Zac Hayes's Civil Authority ApplicationOOC Name: DeathByKittens
IC Character Name: Zac Hayes
1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so.After many a night of clutching his stomach in the corner, bones quivering every few seconds as an unforgiving breeze seeps through his unhinged door, Zac has decided that enough is enough. Humanity has teetered on the brink of destruction since the 20th century anyway, why should he care that another agency has brought about it's destruction?
And certainly, the longer he can stave off his own destruction, the better. In a world of anonymity, the CCA, morals are no longer a factor he or any other unit would care for. Living in a different world, occupied Earth, requires a different Mindset, and this is a mindset Hayes is adjusting to.
And at the end of the day, Hayes has always enjoyed a bit of authority. Being able to see above the heads of his peers and force his will upon him. He feels this such opportunity will only serve to fuel his own sense of self-importance.
2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy)Agile, Fast-Thinking and mentally capable, excellent speaker, diligent, dedicated.
3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character.I've had lots of experience with CG's CCA in the past and I except now will be no more different bar my application of knowledge and experience. Certainly now, I plan to flesh out my character even further and build better relationships with other units.
I also plan to go back to writing my once-loved logs. This gives me a chance to flesh out my character more than also satisfy my urge to have something to write about. I predict that regular reflection with these logs will severely boost my character.
4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words.Life was just starting to look up for Hayes until his cubicle at a feature-less office was blown in half by the Combine invaders. Barely escaping with his life, he found himself trapped amongst the crowds of evacuees, desperately trying to escape, but alas, it was not to be so. Not long after re-grouping with his older brother, Isaac Hayes, he found himself captured by the Combine. A difficult adjustment period followed and Hayes watched riots and rebellion all around the city, quelled with not an ounce of mercy. Of course, he had the good fortune to avoid trouble and the wise idea to steer far away from rebellion. "Someone else will do it" he always thought, but it was more of a blanket thought than anything; his attempt to hide his true feelings, that this was something they had never yet experienced and something they would die experiencing.
"Humanity's spirit always bounces back" they would say, but when was the last time all of humanity was conquered in 7 hours flat with technology further advanced than we could imagine? Hayes didn't hide his feelings either, adopting an angsty teenage-esque string of mood swings and often shying away on his own as minor battle raged all around him.
As the Civil Protection force began to spring up all over, Hayes observed with curiosity. Better food, better authority, better housing, less pain. What was the catch? Not one that Hayes cared for anyway as he began to set about applying.
As he headed out the door that day, he could swear Isaac read his thoughts as they made eye-contact. The look of betrayal in his eyes is a look Zac Hayes will never forget so long as he lives.
And now here he is, taking the plunge and indulging his self-importance. Ego ready to be inflated, Hayes begins to fill out the application, curiosity and intrigue lingering on his mind and a sinister grin creeping over his lips.
5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming? If so, explain why it was removed.Yes. Inactivity due to reasons outwith CG that are now gone. Was an 03.
OOC Details1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general?Since 2009
2. How long have you played on serious servers?Between a year and a half and 2 years
3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? About a year
4. What Time zone are you in?GMT+0
5. In what country do you live?Scotland
6. How old are you?16
7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience?Rather than a particular one event, my most memorable experiences were spent on the balcony of a housing block in City 8, smoking a cigarette and discussing what we, the Citizens, had become with a good friend of mine. The chill from the rain is one I could feel in myself and as we hurried off to grab issued raincoats, I truly felt like I was there, gripped in the hands of the CCA, fear and pain at every corner.
8. Do you consider yourself a good listener?Very much so.
IC SectionFull Name: Zac Hayes
CID: 96408
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Hair Colour Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weight: 160lbs
Mental Distinctions: Quick mental reflexes, able to think on his feet for himself and his peers, diligent and dedicated.
Mental Defects: Strong ego.
Mental Advantages: Prolifically intelligent.
Notable Qualities: Agile,
1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain?No.
2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes.
3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union?Without hesitation.
4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility?Without discrepancy.
5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live?Without a doubt.
6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority?I see what the Combine are doing and have done for us. You, the Universal Union, continue to pile heaps and heaps of technology and innovation upon us, teaching us to live outside of our limitations and restrictions and allowing us the distraction-free zone with which to practice our removal from said limitations.
And yet still, malignant scumbags cannot understand. Freedom, they scream for! Do they not understand that we have never been so free?! Do they not understand that we will soon be free of ourselves?! Surely no higher freedom is achievable!
And I see them as they run amok, causing havoc in the calm streets, causing their so-called peers pain and damage with their own actions and ultimately, halting the progress of Humanity and The Universal Union.
I cannot stand by and observe any longer. I must take it into my hands; become another arm of the far-reaching Union. I sacrifice myself, all that makes me and all that I am, that the Union may progress and see off wrong-do'ers.
I cannot stand for rebellion anymore. Humanity cannot stand for rebellion anymore lest it wishes to sign it's own warrant for extinction.
Please sign the attached oath using only
blue or black pen.
I, Zac Hayes hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.