Author Topic: <::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-04.357's Logs ||::>  (Read 1776 times)

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<::|| C45.CCA.NOVA-04.357's Logs ||::>
« on: March 17, 2012, 04:33:37 PM »
UNIT: 357

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Subject: Private Logs

<::|| I tried looking back at some logs I made as a recruit, but for somereason they were either missing or corrupted, so I am going to have to go back to square one with these. Today wasn't my best of days, but I'll start at the beginning. It all started when I finished suiting up and prepared to go on my usual patrol when there was a commotion outside, as well as on the radio, it turns out that several citizens contracted a never-before-seen disease, which High Command shortly namd Tussis Sanguinem, due to the major symptom of coughing blood, as I was the only NOVA unit on, I was quickly called in to retrieve some blood samples. That is where the absolute nightmare began. I quickly made my way to the Union Civil Housing block, which was being sealed off and clamped, I had an 01 follow me in so I could aquire the blood samples. he instant I stepped inside, I was overwhelmed by the sight. There had to be over two-dozen citizens scatter throughout the lobby and the upper floors, some where being their usual, bothersome selves, some were on the ground writing in pain, and others were panicking, begging us to help them. I managed to draw a sample from this fellow on the ground, writhing in pain. He... died shortly afterwards. Once I made my way back to the medbay, I was clueless. I was lucky that another 04, one still in UNIFORM at that, had some basic knowledge in virology, or else I, and the rest of the citizens that were somehow uninfected, were buggered. We cobbled together a simple vaccine and put it in the next RDC's supply of Breen Water, which suprisingly, worked. At the end of the day there were six citizens still infected in the lobby, on the verge of death.... I hoped putting them out of their misery would make me feel better, saving them from what had to be an excruciating two hours of drowning in one's own blood. ||::>

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5:28 PM - wakeboarderCWB: swastika really?
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we made it to riemer
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: he's the holy ghost
5:28 PM - Lone Wanderer: we makes sacrifices there

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