Author Topic: Unit 507's Notebook.  (Read 1727 times)

Offline Crayola

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Unit 507's Notebook.
« on: May 08, 2012, 07:37:43 PM »
// Located in my back left pouch, you would have to kill me or search my personal belongings to know any of this IC.
** Neat print fills the page **

Note One.

I took my first SHIELD training today, wasn't that bad, pretty simple actually... Soon after 036 was shot... I went to the medical bay and observed 702 work on him. I have been so confused lately... Not really sure what to do... Sometimes I find myself losing my thoughts.. Yesterday I forgot who I was... I am going to jot it down quickly.. Just incase it happens again.
My name is Rain Pentell.
I am 26 years old... I think.
I am unit 507.
I work in SHIELD.
I am rank 02.
C45.CCA.UA.619 says "<:: You're the shitstain that fell between the resistances buttcheeks."

Offline Crayola

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Re: Unit 507's Notebook.
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2012, 10:24:09 AM »
Note 2.
Well... I am feeling a bit better now, I had a meeting with that Doctor Reichter or whatever the hell his name is... He isn't a bad guy but... Damn he wanted to hang those two... Badly. He has a certain aggresive tone when I speak with him, like he is trying to scare me into getting better. That's smart Reichter... I know I ain't supposed to, but I have a shotgun in my locker in the decontamination room... I was given it during training at 03, but the DvL never took it back... I thought 02's could have shotguns... why get the training at 03 if you can't use one at 02? I find that incredibly stupid... I know how to handle the damn thing, find a target, aim and pull the trigger. I left SHIELD, it just wasn't my "Cup of tea." As I have been telling everyone else. Now I am back in JURY... I was thinking of joining VICE but 604 told me I couldn't because they were full. That's bullshit, I never see more then 2 VICE units On Duty at a time... Maybe I'm just not observant.. I don't know.

I might join ZEALOT... 604 has told me numerous times not to, that they wer basically just a half-ass excuse for a division, those are my words, not his... He doesn't want me to join ZEALOT, but I can't and I don't want to go back to SHIELD, JURY needs to get their shit together and apparently VICE is to elitest for me. Tell me then 604, what division should I join? Yeah... I am going to see about joining ZEALOT tommorow... Maybe... I don't know right now. I will sleep on it I suppose...

Unit: 507
Division: JURY
Rank: 02
Status: Confused-Healthy

C45.CCA.UA.619 says "<:: You're the shitstain that fell between the resistances buttcheeks."


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