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Messages - Sam Parker

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General Discussion / A problem with your Super Admin - HellZone Clan
« on: March 22, 2012, 10:15:37 PM »
To RoflWaffle and the Owners of CG,

This is a serious message, our community is having a problem with your Super Admin Kronic, this is on the HL2 RP for HellZone Clan. We don't come into your server and cause random problems or anything towards your community, and don't even play on it. The problem is that Kronic came into our server with his Alt Acount  #  56 "KRONIC HASNT FAPPED FOR 568 DAY" STEAM_0:1:15978572 04:04 ( Copied from the logs ) he did the glitch where you make your name a MPF as a citizen and minges the server. The exact name is CCA.C18.VICE.04.91184. This was copied from our chat logs:

Out of Character for OOC:
Jacky Newmen: wow dude. Change your name.
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.UNION.SqL.45558: Come to plaza then. We can sort it out
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.VICE.04.41124: Get off of that character
Out of Character for OOC:
Jacky Newmen: Whats that do anyway?
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.VICE.04.91184: I've called an admin, I'm waiting until they get on.
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.VICE.04.41124: White, Shaved head, g What is your name?
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.UNION.SqL.45558: Come to the fucking plaza NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.VICE.04.91184: No, I'm waiting for the admin.
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.UNION.SqL.45558: DOn't make me have  to look for you
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.VICE.04.91184: What are you going to do? You're nobody to decide what happens to me. Wait until the admin gets on.
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.VICE.04.41124: Come to the plaza or this will only get worse for you.
[| 5"5' Feet tall | 13...] says "Hes a dick, Dont listen to him"
** CCA.C18.UNION.05.67534 gets hits over the head
Out of Character for OOC:
CCA.C18.VICE.04.91184: Worse? There is nothing bad about it. I'm waiting for Seth to come on so he can give me the whitelist.

After leaving he rejoined and changed his steam name to: "[XxX] SOLID STATE" STEAM_0:1:15978572  the same person, we than perma banned him. Two reasons why I know this is Kronic. One he came in with the name 'Kronic hasen't fapped for 582' or whatever. And two the only person on his friends list is Kronic himself.

Like I said before we don't cause trouble on your server, but its quite fucking immature for one of your Super Admins to come in here and trolls our server, and trys to start problems. We don't play around with redundent shit like this. Please handle Kronic firmly as we don't want this to happen again. We ban people from our community who do go to other servers and start problems like this. If you don't have control of your own community, then it means your community doesn't have standards, which is pretty sad. Our community doesn't come to start problems.

- Major Pain of the HellZone Clan

P.S. From the Owner of HellZone, Killslick - Final Warning

Introductions / Sam Parker
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:12:25 PM »
Hi, I'm Sam Parker and I look forward into becoming part of Civil Protection. I am very into the ways of how Catayst RPs on their HL2RP and it is Fantastic. So forth I do enjoy the extreme seroius Role Play and that cool Brtitish Admin. How everything is so Life-Like and seroius is to be admired. I do know you guys have the only best HL2RP as of today. So will enjoy your awesome servers and hopefully lead Civil Protection one day :P

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