Author Topic: [DENIED]Ishaq Faris's Civil Authority Application  (Read 1411 times)

Offline Syphon

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[DENIED]Ishaq Faris's Civil Authority Application
« on: March 31, 2012, 11:28:26 PM »
Ishaq Faris's Civil Authority Application

OOC Name: Syphon (mrcrackface   is the account name)

IC Character Name: Ishaq Faris

1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.
Ishaq Faris wishes to join the CCA to establish peace in District 6 from the District 1, to live a more stable life with enough food to satisfy his greed, and to make money in hopes of getting married and supporting his future spouse, one day, under the radar from Civil Protection. He also wishes to join for a more serious, dangerous purpose: acquire a better understanding of Civil Protection arms and weaponry to further the resistance’s cause.

In order to establish peace in District 6 from District 1, his plan is to perform reconnaissance, whenever off-duty, in District 6. There are very dangerous groups, there--a danger to the well-being of residents of that district. A notable danger would be the Fourth Reich, but many others are sure to emerge. His plan is to learn of the various criminal groups, find a way to lure them into the plaza, and punish them, if he can.

As for marrying in the future, this is one of Ishaq’s secrets he aims to keep silent from the Union. He desires a marital partner to survive with him in such harsh times and requires the wealth to sustain her and himself.

As for acquiring a better understanding of Civil Protection, Ishaq aims to establish his own resistance, one day, but with a level of planning unsurpassed by any other. Ishaq keeps this information to himself and dares not mention it to anyone, yet. His plan isn’t to misuse any weapons entrusted to him by the Civil Protection, but rather to enumerate information such as standard Civil Protection suit vulnerabilities, weapon information, and to compile his findings into a book he hopes to reproduce for defensive purposes.

2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)
Ishaq Faris aims to be an honorable man in a dishonorable time, while maintaining his disguise as a ruthless Civil Protection officer. He's as trustworthy as they come to in-oppressive. He tries to be brave, and may often force himself into undesirable situations to prove to himself is courage. He's perceptive and very observant of security flaws.

3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.
Playing with a Civil Protection character, for myself, will be a very fun experience. I had been pondering the thought of returning to HL2RP for some time, now, and establishing my own resistance has been such a driving factor, for me. Not for the shot-cop, no. That is least of the reasons. But because of the planning. I love to plan, more than anything, and especially when I realize how improbable it is to establish such a thing and how dangerous it is. A PK could be waiting at any moment for my character if I make a mistake, which just makes it even more entertaining. The very fact that I, hopefully, will be able to document Civil Protection arms and armor, and their vulnerabilities, is enough to get me giddy.

For Ishaq, it will certainly be a transforming experience. For one, he had plans to marry, but I’m  he will soon learn of the impracticality of such a thing. One cannot lead a resistance and have any ties as such. His naive hopefulness will also come to an immediate stop when he realizes how lost the current situation of humanity is. I expect him face the improbability of humanity’s success in defending itself with a devastating blow to his morale. At least until he establishes a better, more practical plan for survival.

4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.
Ishaq Faris was born and raised in New York. He didn’t have any friends, as a child. Suffering from a speech-impediment, a stutter more precisely, since he was five drove people away from him. Though, all bad things contain some good, and there was a great good within this speech-impediment: Ishaq fell silent in social situations and merely observed. He would observe how people communicated, established a mastery for understanding subtle body languages, and grew to awaken a hidden potential in social engineering. Ishaq learned early of his mastery in manipulating people into doing whatever he desired, but his good conscience prevented him from pursuing this vice; Ishaq was a very emotionally sensitive person, having cried himself to sleep on numerous occasions to relieve the stress of his stutter. He could not oppress others for he had been oppressed his entire school career by bullies for having this stutter.

Ishaq’s stutter drove him to satisfy his social needs on the Internet, joining forums and playing games with others online. It was safe to say his computer was his life. It was little surprise, then, that he’d pursue a major in computers when he finally graduated high-school and became accepted at a university. Ishaq studied computer securities and forensics and it became his new hobby. It was at this time when Ishaq found the cure to his speech impediment: a healthy dose of confidence. He was wary of building too much confidence, for fear of developing arrogance, so he decided to be a noble and brave person. To help the weak and downtrodden, to speak out against bullies who pick on others, and realized his destiny in this world. His newfound bravery, honor and management qualities were perfect for a leader.

When the storms first hit, Ishaq had been working for a little less than a year for a cyber-security firm. He had hopes of marrying early, being a virgin, but the world was on the brink of coming to an end.

5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming?  If so, explain why it was removed.

OOC Details

1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?
May 2007

2. How long have you played on serious servers?
May 2007

3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming?
Four days since post.

4. What Time zone are you in?
EST (GMT -5)

5. In what country do you live?
United States of America

6. How old are you?

7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?
My most memorable RP experience is easily with Eatdamuffin. About two years ago, he had been creating a resistance with the idea I’m using, now. A level of planning and sophistication that is just purely epic. We had our own encryption method to send each other messages, wrote our own propaganda that was pure win.. But it lasted for about a week. There were about four of us, the other two I don’t remember. We were following a rule: all deaths are PK. Even if you are NLR’ed, you must self-PK. The idea was to enhance the realism in choices you make for your character. Don’t make stupid decisions or you will get PK’ed. It was fun because it requires great planning to survive. I hope to create this resistance to recreate that experience.

8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?
If the speaker is worth listening to, yes. Needless to say, my superiors will be worth listening to. // EDIT: I wrote this thinking it was IC. Yes, I'm a good listener. This is the only major edit in the application.

IC Section

Full Name: Ishaq Faris
CID: 44661
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Hair Colour Black
Eye Colour: Hazel
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 165
Mental Distinctions: Brave; fearless
Mental Defects: Naively hopeful
Mental Advantages: Security mindset; very observant of security flaws
Notable Qualities: Honest; perfectionist; antisocial (will not engage in conversation with citizens)

1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?

2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations?
Whenever I acquire one.

3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?
I'd prefer to survive and continue serving the Union. KIA occurs from bad planning.

4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?
I accept all actions performed by me as my own responsibility. As for taking responsibility of the actions performed by those under my command, I will accept responsibility ONLY if I may discipline them if they do not follow my orders.

5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?

6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?
I want to join the Combine Civil Authority to be closer to the Union. I no longer desire to be the oppressed; I desire to be the oppressor. I no longer desire to be the hunted; I desire to be the hunter. I no longer desire to wait in line for a ration that I may never get; I desire to be the one eating first. I no longer desire citizens stepping all over me; I desire to be the one stepping all over them. I no longer desire to live amongst such a barbaric people: I desire to be with the civility of the Universal Union.

Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen.

I, Ishaq Faris hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 09:08:03 PM by Purple »

Offline Saints Sasha

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Re: Ishaq Faris's Civil Authority Application
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2012, 08:36:02 PM »
UNIT: 226
Enter Password: ************


Connecting to Network

Applicant File Opened: <Ishaq Faris>
Citizen Identification Number: 44661

Acceptance status:
<::|| DENIED ||::>

<::|| Application does not meet requirements. Please, read the requirements before applying. You should be a member of Catalyst Gaming for at least two weeks to Apply. Re-apply in two weeks. ||::>

Saving Record...
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
File Saved

Disconnecting <C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC.226>
Console Shut Down.
-Half-Life 2 Characters-

Status: K.I.A.(Killed During City 45 Uprising)
Status: K.I.A.

Status: K.I.A.

John White
Status: ALIVE - City 15.

Stephen Jackson (Tier-2 Bus.)
Status: ALIVE


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