Half-Life 2 Roleplay / Re: Red Union Applications
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:45:40 AM »
OOC Application
OOC Name: Michael H
First or middle name to call you by: Michael
Timezone: CST
What times of the day are you on: Anytime after 5/6PM
Name of character you're giving over: Michael Anthony
There is a one week period of evaluation. I hold the right to kill your character or deny you full time membership at all times, understand?: Yessir
Do you understand that this will be your characters life and you are never to go on your character without instructions from a higher?: Yessir
Give 4 scenarios and a line of RP for each: 1.A starving citizen comes up to you and asks for some tokens./me Give him a few leftover tokens.
2.You are a civil protection and you see a man streaking./me Tackle the nude man
3.A group of civil protection are undergoing a mass search./me Keep your mouth shut and do what they say.
4.You are a Loyalist you witness a contraband trade./me Find the nearest Civil Protection in the area/Request Device What are your character's affiliations(understand it can be next to anything like a loyalist or rebel): Tough Rebel
OOC Name: Michael H
First or middle name to call you by: Michael
Timezone: CST
What times of the day are you on: Anytime after 5/6PM
Name of character you're giving over: Michael Anthony
There is a one week period of evaluation. I hold the right to kill your character or deny you full time membership at all times, understand?: Yessir
Do you understand that this will be your characters life and you are never to go on your character without instructions from a higher?: Yessir
Give 4 scenarios and a line of RP for each: 1.A starving citizen comes up to you and asks for some tokens./me Give him a few leftover tokens.
2.You are a civil protection and you see a man streaking./me Tackle the nude man
3.A group of civil protection are undergoing a mass search./me Keep your mouth shut and do what they say.
4.You are a Loyalist you witness a contraband trade./me Find the nearest Civil Protection in the area/Request Device What are your character's affiliations(understand it can be next to anything like a loyalist or rebel): Tough Rebel