Author Topic: Half-Life 2 Story "The Lost Citizen" CH.1  (Read 1667 times)

Offline Saints Sasha

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Half-Life 2 Story "The Lost Citizen" CH.1
« on: February 06, 2012, 05:59:32 PM »
Lost Citizen
Dark... cold floor, that's what I felt when I woke up. I couldn't really see anything. I tried to walk to an exit, but I didn't know where it was. Then a bright light blinded me, when I could see again I saw a dark shadow standing at the door way. I heard it say in a robot like voice, "Anti-Citizen, get down!". I knew who that was then, the best thing would be to run. I still had trouble seeing but I started to get used to the darkness little by little, I tripped few times and then I heard pistol shots behind me. The tile on the wall near me exploded as the bullet hit it. I heard vocies behind me say, "This is your final warning!". Then I saw a door and I ran straight for it and kicked it with all my strength, the door made a loud bang and a bright light hit me again. I now was in a alley with a lot of boxes, trashbags, grass, and junk. I started running as fast as I could through the alley as the bullets flew right near my face, if I made it out it would be luck. I knocked over some boxes near me to hold of Civil-Protection, but they easily jumped over the boxes. Boom! My ears started ringing and I felt slight pain as I turned around to see what happened. Everything behind me was on fire and the two units seemed dead, I looked at the roof and saw 3 dark shapes ran off.
   What did just happen? Then I realized that those dark shapes on the roof proboblly shot the barrels with fuel as Civil-Protection Units passed near them. They saved my life, but who were they? Then a loud female voice announced the location where the units were killed and I knew then this wasn't over just yet... I started running again to the end of the alley, when I finally made it there I turned left and ran straight into another citizen, we both fell on the ground. "What the hell!", he yelled, "You could of killed me!", I stood up quickly and walked away. I finally made it to my apartment and dropped on the couch.
     City 97 was not safe anymore not that it ever was, but now that the resistance started pushing Civil-Protection the Overwatch moved into the city, mindless, and brutal soilders who once use to be humans. You would be lucky if you didn't get shot getting your ration which tasted like shit. I had to catch my breath so I got some old water out of the broken fridge and layed on the couch drinking it. Before I knew it I fell asleep. My neighbor John woke me up at about 4pm and told me to get out of the apartments. I got some of my leftovers and packed them in my old suitcase. I walked out of the building and cold air hit my face, the sky was dark, it was going to rain hard so I had to find shelter soon. I knew there was an old bar somewhere around the Block and no one ever went there even Civil-Protection so I headed off there. When I got there I went to the back door because I knew the front enterance had a bio-lock on it. I still had to break the lock on the back door. I looked around for something usefull to break the lock, I saw a wooden plank, but I knew it would break as soon as I put pressure on it. Then I saw gas pipe system on the wall of the bar, so I unscrewed the screws with my hands and took the rusty old pipe out. I just hit the door and made a hole in it, then I kicked it few times to make the hole bigger and crawled in. The storage was dark and the floor was wet, I tried to pick up an old wooden crate but it broke into peices as soon as I touched it. Then I heard thunder so loud the the building shook. I found another door but it was unlocked, I pushed it it made a high pitched screeching noise as it opened. I entered a room with windows, I looked outside and it was raining very hard. In the corner the ceiling was leaking and made a puddle on the floor. I realized that I forgot to ask why John told me to get out of the apartments, but I knew it was for a good reason. I heard Combine APC pass by, was it a raid?
     Then I heard someone opening the bio-lock, I jumped up and opened the closet near me and got inside of it. It was Civil-Protection, one of the units said, "Engaging in Cleanup." What the hell did he mean by that? Civil-Protection never entered this bar why would they now? The flash of light got the the crack in the door for just 2 seconds, then the light was flashing straight at my eye I took a deep breath and stopped moving. Suddenly the closet door opened and a Civil-Protection unit was pointing a gun straight at my face, my adrenaline started pumping and I kicked the unit in the stomach as hard as I could. He fell down and screamed in pain, "Shit!". I ran out of the bar triping over everything, then I heard the units scream in the background "Need back up at Block 69E!". I turned around the corner and I realized I was in Sector 6... The most dangerous Sector in the City 97 also called Slums, this Sector was the home for all the Resistance members and the Combine had no control over it at all, although they did lunch headcrab containers there every week or so, but it usually don't do any harm.
               Then I realized that joining Resistance could be the only thing I could do after everything I've done. I didn't really know what to do to join Resistance, but maybe asking someone might help. I expected the streets of Sector 6 would be filled with rebels, but the streets were empty and destroyed. I heard someone scream, "Incoming!", and suddenly from the direction of Overwatch Nexus something came straight at me with smoke behind it making a loud sound, I tried jumping out of the way, but that thing was going way to fast it hit the wall of a building right next to me and sliced right through it then I heard a loud bang and gun shots. Smoke started pouring out of the hole where the conister hit, I realized that was headcrab conister. The streets were still empty, but then I saw shadows passing on the ground I looked up and saw a group of people jumping over the roof. The last guy to jump tripped and fell right next to me and he seemed to be unconscious. 

               If you like this please  tell me, I have Ch2 Preview ready, I just need to write it on my computer.
-Half-Life 2 Characters-

Status: K.I.A.(Killed During City 45 Uprising)
Status: K.I.A.

Status: K.I.A.

John White
Status: ALIVE - City 15.

Stephen Jackson (Tier-2 Bus.)
Status: ALIVE

Offline Storm

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Re: Half-Life 2 Story "The Lost Citizen" CH.1
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2012, 11:25:55 PM »
Yes It looks like a good story, but I thought it was a video, keep it up.

Offline Saints Sasha

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Re: Half-Life 2 Story "The Lost Citizen" CH.1
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2012, 05:39:15 PM »
Thank you :)
-Half-Life 2 Characters-

Status: K.I.A.(Killed During City 45 Uprising)
Status: K.I.A.

Status: K.I.A.

John White
Status: ALIVE - City 15.

Stephen Jackson (Tier-2 Bus.)
Status: ALIVE


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