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Messages - BltElite

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Denied / Re: Brock Polonon's Metropolice Force Application
« on: March 02, 2014, 02:25:00 PM »
Heres a few other reasons;

Q1 isnt long enough.
Q2 is answered incorrectly.
Q3 isn't long enough,.
Q4 isn't long enough.
You don't know your own timezone.
You need some more experience within serious RP.
Your spelling and grammar is horrendous.
You continued to say every 5 minutes in shoutbox about how we should check your application, and that you'd leave it we didn't.

Denied / Re: Brock Polonon's Metropolice Force Application
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:43:51 PM »
" Brock Polonon: i will be afk in my apartment, i will be back when my app gets accepted =/"
OOC from about 5 mins ago

That is the kind of attitude we don't need within the MPF. I suggest to deny.

News and Announcements / Re: Catalyst Gaming Half Life Two Roleplay
« on: March 02, 2014, 06:00:43 AM »
Are you planning on releasing an Outlands server?

Suggestions / Re: Maor UU Food
« on: March 02, 2014, 05:32:41 AM »
We had it before, but due to being a new thing we'll have to wait for karma to dev it in

In Character / [OOC] CCA Log and message format
« on: February 28, 2014, 09:04:43 AM »
For the people who want to log their experience in the CCA or send messages to people in the CCA.

The title for logs should be: <::||Rank.Unit's Private/Experience Logs||::>
(EX: <::||OfC.### Private Logs||::>

The title for messages should be: <::||Your Rank.Unit [To] [InsertNameHere] Rank.Unit Message||::>
(EX: <::||OfC.### [TO] DvL.### Message||::>

Form for LOGS:
Code: [Select]
[b]CLEARANCE:[/b] [/size]
[center][b]Enter Password:[/b] ************[/center]
[center][size=15pt][color=green][b]ACCESS GRANTED[/b][/color][/size][/center]

[center]Connecting to Network
[color=limegreen]CONNECTION ESTABLISHED[/color][/center]

[color=navy]New Log Opened: [/color]

<::|| ASDF text ||::>

[color=navy]Saving File As: [/color]
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
[color=blue][b]File Saved[/b][/color]

[b]Disconnecting[/b] C##.MPF.DIVISION-RANK.###
Console Shut Down.
[color=red]CONNECTION LOST[/color]

Form for MESSAGES:
Code: [Select]
[b]CLEARANCE:[/b] [/size]
[center][b]Enter Password:[/b] ************[/center]
[center][size=15pt][color=green][b]ACCESS GRANTED[/b][/color][/size][/center]

[center]Connecting to Network
[color=limegreen]CONNECTION ESTABLISHED[/color][/center]

[color=navy]New File Opened: msg.0000001[/color]
[b]Send To:[/b] [message recipient]
[b]Subject:[/b] [message subject]

<::|| ASDF text ||::>

[color=navy]Saving File As: msg.0000001[/color]
Saving File...
Saving File...
Saving File...
[color=blue][b]File Saved[/b][/color]

[b]Disconnecting[/b] C##.MPF.DIVISION-RANK.###
Console Shut Down.
[color=red]CONNECTION LOST[/color]

Credits to whoever made them, think its tittles but do correct me

Support & Help / Re: HL2RP Character Reference Image
« on: February 28, 2014, 05:10:33 AM »
So I have the perfect image for my character lined up. The problem is, it's an image of a fairly well-known actor (Richard Madden; played Robb in Game of Thrones). So long as my character isn't based off of him, am I able to use the picture as my reference?

EDIT: Character nicknames require admin auths, right? But what if your character's name is Joshua and you want the nickname to just be Josh?
As long as you dont either of the names its fine, you can say you look like this image but try not to do the exact features, change them slightly.

You can put the first name as Josh if you wish or just IC'ly tell people "i prefer to be called Josh".

