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Messages - Journeyman H. [UK]

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Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 28, 2012, 01:24:22 PM »
You tripping? Iran is soon to have nukes, and with their crazy as shit dictator, we should do somthing. Not to mention Israel is itching to attack Iran. Will China get involved? No, they want to keep their exports to the West going, their not going to join a war against us. Not profitable. Will Russia join? I don't know, the thing with how their population is taking a dive tells me no.

Remember the during cold war, when Russians had nuclear missiles?
Did they set them off? No, they didn't.

Iran would not dare to fire off their nuclear missile to any country as they'd be bombed themselves, also major nations can easily intercept a nuclear missile.
China does not want the USA to go to war with Iran. For 2 reasons;
1. America is being imperialistic, far too many (unnecessary) wars been going on in the middle east.
2. 17.4% of trade is between China and Iran, and 19.5% is America and China. Ratio wise and comparing how rich both America and Iran is, I am pretty sure China does not want to lose Iran as their trading partner.

I believe you got your information from the media, which is fine, the government likes people who don't think rationally and get paranoid over foreign countries.

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 28, 2012, 06:42:16 AM »
All of you are wrong.

Iran will start it.

They just embargoed Oil exports to France and Britain, if they do it to US and the rest of the West, then we will all jump in and tear shit up. Russia will join in because they are Iran's ally, China will jump in because they are Russia's ally, North Korea will jump in because they are China's ally.

Eventually, the US will emerge victorious.

Wrong. Barack Obama stated that Iran is the "State of threat", therefore they can go to war at any time against Iran without the need of congress.

With the USA building military bases around the neighbouring countries of Iran. The USA making claims that Iran have nuclear weapons and will use them against the west. The USA accuse or suspect that Iran is hiding Bin Laden. USA giving an aggressive posture to Iran.
Would you seriously blame Iran for acting like this? No.
How would you feel if you had 'Al-Qaeda' building their military bases around the USA. You would be pretty shit scared.

Are you attempting to troll? Because it's not working.

It's smart to say that the USA are causing a lot of the problems that we face today in terms of "Terrorism". The USA is acting imperialistic towards other small countries. It is seen as bullying to everyone else and that sort of unacceptable behaviour that the politicians in the US and the United Kingdom and any other country that would be involved in such a silly war is unacceptable for mankind today to act in such a way.

Remember, if you make yourself look like you are attacking the way they live (a capitalist culture), you can receive a negative reaction from it.
Normally convincing someone of a better idea is very difficult and it requires some social engineering to convince someone. What you must remember, communism cannot function properly using the money system as well.

Explain your reasons why communism is an ideal approach by the way, that's important to know if you're going on the right track and if you're sure if it works.

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 26, 2012, 10:34:13 AM »
China takes a "Hear no evil, see no evil" approach to war. Iran may be "friendly" with China, but is China going to risk its resources over a tiny piece of land such as that? Hell no.

Yes, they would actually.
Korean war, the US were taking up most of North Korea, China rampaged their way down to the borders of South Korea.
North Korea is tiny compared to Iran.

It's irrelevant to how tiny the country is. If China is satisfied with Iran trading with each other. I am pretty damn sure that China will want their trading partner being taken over by a foreign army, China takes wars very seriously in terms of friend and foe.

What makes anyone think that 2 superpowers would never fight each other?
Superpowers always fought with each other, all the time in history. With each passing war, more and more weapons are becoming more destructive.
Do not ever dare, to think for a second that the USA is untouchable.

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:27:16 AM »
Remember, you're saying that China and America are not going to go to war? You have to be very careful on saying that, regardless of their status in military power. That is irrelevant.

Iran is backed by China, and would probably be backed by Russia too. Iran is a useful trading country to China. Now with the U.S. military bases surrounding Iran, and making claims that "Iran is now considered a threatening country" is going to cause major aggravation, and will cause some wars to start, and god forbid it might cause WWIII.
When Russia made their first nuclear bomb, America was shitting themselves, and claimed that Russia will press the nuke button at any time.
Did they? No.

