private logs||::>  (Read 4226 times)

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<::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-TrO(A).155 Private logs||::>
« on: July 13, 2012, 08:58:50 AM »

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

<::|| 155 here and...uh...well, I don't really know much about this, 452 suggested that we make some logs, so here we go. Guess I should start off with what happened so far. ||::>

<::|| Shortly after I got into my new CCA uniform, I was directed up stairs to 101, he was the guy who interviewed me. 117 was at my inerview too, but I haven't seen him since then, must have been busy or something. 101 and I had started my tour of the Nexus, when we got to interrogation room. Inside was a women I knew before I joined, and an OfC interviewing her. She was accepted, and 101 suggested we take her on the tour as well. I am still use to her real name, but I guess that would get me in trouble, so I guess I should just call her by her digits now, 017. 017 and I took some more training after that, but I won't go into details, some of it is something I would rather forget, like my hand to hand training. Ugh, moving on. ||::>

<::|| 017 and I went on patrol after our classes, and eventually we clamped HAP. Not a very eventful clamping, but I guess it is better that way. Had to raise my voice at some guy that tried getting in P3 when we had orders to lock it down, but I got over it. It's been a while since I yelled, it kind of felt good. About 6 cycles in, 017 told me to move for some reason. I looked back and saw one of those OTA guys. Man, that nearly gave me a heart attack. Was my first time seeing one of them in white armor, guess he must be a special unit or something. Following him was some men, looked rather beat up, and some units. Didn't see their digits, I was still in awe about the OTA. If they were there, it had to of been something serious, doubt they wake those guys up just for kicks. ||::>

<::|| Well, that was all the happened for the most part. Guess i'll save this log then go 10-7. 155 signing off. Always wanted to say that. ||::>

Saving File As: Day01
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File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 10:16:07 AM by Red the Terrorist »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-04.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2012, 08:49:17 AM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

* The sound of paper turning can be heard *

<::|| Nercotics...Exogen...Wait...Oh crap, I almost forgot. Uh, this is 155 here. Got in to a little trouble today, 101 found me not using radio codes, and said that I should learn up on it. He also said that if I don't, he would give me a blackmark. I just got into the CCA, don't want that on my record already. So yeah, I am going to be 10-7 till I can get these right...10-103M...Mentally disturbed person... ||::>

* 155 continues to ramble out the diffrent codes *

<::|| Better turn this thing off...Uh, 155 signing out. ||::>

Saving File As: Day02study
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Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.

// 155 has been character banned, so for now he will be studying and generally too busy to go active //

Post Auto-Merged: July 16, 2012, 02:45:49 AM
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

<::|| Dear god, I think I found the one guy that everyone is scared of. I was running around the Nexus on 10-100, when we get the order over the radio to go down to the training center. When I got there, the entire force was lined, facing the commander, 03109. I spent about three hours doing various task that seemed to have no meaning. Th-then he made us lick...Uck...lick our boots with polish... ||::>

<::|| Ugh...I'm not going to say much in this log, still taste some dirt in my mouth. Oh yeah, got to make sure to say hi to 911 and 017. Why do I find myself usually patroling with women? ||::>

<::|| Note to self : Do what ever it takes to get on Commander 03109s good side. ||::>

Saving File As: Day04CmDtraining
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File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 11:38:24 AM by Red the Idiot »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-04.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2012, 01:32:35 PM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

* The noise of a face mask being uncliped can be heard, along with the sound of a oh-one yelling at recruits in the backgroud*
<::|| Well, yesterday was quite eventful, not all in good ways. Lets see...First there was the SeC calling us all down to the HCMR to watch two poor guys get their brains blown out, then we watched one of them get revived, or was it cloned, I can't remember. That was all good and fun, sure, but honestly, I was not in the least bit supprised. I mean, the Union is incredibly advanced, what is bringing back one dead guy? Wish they could have brought him back with some clothes on though, I mean [REDACTED] , he works out. ||::>

<::|| Well, moving on from that odd subject, some time afterwords I went on patrol with nine-eleven, it seems everyone likes to make fun of the girl, but anyway, we went on patrol when we saw two units, an oh-one and an oh-two, who were tieing some anti-citizen. They had us take him back into the alley, and wanted us to give the guy a major re-education. We said no at first, but then the oh-one pulled rank, and gave us little choice. Nine-eleven offered to administer the beating, and I let her have at him. She started beating on him, but dang, he could take a nasty hit! Now, don't get me wrong here, I ain't saying the nine-eleven is weak or anything, but it took a while to bring him down. Afterwords we went back to our patrol, when the same two units called us to come back over the radio. This time they wanted us to amputate him! The oh-one may have had rank, but I still have my humanity! There was no way in hell I was going to do it, but before I knew it, the sweet and delicate looking girl was bashing the guys face in against the wall. Just as we were about to..."Finish the job"... We were called out to the plaza, the man had luck on his side, and maybe a bit more. When the four of us got there, we were informed that a unit had gone rouge, and was loose somewhere in the city. I went to check the RDT with six-six-one as ordered, and nothing. Eventually things settled down, and we had declared him either in P3 or out of the city. ||::>

