Author Topic: Your Voice of Freedom  (Read 1524 times)

Offline Adrian ?NoRagrets

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Your Voice of Freedom
« on: January 24, 2012, 02:23:02 PM »
Out of Character for OOC:
[/color] This is an idea me and a friend of mine had for us to do while we were not busy handing hungry citizens clean supplements. Could turn out to be a great IC element, but could use opinions. This idea is borrowed from Homeworld, where a resistance radio is broadcasting during the Korean occupation. We've turned it into a small 2 or 3 person broadcast. They usually last for a few minutes, and occur several times during a day as a podcast reporting news.

*Notes are placed neatly on several walls around district 6. It is apparent that these notes haven't been around long as they are unaffected by rain or wind. The notes read: Radio 136.4 - Your voice of freedom"

Podcast #1 24/01/2016 (This event happened around 19:15 in-game GMT +1)
Stephen Francis radios in "*The static of the frequency can be heard fading as a microphone is adjusted.*"
Stephen Francis radios in "Let's see how this works. *Tapping noises*"
Stephen Francis radios in "Ah. Citizens of our lovely city 45, welcome to the first podcast of your Voice of Freedom."
Stephen Francis radios in "You can call me The Fox, and with me here I have The Badger."
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "Hello, everyone."
Stephen Francis radios in "We'll be your hosts for this lovely evening, as the city is currently rushing in activity outside our window."
Stephen Francis radios in "Starting right off the bat with some news, Nikolae Shivonski has been reported arrested."
Stephen Francis radios in "According to our sources, the man was caught selling illegal medication to ill citizens in the outer areas of D1."
Stephen Francis radios in "Apparently, helping ill people is a crime. Badger, thoughts on that?"
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "Yeah, I heard he was reported by a fellow citizen to add to that."
Stephen Francis radios in "Mm, mm."
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "If we can't trust each other, who can we trust?"
Stephen Francis radios in "Exactly, just my opinion on the matter."
Stephen Francis radios in "What exactly does this gesture mean? Are we losing our brotherly grasp as a race?"
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "I believe so Fox, people are starting to care more about their own gains than the well-being of fellow citizens."
Stephen Francis radios in "What is the world coming to, really? I'm not talking about the Union, I'm talking about the consequences."
Stephen Francis radios in "The consequences on sense of belonging as a race."
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "Yeah."
Stephen Francis radios in "These are grim times, my friends. I implore you to grab a tight hold of your brothers and sisters hands and re-establish the purity of human respect and brotherhood.
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "Absolutely, this isn't the time to lose faith in humanity."
Stephen Francis radios in "The man is right, this isn't the time to lose hope. Our sources are telling us that the opposition is still standing strong, with a solid foothold of areas of our mutual home. Areas that the opposition control are as of recently district 9, 15, 16 and parts of district 20 and 6."
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "Most certainly, which also brings me to remind my friend The Fox about Stephen Kane."
Stephen Francis radios in "Absolutely, great thing that you mentioned it. As some of you may have heard, rumors are floating around about Stephen Kanes arrest and amputation. Our sources confirm that all these rumors are incorrect and that Kane is in fact alive and well. He was last seen leaving the cities boundaries, heading for the nearby outskirts. Any further information can't be disclosed on this channel unfortunately, as the wrong people may be listening in."
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "Definitely. I'm sure he's strong as ever, but we can assure you that he is not the only one who has decided to take up arms and resist. The opposition is growing by the day, and the signs are becoming more and more apparent in most parts of the city."
Stephen Francis radios in "Mm. And to another piece of news we received just hours ago quite related to this; Apparently a loyalist was tied up and stripped of his CWU belongings in a room in the UCH of D1! *Laughter can be heard from both men*"
Stephen Francis radios in "That is absolutely insane! Someone is brave enough to take up arms on the Union supporters in the Union controlled districts of the city? Ladies and gentlemen, the opposition is truly growing bolder and stronger if they dare raid the UCH during daytime! Badger, what is your first reaction upon hearing this story?"
Stanislav Novakovsky radios in "Heh, it's playing with fire, even though whoever did this is true resistance legend. To go to these extremes to harass the Union is an achievement in itself. I'm just curious to see what the opposition will get up to next, seeing as this is a quite a clear declaration of open war."
Stephen Francis radios in "Certainly, we'll see where it leads. In any case ladies and gentlemen; those are the news for this evening and you're listening to your Voice of Freedom. Stay strong, stay vigilant and stay tuned for upcoming broadcasts. Fox out. *A crackling noise can be heard for a short moment as a microphone is turned off, leaving the frequency in complete silence.*"

The Mysterious Stranger

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Re: Your Voice of Freedom
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 04:08:26 PM »
 Nice idea mate.


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