Accepted Outlands Appeals / James Powell misclick
« on: June 29, 2012, 06:28:49 PM »
Steam Name: SgtCrispyCritter
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5075628
Character Name: James Powell
Reason for the switch: I mistakenly connected to the Outlands server instead of the main one without noticing, and only realized once I'd spawned with the wrong character.
If required, write a detailed backstory on how your character left the outlands:
Time when it happened(if mis-click) About 5:15 p.m., US Central. I was on for about 30 seconds before logging off.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5075628
Character Name: James Powell
Reason for the switch: I mistakenly connected to the Outlands server instead of the main one without noticing, and only realized once I'd spawned with the wrong character.
If required, write a detailed backstory on how your character left the outlands:
Time when it happened(if mis-click) About 5:15 p.m., US Central. I was on for about 30 seconds before logging off.