<::|| Well, that is all for now, take care future self, or any other creep who doesn't know the meaning of the word "Private". ||::>

Saving File As: Day05
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 11:38:50 AM by Red the Idiot »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-04.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2012, 07:41:57 AM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

* A male with two large facial scars, located on his right check and upper forehead, and a recenty shaved head appears on the moniter *
* 155s mask can be seen being tossed onto the console *
<::|| Ah, back to talking to a computer again, how wonderful. 155 here, and I have had loads of fun since my last log. Oh, by fun, I mean pain. Some of the units may have noticed I was absent for the pass few days. I doubt it, because none of the [REDACTED] came to say hello. I had to spend the last four days in the medbay, thanks to some idiot down at the RDT. * 155 is visibly irritated at the thought of the man *. Right, so here is the story. We were distrubuting rations, when some moron blocks up the line. The commanding unit, who I think was a NOVA Eu, can't remember his digits, reminded me that I was on detainment, so I had to go get the block head. I get there, and he is holding onto a woman. He shoves her at me, then starts attacking me! I moved the woman out of the way, then I tried to subdue the man. I guess I got carried away, because it wasn't until the man started overpowering me that I called for backup. The man was attempting to steal my weapons, when the Eu walked in and blew his [REDACTED] leg off. Unfortunately, the blast from the gun also hit me too, in the leg. Let me say, those shotguns the higher ups carry are no joke, that thing hurt. It was nothing too serious though, after the Eu finished up with the "Mess", he helped me to the medbay, where he removed the pellets, and confined me to bed. What a boring four days. ||::>

<::|| Oh, before I forget, might as well talk about these too. * 155 points to the two scars on his face as he says the last line *. This is a going to be a bit of a reminder of something I now hate greatly. Those. Zombies. I mean really, can't a unit patrol peacefully in this city? This all happened when I was still a recruit too. Guess I can't say being an officer isn't eventful...Anyway, I was out with patrol with some other unit, blah blah blah, citizens in distress, blah blah, when some zombi--Err, I mean a nercotic, jumped down on top of me from the HAP, and started to maul my face. Being attacked by that thing is something I would not wish upon my worst enemy. After a good bit, the thing used its claws to tear right through my old face helmet, and knocked me out. I wake up a few hours later, and I find that was somehow still alive, though I have these scars as a little reminder. Hah...Getting my face torn off by a zombie is, unsuprisingly, not fun. Moving on...||::>

<::|| Oh yeah, I am a 05 in APEX now. I feel rather welcomed in APEX. Shortly after I joined we had a nice meeting, most of the APEX units where there. I kind of like our Divison leader, 211, she seems determined to make APEX the iron fist of the CCA, as it once was. I haven't seen some of my friends in the past few days, wish they would have come said hi. Ah, well, whatever. Guess they were busy. Anyway, guess I will get back to patrol, pray that I don't run into another zombie. ||::>

Saving File As: Resumingduty
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File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 11:39:13 AM by Red the Idiot »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-04.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2012, 11:36:20 AM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

<::|| 155. Doing another log for whatever reason. Maybe I just want something to do, I don't know. Anyway, recently I was called down to the hand-to-hand room, to find 017, 699, and a Union Evaluation Department member. 017 and I went into the cube, and the UED wanted to test our skills. We started doing defensive stances, then moved on to combat. Despite being the APEX member, I was knocked down by 017. The UED member then gave me a unloaded pistol, and we acted the scenario of a citizen cornering a unit with a weapon, me being the citizen, and 017 the unit. Some how 017 once again gained the upper hand, and disarmed me, the dirty [REDACTED] . Don't want to talk of the events that followed that. Later, 017, no doubt over confident from her last victory, requested me down to the H2H room again, and we had a "Round two". I would suppose due to the way it ended, she most likely considers herself the winner. Her confidence has started to aggravate me greatly, I constantly curse her whenever we meet. I should keep my distance from her, for now, otherwise I my do something...unessecary.

