Author Topic: Eddie Low's Outland Character Appeal  (Read 3552 times)

Offline 429ghost

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Eddie Low's Outland Character Appeal
« on: March 08, 2012, 10:03:21 AM »
Steam Name:


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Character Name:

Eddie Low

Reason for the switch:

My character went to the Outlands to look for certain victims. He also wanted to experience life in the Outlands, or what he calls "Soft Drink Land" (Because he calls anything opposing the Combine "Soft Drinks" while he calls the Combine themselves "Hamburgers"). My character is a serial killer who likes to collect the skulls of his victims.
The switch has not ICly been made yet, I just wan't to get this appeal done and out of the way for the right time, so that way I don't have to wait for it while ICly my character is already back in the city.
My character will soon finish his business in the Outlands and return to his 'Work' back in the city.

If required, write a detailed backstory on how your character left the outlands:

Eddie Low packed his newly aquired skulls, his anti-depressants, and his MP7 ammunition into his satchel. He closed it, and then grabbed it, slinging it onto his back. He started walking towards Beles Town. He reached the road that heads towards City 45 Limits. He then began his journey back.
Eddie walked for miles along the highway scattered with abandoned vehicles that have been decomposing ever since the Seven Hour War. The walk had been long, very long. He was halfway to city limits.
"We're almost there, my skulls." He dillusionally said to the skulls that were packed in his satchel. "Just a few more miles." Just then, Eddie spotted Overwatch not too far down the road. "Shit! Hamburgers!" He whispered. "We can't let them turn us into stalkers! We need to find a new route." He whispered to his skulls. Eddie then hid behind the cars and crawled to the railing. He then hopped over it and started heading elsewhere through the forrest.
Halfway through the forrest, the Xen wildlife that occupied the habitat noticed Eddie. Headcrabs began unburrowing, taking Eddie by surprise.
"Shit! Crab Hamburgers!" Eddie yelled. He began firing at them with his MP7 and ran off. The headcrabs were in pursuit. Eventually Eddie reached the end of the forrest, losing the headcrabs. He is now closer to city limits, at the old canals, recently abandoned. He then proceeded to the sewers through the area that used to be the most populated area of the outlands by resistance and refugees in Sector 45.
Eddie walked through the area with caution. The canal area had been shelled by headcrab canister artillery. This is what caused the former inhabitance to flee to the mountains. By now, most of the headcrabs were probably gone, but not all of them. Eddie saw several impacted canisters through the area, but no headcrabs around them. Eddie presumed that the headcrabs had already taken shelter in the many structures, building nests or God knows what they were doing. Eddie finally reached the sewers and quickly entered them, he did not want to stay in that area for too long. The sun was already setting, meaning that if he were to stay, he should be prepared for a ravenholm-like night.
Eddie walked for atleast another 40 minutes. Avoiding things like barnacles and what not, he could already hear the faint echo of the regular citizen notices.
"We're so close!" He said to his skulls. He walked for another 15 minutes. Finally, he reached the sewer grate that he had entered through to leave. He was now in the canal between District One and District Six. "We're home, my skulls, we're home!" He said, before heading off into the night towards District Six.

Time when it happened(if mis-click):

Forgot the time of day, it was 03/07/12

Extra notes:

ICly, my character has not gone to the city yet, I'm just making this appeal now to get it over with, since my character will eventually return to the city.

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Re: Eddie Low's Outland Character Appeal
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 10:53:07 AM »
Hey, Eddie Low is the name of a serial killer in gta4.
I am ded not big surprise.

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Eddie Low's Outland Character Appeal
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2012, 01:16:44 PM »
I know, my character is based off of him.

Offline 429ghost

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Re: Eddie Low's Outland Character Appeal
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 03:46:52 PM »
Forgive me for the bump, but it's been already towards the next month with no progress made towards the verdict.

Offline garry :D

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Re: Eddie Low's Outland Character Appeal
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2012, 01:16:35 AM »
Sorry for the wait, I honestly have no idea why these aren't being replied to in a timely manner.

I'm going to accept this on the grounds that no other administrators have made their concerns clear in the time since it was originally posted. The backstory is also of a satisfactory quality to constitute IC reasoning to return to the city.


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