Author Topic: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)  (Read 2325 times)


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Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« on: June 01, 2012, 04:44:42 PM »
Day one.

     Today's the day. I've left my home portion of the Outlands, onto others, in search of my brother who I presumed dead for over fifteen years.

     It's wierd, really, I've been putting this off all day. I've been to busy crying over everything. All of my life, I'm leaving behind for's bullshit.

     I'm thinking of turning back, saying "Forget this, Alex can find me." But no...I have to do this. All of my life, I've been a survivor. It's time to see if I can survive for real.

     I'm gonna find a source of water and camp for the night. I have a long journey ahead of me...


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Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2012, 12:47:27 AM »
Day 2,

     I've gotten the tears under control for the most part. It's morning now, I'm about to leave my little camp. I set up the campsite to be just like mine and Sierra's old one, the log, fire, all that. I'm missing two things; Her, and a river.

    Speaking of river, I need water. I'm not gonna drink from any of the five cans I brought with me unless I absolutely have to. Today and tomorrow I'll spend looking for a river, and if I don't find either I'll drink a can.

     It's weird, really. All these years I could cry or some shit like that and nobody would do anything about it, but now it's different. Not that nobody's doing anything...but because there's nobody here. I'm alone now, and I'm probably gonna die out here. Alone.

Offline Blue Haze

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Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2012, 11:46:14 AM »
// You're searching for a person you think has been dead for years BEFORE the SHR?

Trent (Davidson) Marlow - [ALIVE] - Getting people to do work for him, living near the Inn, back from his retreat.

Kelly (Lillians) Striker - [DEAD] - Found outside the old Bunker with many wounds suggesting a poison headcrab attack. All supplies but her clothes missing.


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Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2012, 04:56:10 PM »
Day 3,

     Well, I had to drink a can of water. How interesting.

     Luckily, I found a lake and  got to refill the can. Camped there for the night.

      ...That's all I've got.


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Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2012, 04:59:31 PM »
Day 4,

     I heard another radio message where Alex's name popped up. I don't have a location, but it's lead me closer to my goal.

     So far I haven't had to use my gun. I've done all my hunting with a bow, and I haven't gotten in any fights.

      However, I saw an Overwatch chopper earlier today. I forgot about them for a while, but now the fear's back. Great.


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Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2012, 05:04:34 PM »
// Yes, Kai.


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Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2012, 05:06:47 PM »
Day ?

     ...I found him.

     He died.

     I got shot and knocked out. I'm not sure how much time has passed, but I'm turning back. All I can do is hope everyone back home is alright, even if Alex isn't.
     I would almost accept death right now, but no, people back home still care...right?


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Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 05:08:59 PM »
Day ?,

     I'm back home. Right outside Beles, in fact. This will be my last entry, by the way.

     So, that's it. I'm back home, and I return with the knowledge that the last of my family died...this isn't how I intended this little journey to work out.

Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2012, 04:26:45 PM »
// Last entry? But you aint even started on the good stuff yet, like me :D


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Re: Faith Ann's Travel Logs (Journal)
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2012, 06:54:19 AM »
Day 22,

     ...Sierra's dead.


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