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Messages - Atrioc

Pages: [1]
Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 22, 2012, 04:58:47 PM »
Honestly, when it does happen China will most likely win.

General Discussion / Re: The first game you played as a child.
« on: February 22, 2012, 04:56:22 PM »
My first game was Rampage, it was great. You could choose 3 different characters and destory cities/eat people.

Introductions / Re: Hello! CG
« on: February 21, 2012, 02:47:17 PM »
Hello! I hope you enjoy your stay in Fyrestone! If you need any help, you can send me a PM or add me on Steam :)

General Discussion / Re: Dead Island
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:29:18 AM »
Sounds like what I would expect for the price of it. I just need a few more friends that actually play it (I don't have friends... :'()

General Discussion / Dead Island
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:08:09 AM »
I've been thinking about buying this game for a while, it looks really fun. My only question is, is the co-op worth it? I would love to play with a few friends, though not many have it, and a few have told me that it's not that great. What are your guy's opinions on it?

General Discussion / Re: Congrats raiden and Tomas
« on: February 17, 2012, 07:37:29 PM »
Glad to see the change in administration :) I believe this will help the community out greatly.

Introductions / Re: Introducing Myself!
« on: February 14, 2012, 05:41:01 PM »
Welcome to CG! If you ever need any help, or want to roleplay hit me up on Steam :)

Yeah send me a PM with your steam id too

EDIT: I'll be back on later tonight, or at the latest tomorrow afternoon to get this. Sorry about the wait!

EDIT: Lock this thread. His membership has been bought.

I could work that out. Add me on steam, we'll talk.

General Discussion / Re: What do you drive in real life?
« on: January 25, 2012, 10:23:42 PM »
Parked cars don't move.. 8)

Support & Help / Re: Missing textures on HL2RP City map all of a sudden?
« on: January 25, 2012, 10:22:04 PM »
This usually happens when you tab into another screen. Just Alt Tab out of your game and back in, it will reset the graphics on screen.

General Discussion / Re: What do you drive in real life?
« on: January 25, 2012, 10:12:52 PM »

A 2002 Pontiac GrandAm :) Tuned it up nicely and now it drives like a little mini beast. I'm a bit afraid of it nearing the 200,000 mile mark on the odometer though.

Introductions / Re: Atrioc's Introduction.
« on: January 22, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :)

Introductions / Atrioc's Introduction.
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:46:35 AM »
Hello everyone! I recently found this community, and a lot of the players seem very friendly. The roleplaying servers have a nice change in atmosphere from the other ones that I've seen, and are very enjoyable to play on. I figured I might as well get involved in such a great community :) I hope I'll be welcomed in!

A little about me, I've been roleplaying for a very long time. I was playing on one of Conna's first released gamemodes, "Cider" about 2 years or so ago. It was a very lite rp that gradually turned into the serious HL2RP's that are put out today. Needless to say, I believe I can roleplay fairly well, so there should be no problems on that part. Other than that, I'm very laid back and like to joke around a lot. I welcome any of you who find me in game, or want to talk, or just find my stupid puns and bad asian accents funny to add me and play sometime! I hope to see a lot of you in game!

Pages: [1]
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