General Discussion / That's it, I'm done.
« on: August 29, 2012, 06:59:09 PM »
Fuck you, Catalyst Gaming.
rage quit
fuck you, kthxbai.
rage quit
fuck you, kthxbai.
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General Discussion / That's it, I'm done.« on: August 29, 2012, 06:59:09 PM »
Fuck you, Catalyst Gaming.
rage quit immadbro fuck you, kthxbai. 2
Creations / Re: Dr. William Coomer's Journal (Black Mesa) Chapter One« on: August 24, 2012, 10:51:39 AM »ProsThank you very much, I'll begin voice acting, and I'll work on the putting videos in. 3
Creations / Re: [SONG] Orange & Jonco: Hippie Boy« on: August 24, 2012, 02:46:08 AM »
that was awesome.
Creations / Dr. William Coomer's Journal (Black Mesa) Chapter One« on: August 24, 2012, 02:30:56 AM »
Please give me suggestions, positive replies, and how I can make this series better, thanks!
Introductions / Re: Bonjour, I'm Datzy.« on: August 15, 2012, 07:43:13 PM »
sup, i'm catalyst gaming's most hated.
IC Chat / Re: Re: 'Smokes'« on: August 14, 2012, 12:28:31 AM »How should I improve it?no.I spent ten minutes with him. Believe me, this isn't good for the server. He isn't taking the role serious and it was a horrible experience.I'm sorry about that, I am a better RPer than that, I felt lazy, haha, well, I'm sorry. 7
IC Chat / Re: 'Smokes'« on: August 14, 2012, 12:15:18 AM »I spent ten minutes with him. Believe me, this isn't good for the server. He isn't taking the role serious and it was a horrible experience.I'm sorry about that, I am a better RPer than that, I felt lazy, haha, well, I'm sorry. 8
Name: Shawn 'Smokes' Kush
Photo: http://images.google.com/imgres?q=Gangsta+long+dreadlocks&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=644&tbm=isch&tbnid=tX1aZNjuiNa-IM:&imgrefurl=http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php%3Fshowtopic%3D310799%26st%3D20&docid=Y6ceMxZNowLJ2M&imgurl=http://www.religionfacts.com/a-z-religion-index/images/dreadlocks-cc-kkplus-200h.jpg&w=253&h=200&ei=OKgpUO_TG-b10gHCpoDwCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1123&vpy=111&dur=282&hovh=160&hovw=202&tx=88&ty=67&sig=108352536078312073725&page=1&tbnh=128&tbnw=159&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:96 2015: Nickname: Smokes Gang: Crips Location: Los Angelos 2017: Nickname: Smokes Rebellion Group: In Development: City 45 Crips Location City 45. 9
Civil Authority Applications / Re: Michael Beckham's Civil Authority Application« on: August 08, 2012, 08:29:16 PM »
Why thank you!
Civil Authority Applications / Re: Michael Beckham's Civil Authority Application« on: August 08, 2012, 07:32:29 PM »
Its been 2 week, I think.
General Discussion / I need RoflWaffle, Kronic, or RTLX's Help.« on: August 08, 2012, 05:27:19 PM »
Well, 8 months ago I made a account for CG. I put a random email and password, the email is like fsfsfsfs@aol.com, or something. And this October I am getting a brand new computer. I have my account saved on Firefox, and it I got on any other explorer, it will not know my login information. So I was hoping that 1 of you 3 can make me a new account, thanks!
Civil Authority Applications / [DENIED] Michael Beckham's Civil Authority Application« on: August 08, 2012, 12:53:57 AM »
Michael Beckham's Civil Authority Application
OOC Name: #mike IC Character Name: Michael Beckham 1) Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs OOC'ly detailing why your character wishes to join the Combine Civil Authority and what lead your character to do so. When Michael Beckham moved to City 45, the first thing that happened was that he got mugged, the mugger stole 20 tokens from him. Then when Michael has moved to his room, he saw someone being raped in the showers, he didn't have a request device so he had to idea what to do, he rushed to a local unit and told him, when all the units arrived, the rapist has gotten away, leaving the girl on the floor, unconscious, it was a terrible scene. During the night, when Michael was trying to sleep, he heard people yelling and swearing on the floor above him, he knew it was a Audio Violation, but he didn't have a request device, and he was too lazy, and tired to tell a local CCA. About 3 days later, Michael was watching a Dr. William House's broadcast, and when he came back to his room, it was broken into, most of his clothes were stolen, pictures, television, tokens, and suitcase were gone, the CCA couldn't really do anything. When Michael was at his Cafe, someone came in a robbed it, he threaten my life, and I have lost my request device, he came back everyday for seven days, then the CCA started to get frustrated, so they sent 2 units to guard my Cafe for a while, the robber was never seen again. When Michael walks the streets, he always see's people breaking the law, getting arrested, shot, or beaten. Michael is feeling that he has had enough, but he is giving it a while before he applies for the CCA. That night, he was mugged, and beaten, and dumped in the P3 Junkyard, he didn't know where he was because that was the first time he has been in P3, it was horrible, rapist, cannables, and vortiguants, he attempted to rush out of P3 until a group of girls attacked him. He woke up in his apartment room. Michael thought that that was the final straw, and he wanted to apply for the CCA right at that moment, so, he did. 2) Please detail your characters traits. (Eg, Pure, Lawful, Trustworthy) Leader Expert Brave Honest Strong Bright Serious Handsome Pretty 3) Please provide 2 paragraphs about what you are expecting the Combine Civil Authority to be like for you and your character. Michael Beckham