Author Topic: Amanda Tennington's Authorization Application  (Read 2722 times)


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Amanda Tennington's Authorization Application
« on: June 09, 2012, 05:51:46 PM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Rogue
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): 4 to 3 years
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: 4 years

Character Section

 -A gasmask with a vocoder attached to the mouth piece.
 -Extra filters along with a black satchel to store them.
 -Can speak russian language.
 -The ability to make traps. (like tripwires, heavy objects being set off, etc)
 -Small version of the bow & arrow attached to wrist gauntlet (R) (can be disattached)
 -Two-blade weapon attached to wrist gauntlet (L) (can sheath and unsheath)
 -To roll away from dangers (something like GoW)

Name: Amanda Tennington
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Rebellion

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
 As Amanda Tennington traversed through the Outlands just a few miles away from Beles town, she encountered a plane that was sunken deep into the ground which was covered in a blanket that was used to cover vehicles. The front of the plane seemed to be unnoticable through the earths soil. The plane also had distinctive features like being painted in black and having windows that were tinted abit along with some bullet holes left inside the metal platings of the plane. On the side of the plane marked the name of a military group that was pre-war which etched out the title of a airlines company. Widely shocked to see such a plane in the ground, she discovered that this plane was here during the Seven Hour War and was left untreated. Pulling open the door with her barehands, she found black figures on the ground - male and female - along with pedestrians who were aboard the plane, all left deceased due to the crash. Making her way to the cockpit, she noticed two seats with two figures in them. One of them was alive! She made her way torwards the man and said, "Hey! Hey, yeah you! Are you alive?" She started to smack him across the cheek lightly to keep him alive. "I... it's... it's... ov-over there!" He coughed and pointed torwards the far end of the hallway, straight back into the plane where the luggages and such were found. "What's there?" "The... the tactical weapons that... that we fo-found during our ar-arrivals!" He coughed and held his chest, beginning to spit blood from his mouth. His teeth was pure red due to the blood as he clenched them altogether. Afterwards, he took out a satchel that was quite heavy and passed it to her. "K-keep! It's... it's... it's all the f-filters I could sc-scavenge from the d-dead passengers!" He started to cough abit more and closed his eyes, falling back into the chair once more. Searching through the satchel, she found a gasmask that was black and a bunch of dark green filters. "Might come in handy." She whispered, putting it over her shoulder and down to her waist.

 What about the tactical weapons? She thought as she went back to the luggages. Zipping open each luggage and throwing them aside due to no valuable items, she came across two gauntlets that carried a bow and arrow and the other having the ability to attach two, sharp knives to your wrist. Continously searching, she found weapons that were in a large dufflebag. Sadly, there was no magazines and what is the point of taking a weapon with you if it didn't have any ammo? Getting up on her feet, she looked around the area for anything at all that was valuable for resources. Spotting two books with the titles embroidered on the cover, one was entitled "TRAPPED. A guide to making successful traps" and the other being "The voice of a person. Russian language, part 9." Grabbing two of the books and putting them inside her backpack, she quickly left the area just incase any other dangers that were going to await her. Feeling massive guilt for taking items from the dead, she noticed that she had to survive too and this option was all she had to pick.

 Arriving back to her location a few hours later, she put the items onto the desk and started to search through them. The gasmask was the first to come. She felt the texture of the rubber gasmask on her palms and turned it around, only to see that something was attKached where the mouth was suppose to be positioned to. Viewing abit more, she found out that this was a mouth piece - a vocoder. Putting it aside, she noticed the two gauntlets that were weapons. One of them was a glove along with a gauntlet attached to it, carrying the small version of a bow and arrow. The other set was suppose to be on the forearm where the arrows were to be kept for faster reloading. The other gauntlet had two, sharp blades that were folded to the side. One on the left of the gauntlet and one on the right, whenever the button is pressed, the two are then pulled where the top of the hand is, aligning the two straight on for close quarters combat. A note was left in one of the gauntlets, which read the following message;

