I have been asked a lot on the subject of why I dont want anything for my donations. To clear it up, this isnt really an exchange, its a way for me to show my thanks to the community. I have played with CG for whats coming to a year, I have had very good experiences with it. I thank the whole administration team for all the help, and the members for all the fun. Yes, I know its not like it costs you anything to give me something for my donation, but I dont want anything. You guys already gave me something, a great community to play with, and very fun servers. To clear it up, these are all the people I would like to directly thank. Abbott, RTLK, Roflwaffle, Yagrum, Brandon, The Joke, Kronic, Kom'Rk, KillmePlz, Blt, Veran120, Nicknero1405, ChristmasJack1405, Krisrules, Lord Bravery, Monkey with a gun, Thunderbluff, SatN, Teh Caek, Titan, TOMASAS, Alex, NetWalker, Purple, KFrohman, RebelGrunt, Tyler, Raiden, Sawnikdawg, and everyone else who RPed with me, and helped me. Catalyst-Gaming has been a great experience for me, and I hope you all are enjoying me here. I hope CG continues having great servers, players, and admins. So once again, thank you all.
P.S: Yes, I am still sure I dont want anything for my donations. Lol