expects the Combine Civil Authority to be pretty scary for him, for example... Michael Beckham as seen a recruit being thrown off on top of the Nextus because he was slacking off, and had three blackmarks. Michael also expects training to be a pain in the ass, because Michael has heard stories from citizens, such as "If you slip up, you will receive a beating" or "City 45 CCA are tough" Michael is also expecting these 3 words... Pain, Teasing, and Yelling. Michael is expecting to be beaten a lot during training, or if he slips up, or if HC or UU decides to beat him. Michael also expects to be teased by units a higher rank than him, or if he slips up or messes up. Michael is also expecting a lot of yelling, because during training, HC or UU will be in your face, yelling at you, calling you a maggot, or saying you are worthless. Michael is really scared but he expects that it will all be worth it someday when he is respected, not being yelled at, or beaten. Michael expects a great future for him, if Michael does what he is told to do, if he does great in training, if he respects everyone, he expects to be alright. 4) Please provide a detailed back-story from an out-of-character perspective on your applying character. This section must be detailed and consist of a minimum of 300 words. Michael Beckham, A.K.A. The Ladies Man... June 23, 1989 Los Angeles, California. Michael Beckham was born Michael Beckham was raised in a mansion, near the beach, he got his looks from his father, and his personality from his mother. Jonas Beckham, Michael's father, was a well-knowed actor in around the United States, he was in movies such as "Kip and I", "Spin", "Johns World", "Stuck in Clockwork", "Zinny The Clown", "Class Goof", "Fire", "The Fathers of 24th St." Ashley Beckham was a lead singer of a grudge band called "Sinvada" they had hit songs such as "Smells like bad spirit", "Rape Them", "Come as your not" and "Drive". September 1, 2002 - June 14, 2003 Michael Beckham: Long Brown Hair, Diamond Ear rings on both his ears, baggy jeans, skate tee's, Nike shoes, expensive clothing. Michael Beckham has started Middle School at age 12. He was very popular with the skaters, and the ladies. He picked on the nerds, and the ones who were poor. Michael was a trouble maker, skipping class, locking nerds in their lockers, and getting into fights with the skaters rivals, the jocks. Michael was very strong for his age, Six-Pack at 12? September 1, 2003 - June 17, 2004. Michael was now in the 7th grade, right in the middle of puberty, but still looking good, still popular, and a ladies man. Over the summer, Michael starred in a film called "Sam's Book". Now Michael is a 13 year old millionaire. He expected less homework since he was a millionaire, but, he was still a trouble marker and a slacker, so he got even more homework. Michael was still getting into fights with the jocks, who he hated the most was Derk Hamo, the Football Captain. Michael and Him use too be friends in the 5th grade when he first moved in, but at the end of the 5th grade, they got into a argument because Michael was bragging about his riches and how Derk didn't have any. After a long, year, Michael finally made it threw the 7th grade, but he had some awkward moments with puberty, like when he would talk to a girl, his voice will crack, embarrassing, I know. September 1, 2004 - June 15, 2005 Michael has made it to the 8th grade, age 14, still the ladies man, and still popular and rich. Michael got a girlfriend over the summer named Amanda Hill, they were such lovebirds. They would skip class and make out in the janitors office, skip school and eat at McDonalds, or skate at the skatepark. June 3, 2005 The day that changed Michael's Life... After working out at the gym with his friend Eddy, Michael went to the locker room to change, but when he came in, he found Derk and Amanda making out. Michael was ready to beat the shit out of Derk. Michael broke them up, he threw Derk agents the lockers, and he started headbutting, and punching Derk. The police came to the school and put Michael in handcuffs and walked him out and drove him to the P.D. His parents had to pick him up, but they didn't care, all they cared about was their money. September 1, 2005 - June 4, 2006 Michael has started Highschool, met new friends, he's still good-looking and the ladies man, he has quit skating and moved on to BMXing, he was a easy learner. After Michael beat Derk, Derk's Mom and Dad moved out of the state, they moved to Ohio. People knew about Michael beating Derk and everyone except his friends were scared to be on his bad side, in highschool, Michael met some girl he had a crush with, but she only liked smart guys, so from that day, Michael started studying his ass off, eventually, he was Popular, and smart, and was dating that girl, her name is Julia Peliza. July 5, 2010 The day after Graduation. Michael Beckham has just graduated High school, and has moved out of his parents house to his own house, with his girlfriend Julia. November 14, 2010 Michael Beckham's parents have gotten a divorce May 21, 2011 Michael Beckham and Julia Peliza has been accepted to go to Harvard University. September 2, 2013 Michael Beckham has graduated from Harvard University and has a Degree in Political Science, Ph.D September 5, 2013 Michael donates 3.1 Million dollars towards cancer research. March 1, 2014 Michael and Julia get married. September 19, 2014 Julia is pregnant, with a boy, his name will be Dillon. January 6, 2015 The day Michael will never forget 2# Michael Beckham has gotten home one day from