News and Announcements / Re: Catalyst Gaming Half Life Two Roleplay
« on: February 28, 2014, 05:07:58 AM »
Just a question, will HL2RP have an ingame buy menu?
Its using clockwork so will have the business menu as it normally has. If you mean the cg credits buy menu, there isn't one as of current to my knowledge.

Suggestions / Re: rez spam
« on: February 28, 2014, 02:04:03 AM »
As long as its monitpredby a couple admins who won't get butthurt easily and can tell when its targeted flaming on a scale I don't see a problem with it

Suggestions / Re: Divisions and recruits
« on: February 09, 2014, 07:29:43 AM »
You're making it sound like in schools when your 10 where everyone lines up and people pick teams based on what they know about them. I don't really like it if thats what you mean

Suggestions / Re: blackmarket flags
« on: February 06, 2014, 08:45:38 AM »
I think certain items should be removed, along with the fact that the standard v flag shouldnt money every so often. For organisations that have the supplies, a separate flag that grants some money to buy the better items with

Suggestions / Re: authorizations
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:16:23 PM »
Cow, your using different examples that don't tie into a proper rogue unit RP. Less admin intervention will mean mainly in smaller things as examples you gave, not within large scale happenings such as a rogue unit. You can't just think oh its stopping RP, you have to look at all sides of what that rogue unit will cause, and its something you don't want to happen every two days - hence a regulation on rogue units.

Suggestions / Re: About Uniform and Zealot
« on: January 28, 2014, 04:54:05 AM »
Those were the two DvL and OfC back in the day when I joined the CCA as recruit. And I liked it a lot.
It was simple, clear, and I had fun in RP. No drama either. Why can't it just be like that?

literally what we have planned for uniform, people should stop trying to take it down before we've even got it up yet~

also yeah it was either me or kaz who was the first HC in uniform, before it was just a squad with rcts and no HC, i think it was me in ofc at first, then i got moved to dvl as i asked for a 2nd guy to help me and that was kaz (i think so anyway)
that was it, you were ofc then went to dvl and grabbed kaz

but yeah, the old way of the standard divsions worked fine, all this amalgamating won't work.

Those of you who say having less HC dedicated to it will work better really need to do some maths and logic.

Less units training means better? having HC dedicated to training recruits is better, as thats all they are solely around for (and other rp in other cases etc). And even so, you'd just end up having a TrO rank or more HC in the standard divsions to compensate.

Suggestions / Re: About Uniform and Zealot
« on: January 28, 2014, 03:28:00 AM »
You guys are going off experiences you've had within the last year or so with UNIFORM, which weren't exactly uniforms, the cca's or hl2rp's best times.

Back in 2011 when hl2rp started properly (again for the oldold fags) and uniform was led by somebody else and then smt, it was at a great point and performing to a great standard, as were all the other divisions (with their old names which i still prefer).

Theres nothing wrong with the system of the divisions and what they do, its just you have to get the right people for the job who are dedicated. Its normally a good idea to switch DvL's every so often anyway to stop it getting stale both for the person and the divsion.

Suggestions / Re: About Uniform and Zealot
« on: January 27, 2014, 07:38:39 AM »
Just a point about uniform - you say dvl's and officers changed every 2-3 months, that was fairly common in most of the divsions, otherwise the divsion itself would end up being stale unless the dvl stayed active and came up with new ideas all the time (not a dig at any dvl that was in 3+ months, you guys were the good ones).

UNIFORM is and has been the best way for CG to bring units in since the start. HELIX happened and whatever the other one was and that just broke everything. Maybe if you had the ground support divsion as the main one that brought in units and they then trasnferred to the med/eng divsion to specialise that could work better than 4 divsions, but that could cause problems.

Suggestions / Re: Ration distribution
« on: January 18, 2014, 05:35:43 PM »
I think the best idea here would be have an automatic one where you can get it every 4 hours or something but then the CCA can run them when enough units are about, to give both the CCA something to do and allow the citizens to get more stuff interact with each other etc. Getting rations from the cca would also not count towards the 4 hour timer

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