 I have failed you, sir. I couldn't send these weapons and two tactical devices torwards you and it appears that we have met with a unknown force that was stronger than us. We apparently lost a few while in the air due to these... pulse rounds penetrating through the airplane and hitting our members. A chopper came from behind and took out the fins of the airplane and therefore, we couldn't be able to control the airborne vehicle properly and so we crashed. All my crew members are dying and some have left us to rot here because we didn't have enoguh medical kits. The gas tank was hit and exploded, allowing toxic gas to fill the air which were in me and my members lungs, killing them off instantly if breathed in for too long. Someone took out the fire though but the gas was the problem and it wasn't their concern, so they left it untreated for us to breathe it in. I was safe and I put on my gasmask. The other members with the gasmaskes quickly left the area and ran off with some of the resources, too frightened to fight the unknwon forces. I am faint now and I am dying. I hope you find this message...

 She noticed that this message was all about a operation to carry tactical weapons (being the crossbow and knife gauntlets) to be modified for testing in the military and ofcourse, more weapons for the Russian army. The gasmask was one of the experimental devices that was also suppose to be modified but it was too late to arrive at the airport. The vocoder was only installed to it.

 Moving on, she went to read the books. Over a few days, she finally was able to make traps and speak the russian, foreign language along with her main language, english. Being a spy back in the British area, she quickly and yet minorally recovered from her head trauma including the short disaster of crashing into the Romanian mountains, she was able to discover to rolling technique to evade and avoid dangers.

 Due to advanced technology, the vocoder was made into a smaller set, therefore allowing it to be a mobile device. The two gauntlets were also major experiments created by private factories for better combat amongst opponents. Sadly, it wasn't able to reach it's final production.

 Photo of the gasmask here:

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
 +Able to hide identity due to speaking russian and having a gasmask to hide facial details along with the hiding of the voice.
 +Her secondary weapon in emergency situations would be the two gauntlets.
 +Gasmask is used to avoid gas filling the respiratory system - the lungs.
 +Gasmask has a vocoder to lower voice, therefore creating a decoy of someone else.
 +Most people in the Outlands area speak russian, which will let her understand them.
 +Bow and arrow can penetrate people with clothing and what not. Fatal blows to the head area.
 +Rolling away from dangers like explosives and moving to cover. That kind of stuff.

 -Be a target for robbing.
 -Firearms are much more powerful than the bow and arrow.
 -The bow and arrow cannot penetrate kevlar or hard material like metal.
 -The knives must be sharpened over time due to wearing out.
 -Knives can be broken due to large impacts.
 -Gasmask cannot have a unlimited amount of filters, therefore must be acquired throughout scavenging, etcetera etcetera.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
 Use them to allow my character to survive in the Outlands with the technology and weapons along with the user to be stealthly hidden without showing her identity for certain occasions.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
I know I am asking too much within this authorization. I just thought of advanced technology and how it would be put to good use. The combine world isn't "to get everything you want" but you have to scavenge for it. I made the use of the authorization traits for a great ideal for stealth and survival but not to be OP over other players. You are free to accept or remove. ~STALKER
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 05:55:01 AM by STALKER »

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Re: Amanda Tennington's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 03:32:13 PM »
It seems from your last Auth App, you already have a good number of things in your benefit, so I will accept this, but with the follow conditions:

-A gasmask with a vocoder attached to the mouth piece. (Yes)
 -Extra filters along with a black satchel to store them. (Yes, but don't roleplay finding filters all across the outlands when you run out)
 -Can speak russian language. (A working Knowledge of Russian, since a few days is not nearly enough to learn the language)
 -The ability to make traps. (like tripwires, heavy objects being set off, etc) (Yes)
 -Small version of the bow & arrow attached to wrist gauntlet (R) (can be disattached) (Yes)
 -Two-blade weapon attached to wrist gauntlet (L) (can sheath and unsheath) (Yes)
 -To roll away from dangers (something like GoW) (Yes, but don't overuse this, you can't 'roll away' from everything)

Also, I expect you roleplay those defcects quite often.


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