It would be silly to doubt that China won't sit back and let America attack Iran. China would want to deal with this peacefully, rather than waging war against a small country. I can assure you that. If peaceful agreements are never accepted, then guarantee that China will be involved in the war, one way or another.

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 24, 2012, 08:04:18 PM »
Incapable of causing a large war. How cute. What caused WWl? The assassination of 1 man, and a lot of tension. What does the world have now? A lot of tension. Its really a matter of time, though its unlikely to happen very soon

You're actually wrong. One assassination did not make an allied nation such as Britain going "Lol I go to war against Austria Hungary just because they're attacking a country called Serbia, as a Serbian assassin killed the Arch-Duke"

Britain declared war to Germany, because Germany did 2 things that Britain was very upset about;
Attacking a neutral country so it can invade France, that really did piss off good old Britain as Belgium was declared a neutral country and had been recognised as a neutral country.
Expanding an empire across the central parts of Europe, which is threatening British empire.

Unless you're implying that Germany decided to attack Belgium to stop the conspirators of assassinating the Austrian Arch-Duke I hope to god that you are not, because I will have to tell you politely to get out of this discussion, immediately..

Serbia was not an isolated country nor was it a weak country either, and they had Russians willing to give support as well.

Also please note that monarchs and politicians played differently. Monarchs controlled the wealth of the country. Politicians do not (Unless the businesses are owned by the government, which are not and are owned by private institutions.)

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 24, 2012, 07:25:22 PM »
The people who are "Suspected" to cause World War 3;

North Korea - No, they're incapable of causing a large scale war, a lot of the contact between North Korea and any other country has been dismantled, North Korea is a very isolated country, and they won't be willing to expand their territories, unless they're given a golden opportunity, which pretty much means; Never.

China - Nope, they get their own resources from trade through countries like Iran, and China is focusing on sustainable growth and renewable resources and energy.

Russia - Never, they have plenty of natural gases to trade and use, they are also focusing on renewable energy too.

America - Most likely, because they pissed off pretty much most of the world in the middle east and Asia.

Europe - I don't see much imperialism going on, apart from the United Kingdom, but otherwise they're trolling the citizens that they have to pay higher taxes to "bail out" poor countries.

Iran - Nope, they simply have the ability to create nuclear power, how fucking cute. America has over 300 nuclear missiles and are still producing more powerful ones, Iran are, rightfully afraid of the U.S. building military bases AROUND THEIR COUNTRY.

"Al-Qaeda" or "Tu'rrism" as W pronounces - Never, they have no capability to causing a large scale war, they never will, they rely on buying foreign weapons and foreign training.

Social Discussion / Re: WW3
« on: February 24, 2012, 07:17:20 PM »
World War 3 cannot happen, but that's not the answer, the potential is very high.

With the US government and the NATO countries attacking foreign countries to "Get rid of dictators" (More like "WE NEED MORE OIL") and to 'liberate' the people is absolute nonsense, the people outside of the countries can see that happening. The western powers are forcing views on people, whilst at the same time, try and profit from wars.

Most, if not, all wars are always related about gain and advantage. Mostly revolving around resources.
Let's list the wars that are "fighting terrorism"
Iraq - Fighting Saddam Hussein for being a "Dictator" and is "Supporting terrorism", funnily enough, Iraq is one of the biggest contributors to oil trade.
Afghanistan - Fighting against the imaginary terrorist group called "Al-Qaeda", lead by Osama Bin Laden, again the country has oil and is a major contributor to opium. (Funny how the U.S. Government "Seized" their drug operation.)
Libya - Oh, fuck it you know the same bullshit, Gaddafi is a tyrant, oh dear, we're going to take that oil-- I mean, liberate the freedom fighters in Libya.
Iran - Watch out America! Prepare to shit your pants as Iran has developed Nuclear power! They have the ability to produce nuclear weapons, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT A DISASTER ITS NOT LIKE WE CAN DESTROY THE NUCLEAR MISSILE BEFORE IT REACHES ANY WESTERN POWERS. Of course, our government surely loves security and freedom, they love it so much that they threaten to go to war because a country blocked oil trade as they did not like the policies that the US are imposing on the neighbouring countries.

