He simply added "CID Revoked" to my record, he did not remove me.
I'm not really feeling like getting any good out of this.Your backstory exists out of quite a lot of dumb situations that would never happen in reality.For example killing a CP by running to him and stick a knife in his groin? What the hell, not only do they wear armor for a reason, they also would never let you get so close to them. You would've been shot to dead long before that. Besides, where did this even happen? Your back story exists out of weird situations on different places, and never you mentioned clearly where it was, and how you got from A to B between these situations."My char is like CmD but then without augments and control" - Sounds like a powerhungry lolrebel act IMO.I will leave this at Pending for now, awaiting another HL2RP SA to throw their opinion in here.But if they agree with me, then this will most likely be Denied.
"My char is like CmD but then without augments and control" - Sounds like a powerhungry lolrebel act IMO.