And in the replies they told him that there was no Resistance any more because they were too obvious
I read on the rules for character applications that you cannot ask for weaponry, as this must be obtained through IC means, such as a knife. Are there actually knives hidden in places?
Also, it was mentioned by Cpl. Tray that you could overpower lower ranking units to get guns. This actually isn't true, and is highly, highly frowned upon and its likely that you'll have to explain things and have it dealt with by an admin on the server if you were to ever do this. The main issue is, the only way to get a weapon from a unit is to kill them. And you can't kill them unless you have a gun, which you couldn't have, and even if you did, the firefight would have be RP'd out properly and probably overseen by an admin. So the only other way is to find their dead body, which won't happen, or to prop kill them, which is bannable.