Moving on from that, I would like to talk about the UED. I have also found myself thinking about it more then not, I seem to be very interested in the subject for some reason. Perhaps it has something to do with the aura around them, possibly the sole group of units that -everyone- in the CCA may fear. For the way I have been talking about them, you would think they were my best friend or something. Perhaps I will inquire about them more on a later date. For now, I will log off, go on patrol. ||::>

Saving File As: Log06
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.


Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-04.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2012, 05:16:17 PM »
// You stole my digits.....
o7 former NOVA DvL.155
1:23 PM - Pvt. Emory[113thCav]: I think 604 is a cat :3

2:07 PM - Juggernaut: Monkey with a gun
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: + Chunkeymonkey79
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: =
2:07 PM - Juggernaut: CHUNKYMONKEY WITH A GUN69
2:07 PM - chunkeymonkey79: YOU SIR ARE GOD

9:52 PM - Rory Phelps: gosh god damnit fuck my ass

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-03.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 11:22:10 PM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

* This log is in text, rather then the usual voice feed *
<::|| Food. When I get down to it that is the best part of being in the CCA. The food. Still a disgusting taste, but manages to fill you up. Guess I am just greedy, I wanted more then what the Union gave us in ration cycles. I say that the citizens should be grateful for all we give them, but now I stop to think of what we really give. I suppose you could call it tough love. I don't know anymore. ||::>

<::|| Seven. I've killed seven. Their faces haunt me in my dreams still. I know for a fact that I am not the ideal unit for the CCA. If I was, perhaps I could brush them off. ||::>

<::|| But I can't. I see their faces when I close my eyes, I hear their screams whenever the room goes quiet, I see their blood when I look at my hands. I remember one man, an african american, had requested that we give something to a friend of his. And then a NCO ripped his friends brain out and stuffed it down the mans throat. I was ordered to shoot the man in every limb. He bled out..Afterwords the NCO, who was a oh-one, ripped his brain out as well, he tossed it to me. I held it in my hands. It was small, about the size of my hand. ||::>

<::|| Why is it so hard? I have beaten so many citizens, so why is the killing so hard? Why can the other units do it so easily? Why? I don't understand. ||::>

<::|| Am I strange? ||::>

Saving File As: Log07
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.

Post Auto-Merged: August 15, 2012, 11:28:00 PM
// You stole my digits.....
o7 former NOVA DvL.155

Har har, the great thief red strikes again.
...And plus I didn't choose these digits, they were kinda given to me.
But nonetheless, I steal everything.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 11:28:00 PM by Red the Idiot »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-03.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2012, 01:00:34 PM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

*A large figure can be seen on the monitor. In the background is nothing but a plain room, with only a wall and stairs leading down, with digits decorating the walls.*
*The firgure then moves his left hand up to his facemask, pulling on the various clips that keep the mask in place. He places the mask down onto the console, then walks off screen, producing a chair.*
*The figure is a white male, with dark brown hair and a full beard, along with blue eyes. The man stares at the moniter for a moment, before finally speaking.*

<::|| Unit 115, log entry number 8. Recently I have been questioning who and what I am. I am a unit of the CCA and a proud member of the Universal Union, I know that. The amount of respect I have shown to the Union has been less then acceptable as of late, as no doubt shown by my previous log. Going back to one of my logs that I made during the days of my introduction of the CCA, I accused members of the Union of violating my privacy. I now realize that was foolish, and immature of me. I now know that I am a vessel of the Union, and if they wish to review on any of my logs, then so be it. After I reviewed the logs, I found that I am rather a rude individual, and that I should reflect on said rudeness.
 If, by some strange occurance, I happen to forget about making this log, then I want myself, and any other member of the Union to know I was not pressured to correct myself in anyway. It was my choice to make this log, to apologize to the Union and myself.
That being said, I would also like to list a few things that I find troubling. I find that many of the recent recruits have been causing me grief. On many occasions I have found recruits, who for the time being shall remain nameless, wandering around outside of the Nexus on their own without any kind of authority to do so. I remember the constant boredom I faced when I was forced to stay inside as a recruit, but never did I go outside on my own, without the consent of a high command unit.
The other day, I was patroling with a exceptional unit, by the digits of 360. I can tell that unit will go far, and will no doubt be a great help to all of us in the CCA. However, I have discovered that this unit, despite being in the CCA for a shorter amount of time, knows more then I do. On multiple occasions he has given the correct verdicts to malcomplaint citizens, ones of which I would have gotten wrong. I should not have to say this, but this has left me extremely embarrassed. I don not think any unit would ever wish to admit that a mere recruit is more knowledgeable about the CCA, when most of the units here have dedicated their lives to maintaining society. I have thought about this for a while now, and I have come to a reasonable conclusion on how to solve this issue.
Now then, I have a bunk bed that is calling for me, ahaha... ||::>

*The man slowly pushes himself up, letting out a small grunt as he stands.*

<::|| Unit 155 is off-duty. ||::>

*The man reaches for a blue button on the console, and the monitor turns to black.*

Saving File As: Log08
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.


