Suggestions / Some Ideas
« on: April 21, 2013, 08:27:10 PM »
The holster idea. Either make each type of gun different amount of time to holster it or have it all 5 seconds each.
Police Car. Not sure if that car pack is over to Gmod 13 but it would be awesome to have it
Hijacking other people cargo. Simple as that.
Switching the map to rp_evocity2_v2p. Only reason is that evocity v33x is too laggy in the city. Also players will be able to roam around a lot more than v33x
- Small arms are 3 seconds + melee weapons
- SMGs are 5 seconds
- Rifles are 7 seconds
Police Car. Not sure if that car pack is over to Gmod 13 but it would be awesome to have it
Hijacking other people cargo. Simple as that.
- If the hijacker shoots the car and blows up the car, the cargo disappears.
- If Hijacker shoots the cargo, the cargo disappear
- Anything else can be added
Switching the map to rp_evocity2_v2p. Only reason is that evocity v33x is too laggy in the city. Also players will be able to roam around a lot more than v33x