Author Topic: Deathwatch  (Read 4044 times)

Offline Zak Dunn

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« on: August 19, 2012, 10:15:07 PM »
Deathwatch is a resistance group with no connection to any groups in Ineu Pass, who were travelling in a convoy through it two weeks ago. The leader of the group, Zak Dunn, was with them. About four miles outside of Ineu, the convoy was ambushed by an elite squad of Overwatch units. Barely surviving the incident, Zak scraped away with only his knife and citizen uniform. All other members of the convoy were amputated without question, a total of 23 casualties for Deathwatch and three of the elite squad. Zak has melted in to common society, not saying anything of his resistance movement to anyone but Paula Seer, his lover. Reinforcements will never arrive for Zak, as Deathwatch is spread thin in Russia and Italy alone. Nobody knows about Zak's whereabouts, and unless Deathwatch sends another convoy through the area as a search and rescue mission (Which it won't), he is stranded, believed to be KIA.

As a side note: I do not plan on using this as some sort of excuse to talk like a badass, nor does Zak boast about it. He keeps his past silent from anyone he doesn't trust with his life. I can tell you now, this is not a group for joining. This is simply explaining the sudden arrival of Zak to Ineu Pass. Don't try and find out about it ICly, either, because nobody in Ineu nor City Forty Five knows anything about the group. Unless your character is originally from City Eighteen and was in it one and a half years ago, then you have a one in a million chance of knowing anything about them. But you'd better have a DAMN good explanation for that.

I'm restating that this is not a faction in the area, simply the explanation of Zak's arrival. I am not requesting authorization for having a resistance leader character, nor am I asking to create a resistance group.

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Deathwatch
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 12:16:55 AM »
 Why not make a IC Chat thread about your character and Deathwatch? Would be pretty interesting.

Offline raged

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Re: Deathwatch
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 01:47:10 AM »
Your authorisation application for your characters' previous story was denied, so you'd probably need auths to have this background still.


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