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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-03.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2012, 07:40:49 AM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

*A large figure can be seen on the monitor. In the background is nothing but a plain room, with only a wall decorated with digits and stairs leading down.*
*The firgure then moves his left hand up to his facemask, pulling on the various clips that keep the mask in place. He places the mask down onto the console, standing perfectly still infront of the monitor.*
*The figure is a white male, with dark brown hair and a full beard, along with blue eyes.*

<::|| Unit 155, log entry number 9. Not much has occured recently, and I don't have much to talk about. Perhaps I just need something to do, with all the citizens asleep due to curfew and such. I will admit, I am suprised I haven't been contacted by a High command unit or a UED officer regarding my recent logs. I did expect some form of punishment, or at the very least a loyalty check. I suppose I should not look a gift horse in the mouth, and be thankful for this.

Anyhow, I have been running into more citizens that agree with the Unions plans as of late. Unfortunately I don't know any of their names, so for now...Hmph. They do remind of something though. I remember, when I was first transfered to city 45 I had come across a number of loyalist, including Miss White and Zekiel just to name two. I am sure they have both joined the CCA, and I am glad that they are able to help the Union in the way they think best.

On a sidenote, I realized that 777 was recently promoted to Elite unit. While I am happy for her, whenever I think about that position I start to feel sorry for 060, for being demoted to oh-three for a reason unknown to me. He was the unit that teached me a hand full of the things I know, and was a good example to us lower ranking units. I am sure that 777 will also be such a rolemodel, I have no doubt about that.

Recently I have submitted my training manifest and promtion application towards Apex high command, and I am now awaiting for their judgement. In the recent months, 452 has been the unit to promote me, every single time. In each promotion, he has called me down to the HCMR and always threatened me with a blackmark. I am not entirely sure why he does this, whether to amuse himself or test us in some way. Carrying on, recently I asked him on this, and his answer was leaning more towards testing, although his almost carefree and playful attitude almost fooled me. He then informed me that 211 had shot him in the leg during his promotion to Elite unit, and was then shortly after give the position. If the promotions are a sort of test, then 211 goes all out on them. As much as my desire to advance to such a rank is, I do not look forward to being shot. I was already shot once, I would like to avoid to getting shot anymore if at all possible.

I also have a complaint I need to issue. As of late it feels like it is becoming gradually harder to pacify citizens with my baton. I don't know whether the baton is degrading or if I am just not using enough force. No matter, I suppose I shall contact a Grid unit at a later date and see if they could amplify the amount of electricty the baton releases or such.

Oh yes, I should also remember to try and find a UED officer, my curiousity is getting the better of me when it comes to them.

Hmm, that is all I can think of for the time being. Unit 155, 10-7. ||::>

*155 leans forward towards the monitor, and pushes in a red button on the console. The screen flicks to black, and the log ends.*

Saving File As: Log09
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting 155
Console Shut Down.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 07:44:47 AM by Red the Idiot »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-03.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2012, 11:32:08 AM »
Out of Character for OOC:
You said you'd continue it... Please do...
We shall bring HL2RP back.
We must.

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-03.155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2012, 10:14:52 AM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

*You hover the console mouse over a file tittled '155: Log10'. You click twice on the file, and a screen appears on the monitor, showing a unit wearing the elite outfit, with a 'Uniform' armband on his left shoulder, another armband has on it the digits '155'. In the background are seemingly random items spewn all across the floor, with recruits picking the items up and placing them into a set of three containers. One can only guess what they are doing. The unit finally speaks up, his voice masked by a robotic vocoder.*

<::|| Training officer 155 of the Uniform divison, log entry number 10. It seems I have a habit of telling myself that I will continue these logs, but never do. So here I am, talking to myself once again. I find it quite funny that this is encouraged, with how pointless it is to the common unit. To those whose minds are so weak that they need to talk to an inanimate object, this might be a great source of confidence and support, but such units shouldn't be in the CCA to begin with. No matter, it is not my duty to care after the foolish units. Well, actually, I guess it is.
What I am refering to is the recruits, of course. Some will say that it is rude and out of place for me to insult them so, but I will not withhold the truth simply because it might hurt the little recruits feelings. I find myself ashamed to know that I was once like them, basiclly braindead with little hope of getting past the first stages of becoming a CCA officer. But living in the past will only slow me down, so better to move on and to help the recruits not make the same mistakes as I.