That being said, China has stated that they support Iran and their direction they are taking for producing nuclear power for their people, rather than relying on oil. Russia has also said they support Iran.
Now the thing is, the government are playing a very dangerous game here, they're willing to put the lives of us, people, first before the rich politicians and company owners.

The chances of a World War 3 is high, but we somehow pull it off by being "diplomatic" about a given situation. But one day, we will have a World War, and just like the previous wars, it will all be about power and wealth.
Now it's unlikely that there'll be nuclear bombs being launched against one another, that would never happen, unless the super powers were crazy enough to launch one, or some would be desperate and use a nuke when they're close to being defeated.
The sad thing is, is that everything about war nowadays, is simply about oil, and it always has been, war does nothing but give profit to the people responsible of allowing the war to happen, oil companies, governments, defence contractors, banks, anything that invests money into war, will get huge profit from it, and that's what's sickening about war.

General Discussion / Re: Stop ACTA.
« on: February 04, 2012, 03:36:12 PM »
What Mr. I know about politics forgot to notice, was that the first draft was already written and signed, in secret ofcourse.

General Discussion / Re: Stop ACTA.
« on: January 27, 2012, 01:16:14 PM »
This is what happens if the bill passes.

I am sure the bill will definately go along.

C'mon man, where's all the zombie outbreak discussions? Anyways, there is a zombie in my porche. He's "dead"? Heh, get it? "Dead"? Oh, hell with it.

The mayan calender is just merely suggesting that it would be the new age of the world.
Not a single thing will happen. Nor will anyone give a shit. Apart from conspiracy theorists.
Actually, i heard that the Mayan calendar said the world would end in the year 2011, but then they found 3 others that said the world would end in the year 1012......

Doesn't that seem just a bit weird?

You heard from where? Which source?
From what I see, the Mayans never predict the end of the world, only a new chapter of the world. The native Americans never believe the "end" of something. The reason people sparked claims that it was the end because the date would technically be 00.00.0.

Which would be the date would be 0, the month would be 0, and the year would be 0. From learning about the native Americans anyways, and what they believe in.
Also, take note that ancient civilisations happen to be excellent astronomers, so most likely an uncreditted mayan astronomer predicted the alignment of the galaxy being at a certain position, which then they used a prophecy, claiming that the world would be in a new era.

The reason people went batshit insane over it, was the date. Which they legitimately think the world would suffer a major disaster accross the entire planet.
Remember the year 2000, people went crazy because the calender of the computer returned as 1900.
I'm going to ignore any claims of a doomsday, unless I see real scientific evidence of such a disaster to arise.

Social Discussion / Re: Someone broke into my car today.
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:17:02 PM »
I don't understand. Where does the bravery come in?
All I see, is that the two-bit criminals got shit scared by someone coming out with a shotgun, threatening to give them wonderful face make-over.
Burglars don't kill people, ever, only if their life is in danger, because if they kill you, it'll attract plenty of police attention, so scaring them off or shooting them is meaningless, to be honest with you.

But yeah, atleast the window only needed replacing, just need to keep the stuff hidden up / safely locked up.

The mayan calender is just merely suggesting that it would be the new age of the world.
Not a single thing will happen. Nor will anyone give a shit. Apart from conspiracy theorists.

General Discussion / Re: Stop ACTA.
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:25:52 PM »
If ACTA passes, I can see LondonRiot_v2 happening
No, it is called:
Elder Scrolls 2: UK Lootfest
London Riots: The electric boogaloo
Or simply: GTA:London.

Anyone who claims it'll be "Blown off" or "never will happen" are uneducated when it comes to monetary economics, politics and businesses.
The first draft of ACTA has already been passed, YouTube videos stop people from certain countries viewing a video. No, 75% are not legitimate either.
Providing that you have coorperations still paying the government to pass the bills/legislations, this will never stop.
Also take into account that it will never benefit humanity, ever. It's simply designed for coorperations to take control of the internet, make more money, pay politicians, and repeat the cycle.
Dominating the market is what they want, and they're greedy for power. Remember this.

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