Author Topic: Daeny Morrison's Authorization Application  (Read 2194 times)

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Daeny Morrison's Authorization Application
« on: March 25, 2012, 05:05:59 AM »
Player Section

Steam Name: Saimon-avatar
Age: 15
How long have you been Roleplaying? (can be any game): About two years now.
How long have you been playing Serious GMod RP?: Twp years.

Character Section

Sewing Skills
Black hood with cape
Knife leather sheath

Name: Daeny Morrison
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Resistance

Write a detailed in-canon back-story how your character obtained these authorizations.
"Daeny! Just look at your jeans! They are all screwed up!"
"But mom! It wasn't my fault! Javier pushed me of from the bike!" -Daeny
"I'm not going to sew them for you! It's time you wrog up! I'm tired of sewing your clothes, from now on, you are going to patch your own clothes." Said Daenys mother.
"Mom! But I don't know how to sew! What am I going to do?!"
"Well, that's why you have a mother like me, I am going to teach you how to sew your own pants, that way I wont fix them up again, it will be under your responsability." Said Daeny's mother with an annoyed gesture.
**Daenys mother went to get some needles and some sewwing strings, she then took Daeny into his dad's working place**
"Daeny, it's time you grow up, take this needle and this string." Said Daeny's mother while she stared at her.
**Daeny took the needle as she looked down to her jeans saying "Well, this can't be that difficult."**
**She took the needle down to her pants, gently she inserted the needle on one side of her pants, as she did that, her mom yelled "Daeny! Don't forget to put the string at the back of the needle" Daeny stopped for a moment "Ah yes, how could I be so stupid..." She grabbed the string with two fingers, she inserted the string into the needle's head. "What now?" Said Daeny holding the string and the needle with one hand "Now you make a knot so the string doesn't comes out." Daeny used both hands for making a knot, as soon as she finished making the knot she pulled the needle back into one side of her pants this time she did not stopped. As her mother patiently waited, Daeny continued passing the needle over her pants untill they got fix**
"Woa... This was really easy... How come I've never tried it!" Said Daeny holding her pants up at the air in sign of victory.
"Hey, relax, you just fixed some pants... That's nothing comparred with making clothes..." Said her mom as she smilled.
"Well then! Teach me! I want to know all of it! I want to know how can you make clothes!"
**Her mother nodded standing from the chair, she walked out from the room leaving Daeny alone. Af two minutes her mother was back with several fabric pieces and bigger needles with more strings. "Today you are going to make your own pants..." Said her mother as she smiled." The fabrics she brought were pink and blue. "Pink and Blue hu? Well, I hope this pants look really good..." said Daeny with a big smile on her face. "First of, you must size yourself, well, in this case. I am the one who's getting your sizes. Come on, stand up!" Said her mother as she dragged a meter out from her pocket. Daeny stood up waiting for her mother to size her, after she had all the size, she took a seat and took a deaph breath. "Alright mom, time for the fun part!" Her mother nodded taking some scissors from the desk that was at her side. "Alright now... We cut..." Said her mother taking one side of the fabric handing the scissors to Daeny "I mean, you're the one who's gonna cut..." Her mom chuckled.
"Alright, alright... Please. hold it still." Said Daeny taking the scissors and studying the fabric piece. Daeny started cutting and sewing making some mistakes, she was a quick learned, so there was no big problem making her pants. "Mom, I really don't like them..." Said Daeny looking down at the pants she just made with help of her mother. "No! They are briliant! Come Dae! Look at them! I am really impressed of your skills!" Said her moment with a exited face. **

//Back in C45//

**One night at the Safe heaven, Daeny was taking a break from the work, while she got this crazy idea of making a black hood with a cape attacked to it and a knife leather sheath. She stood up and climbed the desk saying to everyone in the room "Maybe have your attention please?!" Suddenly, almost all the citizens that got free food and supplies from Daeny looked up at her saying "We hear you." #Alright, alright people. I have a task for you! Well, it is more of a contest. I am looking for any black fabric and any piece of leather. The one who brings me more fabric or leather will a regard!" Everyman that was listening started talking, after 5 minutes of discussion everyone ran out of the Safe heaven place saying "I'm the one that will win!". Daeny went back to her bed trying to get some rest. About one to two hours people started ariving, some of them had nothing in their hands, some of them had some black fabric, others had some white or any other colour fabric, one of them even had some black paint for painting the fabric, each citizen gave Daeny as much as they brought because she was really kind with them, Daeny gave rewards to each citizen that brought something usefull, at the end she notticed no one had brought any ñeather "Oh well, I guess leather is really ea-" The door opened and a guy with a leather rectangle on his hnad was yelling "I got it! I got it! I win!" He ran across the room throwing the leather piece on top of the fabric "Woaa! Where did you got the leather?!" Said Daeny with an amazed face. "Well, pretty easy, while everyone went into their appartments and looking on each corner of the streets, I ran down to the canals and remeber there was two destroyed cars in there. Well, I looked inside of them and saw that the seats where made out of leather! It was quiet easy, I just had to rip it off with someone elses knife." Said the man who speaks in a very quick way.**

All the people left the Safe heaven living Daeny and her friends in there, that's when she looked in her backpack for her needle and some string, took any black fabric she got and white fabric she got in case she had to paint it with the clothes paint the man brought to her. She draw a hood on the black fabric, she cutted it with her knife as presice ash she could then cutted a part black fabric for making the cape. After she was finished cutting, she sewed the hood and the cape togheter making them into one piece, she reinforced all the edged with all the string she had, after cutting the fabric, she looked for the finest fabric the people bought to her.

She took the leather the man brought her, she got the sizes of her knife, draw the shape of the knife all over the leather, she then cutted it with her knife untill she got the product she wanted. She ran back to her backpack looking inside of it for anything that could help her weld the leather together, she found five small nails laying at the end of her backpack, she took four nails out placing each nail at one edge of the leather piece, she folded some edge, took her hammer she already had (Rped getting it). She hammered the nails untill the leather edges were really strong, took her needle and ask one of his friends for any string, as soon as she got a small string, she started sewing some parts of the leather untill she had a nice knife sheath.

What will these authorizations give your character in regards to perks or defects?
A cape with a hood that would make her more difficult to recognize.
A knife sheat that could make her drag her knife faster and easier.

She would drag a lot of attention to her.

What do you plan to do with these perks/defects?
I plan to have better experience in roleplaying, and mainly disguess Daeny from many other people, as she is getting to be recognized on the slums.

Will anyone else need these auths? (If so, list OOC and IC name(s))

Which server does this apply for?

Extra Notes (optional):
The cape and hood example:
Ivan Gomez - Dead\\r\\nDaeny Morrison - Dead A great Heroin\\r\\nOscar Gomez- Alive \\r\\nJacques \\\'Fench\\\' Laux - Alive, just escaped from the Outlands\\r\\n\\r\\nDaeny Morrison: Treat people as you would like to be treated. Never hurt the innocents.

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Re: Daeny Morrison's Authorization Application
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 05:46:51 PM »
You've demonstrated a far higher competency in recent days with your RP and this application goes to demonstrate that. Consider this application accepted for the following:

Sewing Skills
Black hood with cape
Knife leather sheath


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