Author Topic: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC(A).654 Private Logs||::>  (Read 2449 times)

Offline Delta1116732

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<::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC(A).654 Private Logs||::>
« on: February 08, 2012, 07:12:39 PM »

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<::|| Well it's my second day as recruit in the Combine Civil Authority. So far it's going good no black marks and I think so far all the units don't mind me. I got to meet a HC in GRID I think I made a good impression on him. Later on a unit killed himself which was diffrent. I didn't expect it and the chatter over the radio was going nuts. He ended up killing himself on the nexus roof from what I heard anyways. The DvL 113 gave all the units a little talk on why not to do it. He cut off his head. It was disgusting thats basicly whats happened in my days so far as a recruit. I will try and make logs every now and then.||::>

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« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 02:36:30 PM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-04.654 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2012, 09:16:53 PM »

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<::|| Alright so the past couple days have been going good as RCT I have much to tell! I'v got most of my manifest done. All expect Fa and and Ct are done besides the week wait. I'v been just patroling and doing my duty. So far it's been going good aressting citizens a runner every now and then. Out of all it's been going good. Just two days ago and then up until now units have been getting attacked by small amounts of citizens. It makes me worry that I might get attacked. But it's been going good besides that I'm planning on joinning APEX. I hope the next log I make i'll be an 04! ||::>

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« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 04:02:28 PM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-04.654 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 06:38:22 PM »

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<::|| I'v just been promoted to 04 today. I'm quite exicted that i'v been promoted i'm able to use the SCIM 9mm pistol carry out level three's and not to mention a data pad which is nice. I'm sure being 04 i'll have to take on lots of new stuff but i'm exicted to get my trainning started once more and be able to patrol on my own. I'v chosen my division as APEX just because it's based on citizens and such and I'd think i'd like that more than NOVA or GRID. But this log will be short I just havn't made one in a couple of days maybe i'll do one next week. Bye for now. ||::>

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« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 04:00:26 PM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-04.654 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2012, 12:47:34 AM »

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<::||It's been about a week since my last log and I'd figure that it's time I would make another one. This log won't be long. Uprisings and riots have been going on in the city every now and then. There was a riot three days in a row each one getting more and more deadly. Asi in the first one started with peopling yelling and throwing stuff it wasn't bad. Second day people threw the total riot we had to get riot shields out and we got shot and flash banged. Day after the city was a complete mess barrels,gun shots and blood EVERYWHERE and this is basically the highlight of my week so far. I hope to speak to the APEX HC soon. ||::>

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Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.APEX-02.654 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2012, 05:27:38 PM »
UNIT: 654
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<::|| lets get started shall we? **654 Unclips his face mask showing a bald man, and he grabs an object from one of his pouches flicking it open. Then places the glasses on.** Alright well...I was able to look through my logs a bit back, and I'm surprised. I've honestly forgot about most of what happened back when I was recruit. Though it never bothered me much. The bad times as for the three day riots when there were fire fights in the streets. MP7,Smoke,Lethal,Flash bang grenades, riot shields, and molotov all over the place. Though enough of what happened in the past...the present is what matters. Recently I've been promoted to 02, and it's nice to be restored at my former rank. I've also joined SCYTHE which has been tough I suppose. Hard training, and strict protocol....I like it. I have seen that units recently have been lacking protocol. Lacking it to a point of endangering a units life. I think it's honestly unacceptable, and that units will follow this "One man breaching" they call. Today I saw a EU do this one man breaching, and honestly? It was report of a hostage situation, and a citizen being armed with a 9mm USP pistol. When this "unit" opened the door, and rushed in he was lucky. He was lucky that he didn't get bullets flying through him because he didn't follow the protocol. From my knowledge EU's are the best of the best. The best of the best almost failing the mission, and getting three units killed? Unacceptable! Though being only 02 I cannot do much as for punishments, however I'm excited for the day I can. Oh, yes a new division was put I believe it's called ZEALOT, and another called UED. I'm unsure of what these two divisions do really. Though these UED units are always observing, and I'd like to know what they do. Though as I've learned I rather not ask questions, and just stick with what I'm given. I suppose this will end the log..more will come of these as I have got more interest into them.||::>

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« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 09:56:33 PM by Delta1116732 »

Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL

Offline Delta1116732

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Re: <::||C45.CCA.UNIFORM-OfC(A).654 Private Logs||::>
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2012, 08:03:30 PM »
UNIT: 654

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New Log Opened: 006

<::|| *The screen flickers on with a unit with an officer uniform sitting on a stool with a metal plated background as he begins to speak.*'s been quite some time since my last log, and due to my recent promotion or acting promotion I feel I should have made a log. Well Some time after I made the last log I got promoted to 01 which was nice. I got introduced to the shotgun which most units say it's an amazing weapon. I personally prefer the MP7. Not much happened until I was able to fill a EU spot in APEX as one opened up. Though that being said there where about five other 01's trying to get EU. Shortly after that only about a week I got demoted due to the EU cap being two not three. I suppose it was kind of dissapointing however I stayed around APEX for a while then I heard about unit 050 the current divisonal leader of UNIFORM getting promoted. From officer to DvL that is so I talked to him on becomming a trainning officer for UNIFORM. Train recruits all day seems like a nice break from the breaching, and hand to hand combat. So I got in as a TrO(A), and trained recruits. Within a week the A was removed, and I got full trainning offcer. It's a nice break from APEX, and also get to stay on top of trainning. Later on I was able to do a couple of promotion tests. Couple days after that 050 called me to the roof, and we had a chat. Promoted me to OfC because he said 362 has gone missing. So I suppose I remain the only  UNIFORM Officer. Though i'm only acting it's nice to be in more of a commanding positon. Sides it's quite nice, and I hope to get this A removed when I can. Well thats all for updates I suppose. *The screen flickers off into a black screen.*||::>

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Out of Character for OOC:
Colombo Beniamino: i'm honestly contemplating joining NOVA even though i don't like medical RP because it actually has active DvL


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