Do you think (obviously not now or even soon) that someone could start with the source engine and just build a dedicated Half-Life Roleplay game?
I suppose it would be part "MMO", but I don't think a subscription fee would be a good thing.
It would cost a couple of dollars and therefore deflect atleast some of the minges.
There could be a few dedicated servers that all contain different maps and cities.
Applications for CCA, CWU, and other organizations could be handled in their own section of the game. On top of that, there could be a system of asking and paying for transfer to and from cities.
Each city could have an NPC shop-owner so that there is always atleast one shop open, but citizens could still open businesses.
Each city could possibly have a small opening sequence with NPCs when you arrive at a city.
This is just a discussion, not a suggestion (which is why I didn't put it there).
So what do y'all think? What would you add, and what could go wrong?