golfing with his friends, when he walked into his bedroom, he found his wife and a stranger in the bed. Michael grabbed a lamp and started beating him with it, the man soon ran out the door, then Michael kicked his pregnant wife out aswell. April 1, 2015 Michael has joined a local church, after what has happened, he felt like his only love was god, and only god. April 2, 2015 - Every night, Michael would read the bible. July 13, 2015 A director named Scott Hains got in contact with Michael, he wanted Michael to star in another movie called "Katie's Song" January 1, 2016 Michael has just gotten home from acting for the movie "Katie's Song", he jumped right to bed and pulled out a bible and started reading it, all of a sudden, he can hear noises outside, it sounded like a war out there, then, some men with White Armor knocked him out, and took him. May 15, 2016. City 17. Michael has woken up, and decided to take a walk... As he went outside, he saw 3 people being arrested. He decided to ignore it, as he walked to the plaza, he saw a man on the screen, someone named "Breen" was giving a speech, he looked around, he really wanted some food, real food, not the Citizen Supplements, so he went to the Civil Workers Union and bought some fruit. He was getting the feeling that he was going to like this new world. October 10, 2017. Transfer. It was a bright and early morning in City 17, Michael was watching television, well, the only thing on his Breens Channel, then, Michael hears a knock on the door, it was the CCA, he opened it, then they told me to pack my bags because I was being transferred, he didn't resist.... October 12, 2017 Welcome, welcome to City 45. Michael has just gotten off the train, so he walked to the plaza. He saw a man named Doctor William House giving a speech, he thought his speeches were interesting to listen too. Michael went straight towards the apartments and settled in, he actually liked this city better than 17... November 8, 2017 As Michael walked the streets, he noticed that the CCA were letting people have a business permit, he thought to himself, he said "If I had a business permit, I can make tokens for selling items." So he was interviewed, and he was granted a business permit, now he owns his very own Cafe. December 12, 2017 Michael noticed a lot of crime at the city, he did not like this, not one bit. His Cafe has been robbed about 7 times already, by the same man. So Michael spent the whole day, at his Cafe, thinking... "Should I join the Universal Union?" He made his decision... 5) Have you ever had a CCA character here at Catalyst Gaming? If so, explain why it was removed. Never had a CCA. OOC Details 1. How long have you played on role-playing servers in general? 9 months 2. How long have you played on serious servers? 8 months 3. How long have you played on Catalyst Gaming? 7 months 4. What Time zone are you in? (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) 5. In what country do you live? United States 6. How old are you? 14 7. What�s your most memorable quality RP experience? My most memorable RP experience was when I was a CCA for the first time ever on some server I use to be in. 8. Do you consider yourself a good listener? Yes IC Section Full Name: Michael Beckham CID: 76385 Age: 23 Gender: Male Height: 5'11 Hair Colour Black Eye Colour: Green Sexual Orientation: Straight Weight: 145 Mental Distinctions: None Mental Defects: None Mental Advantages: None Notable Qualities: Aim, Speed, Flirting. 1. Have you ever been detained or apprehended for a Sociostability Infringement before? If so, explain? Never 2. Do you regularly eat Combine Civil Authority Issued Rations? Yes. 3. Are you willing to give your life to the cause of the Universal Union? Yes. 4. Do you as a Citizen and future Civil Protection Member accept ALL actions performed by you and those under your command as your OWN responsibility? Yes. 5. Will you remain loyal and faithful to the Universal Union as long as you live? Yes. 6. Why do you want to join the Combine Civil Authority? Michael Beckham would like to join the Combine Civil Authority because since he has been in the City of 45, he has seen a lot of crime, and not much units doing anything about it. Michael also has his own Cafe, but its been robbed about 7 times by the same person. Michael wants to arrest and beat the foolish trouble makers, he is tired of being robbed, or mugged, or his apartment being broken into, or seeing other people get beaten. Michael has even seen someone get raped before, it was very disturbing and disguising. Michael wants to change the city, and he knows he can, if he applies for the CCA. Please sign the attached oath using only blue or black pen. I, Michael Beckham hereby swear my mind, body and soul to the Universal Union forever so long as I draw breath. I do so knowing that my actions will be held accountable to me and solely myself. I also declare my knowledge that as a Member of The Universal Union that I will be required to perform tasks above and beyond as well as perform ANY task ordered to by ANY commanding person(s). I hereby acknowledge the fact that as a Civil Protection Task-force Unit that I will be losing most, if not all, communication and or past relationship with anyone outside of the Universal Union's operational bounds.
IC Chat / Re: The Wolves« on: August 06, 2012, 07:30:45 PM »Good night sweet wolves and may clouds of Admins sing thee to thy rest. Haha David, that made me laugh! XD 14
IC Chat / The Wolves are NO MORE.« on: August 06, 2012, 07:29:40 PM »
Michael Giordano, the Wolves leader, has died.