Moving on, on the first day of my new postion, I had the joy of seeing how stupid a human being could be. A recruit, whose digits will remain with myself, had taken a radio found in the possesion of a anti-citizen, and disposed of it. When I say disposed, I mean tossed into a pit of acid. The unit in question claimed they had no idea that the radio was of any importance. One does not need training to know something so simple, so important, should not be destroyed. I gave the unit a proper re-education, for their stupidity cost us vitial information. I know from the reports of fellow units that they complained about said re-education. Ha! They should consider themseleves lucky I did not decide to blackmark them then and there!

And that brings me onto another topic. Many of the recruits I met when I was an oh-two had multiple blackmarks on them. While the pressure of off-world relocation will keep a unit in line, it also adds that mark to their record, to forever be a stain on them. I dislike this, and would rather have them simply beaten for a first time offence. If they continue, then they deserve said blackmark. But here I go again, rambling on about nothing.

In other news, I had heard 699 had been relocated off-world. A sad end to my fellow training officer, but from what 017 tells me, he had insulted 717 and then attempted to gun down fellow officers. With that, my sympathy for him suddenly vanishes. It is most like for the best however, for he had a rather unsightly attitude. Why, once I had to report him for discussing his unmentionables with a worker. Oh, such fond memories.

And here I am, wanting to talk about recruits once again. I am sure my teaching methods are a little diffrent from the other officers, however I wish for them to become great examples for our future. After all, we need all the units we can get, idiot or not.

Well, that is all from this man, I have some recruits to... 'Train'. ||::>

*155 reaches to the console and presses a blue button, then the monitor flicks to black.*

Saving File As: Log10
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting serial number here
Console Shut Down.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 02:20:35 PM by Red the Terrorist »

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-TrO(A).155 Private logs||::>
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2012, 02:19:09 PM »
UNIT: 155

Enter Password: ************

Connecting to Network

New Log Opened:

*The screen flickers as you hover the console mouse over the file labeled " 155: Log11" and double click it*
*A maskless unit makes his way on screen, laying his mask on a table behind him*
*The man is not much to look at, with unkept brown hair with an beard which seems to have grown more since the previous logs. You wonder how his beard does not bother him in his facemask, but the thought vanishes after he starts speaking*

<::|| Training officer 155 of the Uniform divison, log entry number 11. I know it is against my nature to do two logs in such a short timespan between them, but recently I have had many thoughts on my mind that I want to just let out, so to speak.
I have noticed how quickly the attitudes of a vast number of our units change very quickly from innocent citizens to - well, a unit. In such a short time, many units in the CCA grow to feel nothing of the various forms of punishment we give out, to be more specific, amputation. I will not lie and admit that first time I was forced with the task of killing a man I wanted to vomit, however I have seen many recruits willing, if not wanting to beat and kill the many citizens. This has me worrying a great deal of the CCAs future generations, for it seems we are only recruiting more and more mindless twits that want to do nothing but beat, steal, and rape.
Of course as a unit you have more then a citizen ever could have, so a smart unit wouldn't risk getting in trouble for things he could get in the breakroom. You don't have to go asking to beat someone in the CCA either, they generally find you. Not to mention that if some idiot decides to work up his wang wang on some woman just because he is in the CCA, i'll be sure to ask that they remove his "privates" before ending his sad life.
But back onto the topic at hand, our recruits. When I hear of their rapid psychological changes, my mind drifts of to something called the "Stanford prison experiment". When I was using a computer back before the war, I would often search the internet for random useless information. I would explain the experiment in detail, but I myself already know about it and telling it to myself in a log would seem just pointless. If I should happen to forget about the experiment one day, oh well. It doesn't affect me or my duties, so...
Another point to make is the constant bickering I have recieved since joining Uniform. I expected the constant request for training, that much I knew was coming, but the constant wave of insults and units saying "It's a shame you left Apex" were unexpected. Every time someone says anything of the like, I get the irresistible urge to take said person down into treatment and show him them-- No, I shouldn't talk like that. Either way it angers me whenever people have such "regrets" and what not. If I had felt my abilites had been better suited for Apex, I would have stayed in the divison. But I am not here to lecture anyone, I have enough of that to do in classes.
I think I have wasted enough time talking, if I get anymore ideas i'll make another log. 155 signing out. ||::>

*The man reaches for a button on the console, and as he pushes it the monitor dims to black*

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« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 02:22:43 PM by Red the Terrorist »


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